As you know, my blog is called Heart-throscopy -- my word for taking a little peek into my heart. Actually, I don't share a lot of personal stuff in my blogs and mostly write about music or certain artists. I write about music because I love it, but please don't misunderstand --I love music because it is a vehicle in which God can work on people's hearts. This is one reason I prefer artists that are humble and are sensitive to God because they put out a positive message which can benefit others.
Sometimes music uplifts your spirits and can help you heal or give you joy. Other times, music can make you remember, reflect, and appreciate certain things in your life. I guess that is one of the meanings of the old saying means "Music soothes the savage beast." (I always forget if the period goes before or after the parenthesis.. oh well)
Many people are unaware that it is because of the hand of God that I was able to write for a music magazine, meet many artists, share with them about God's love, and keep them in my prayers that God will draw them and use them. I don't like "celebrity" per se, but celebrity can be used for good if that person realizes they are in that position because God has put them there for a purpose.
Soooo, all this rambling is for a reason. This past Monday I attended a Concert for Kids to benefit St. Jude' Hospital which was held in Connecticut. A few of my favorite guys played --Bucky Covington and Jimmy Wayne (who took a quick detour from his trek for the benefit). But instead of writing about that concert, I want to use this post for Jimmy Wayne's project. (Thank you Bucky Covington for also supporting Jimmy Wayne's project)
God's hand is all over singer/songwriter Jimmy Wayne. I have been so touched and moved by Jimmy's Campaign "Meet Me Halfway." If you read my previous blog about this, you may already know that Jimmy is putting himself out there in a big way for children in the foster care system who "age out" and are sent out into the world without resources and, therefore, unprepared and homeless. Jimmy was one of those children and wants to use his experience to help others in the same situation. (Thank you Jimmy for using your "Gift of Experience")
Following Jimmy daily on his trek from Nashville to Phoenix, amidst intolerable weather conditions, has been an extremely heart-tugging experience for those of us who are situated in Jimmy's blackberry. (Connected by technology and ready to support him and respond to his contact in an instant) (Opps, I forgot that Jimmy moved us from his Blackberry to his Android)
Jimmy started his journey on January 1, 2010 and has spent most of each day walking, thinking, and talking to his viewers. The reality of simulating a homeless teen has brought back memories of his life on the streets which is becoming "rocket-fuel" for his cause. He is reflective, he is thankful, he is inquisitive, and he is determined.
From my own experiences of working with adolescents -- in detention centers, in hospitals, in churches, and on the streets,I can tell you that the problem of homeless teenagers is one that not given much media coverage or thought of for that matter by the mainstream. Hopefully, with Jimmy's and your help, that will change.
Please examine your hearts, see what role God would like you to take in sharing his love and helping the next generation of our country to become self-supporting and productive citizens. There are so many ways we each can help both actively and passively.
Jimmy Wayne would also like you to get the word out about this quiet epidemic. Please tell others about his MMH campaign and if you can donate even just $1.00 to it, you can do so on his website. MEET ME HALFWAY
Follow Jimmy Wayne on twitter jimmywayne
(No you do not have to sign up to twitter to read his page)
And watch Jimmy's live Ustream broadcasts daily -- But make sure you keep a big box of tissues with you ...just in case. LIVE AND ARCHIVED USTREAMS
You might like to start with this Ustream where Jimmy gets real and will make you truly examine your own heart.
Please also check out Dreamainky's blog regarding Meet Me Halfway HERE.
Jimmy Wayne is opening eyes, ears, hearts, and hopefully also wallets.

(picture of JW's MMH card courtesy of julietcat67)
Please support Jimmy Wayne's sponsors: HisCall (telecommunications), Marmot (outwear and equipment), and a special thank you Capital Hotel in Little Rock, Arkansas for the generosity and hospitality.
James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
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