I know that there are a lot of other artists out there that pick a charity for tax purposes without really having a personal connection to the cause, but not Jimmy Wayne -- Jimmy "talks the talk" and "walks the walk" for a cause I know he is truly passionate about.
Jimmy intends to brave the frigid winter climate and walk halfway across America to raise funds for at-risk youth. He knows from his own experience what it is like to be an at-risk child and to be a homeless child. He credits his success in life to his foster parents who met him halfway by taking a chance on him, helping him to turn his life around.
If you ever met Jimmy, you know he is a passionate and compassionate guy. He is a giver, not a taker. He is now using his celebrity to give back and to bring attention to the plight of homeless children and young adults -- especially those youth who leave the system with no direction or resources and are literally turned out on the street without recourse.
On January 1, 2010, Jimmy will be venturing out on foot to trek from Nashville, TN to Phoenix, AZ hoping to raise awareness and funds for these youth. Don't expect Jimmy to be walking during the day and relaxing in a four-star hotel -- Jimmy is dedicated and driven. He will be walking in whatever weather January decides to deliver and plans to sleep on the ice-cold ground just as many of our youth do on a daily basis. (This is actually a dangerous venture, with susceptibility for illness and complications such as frostbite and on another note--street crime).
Jimmy asks that you "Meet Me Halfway" (as his trek is called)(in conjunction with HomeBase Youth Services) and calls each of us to action:
"Because I was helped when I needed it, I want to try and help now. If the bit of celebrity I have can help me raise awareness of this situation --that there are kids and young people out there who need our help, then I feel like I have accomplished my goal. I'm not asking people to come out and walk with me, but I am asking them to meet me halfway by getting involved-- donate money, adopt a kid, learn more about the foster child/foster parent program in your local community. There's so much one person can do, and so many ways they can make a difference. It just takes one person to help someone to a better life."
Please go visit Jimmy's official website and read more about his walk and how you can meet him halfway.
I personally ask that if you are reading my blog that you also support Jimmy in prayer while he is on his journey for both his protection and the success of this charity event. Also, say a prayer for these children as well and that God speaks to hearts concerning each child individually.
Matthew 25:34-35 "Then the King will say to those at His right, 'Come, my Father's blessed ones, receive your inheritance of the Kingdom which has been divinely intended for you ever since the creation of the world. For when I was hungry, you gave me food; when I was thirsty, you gave me drink; when I was homeless, you gave me a welcome.'"
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