My precious sister wrote this a while back of her experience many decades ago. I recently came across it again and felt it was something to share with the world. Please read it with the love and sincerity in which it was written:
Posted by my beautiful sister "NoSmallStir":
I am posting this here in response to someone's question about how I became a Christ follower. The bunny trail stories are wonderful adventures, but I would have no life if I had to type them all. Anyway, here is a basic snippet of my journey to becoming a Christ follower:
I was Catholic by upbringing, raised Catholic, baptized, confirmed, after all I am Irish/Italian... therefore, everyone was Catholic. Actually my mother and father were ‘creasters’… people that went to church on Christmas and Easter, however I attended parochial school. I had issues with some nuns there. I had sincere questions, i.e. “If God loves us, why can’t we just talk to Him without going through a saint or Mary?” “If Jesus died for the sins of the world, how come I have to tell the priest and not him that I am sorry”, “If Jesus is my friend and brother, why do I have to talk to his mother and not him”. “Why can my friend come to church with me but I can’t go to her church?” Etc. etc. At this time in my life I was not being a smart-ass, I totally sincere. I really wanted to know. I wasn’t a Catholic basher; I was a sweet little girl who thought about things.
Sometime around 3rd or 4th grade I realized the Easter Bunny was a sham...Santa & God went right with him... God hung in there a little longer…however…not much longer. By the time I was 13, a young hunk in the neighborhood I hung out in ( Bradley Ave), who was studying to be a priest, enlightened all of us teens that the bible was not true, that it was allegorical, and Adam and Eve were protozoa. Well, that put the nail in God's coffin... At least the God of the bible… I left the door open for some kind of God… but basically one that would cover every person’s belief… maybe just a force… hadn’t defined it, didn’t need to, decided that religion was just a philosophy used to control the mindless masses.
Enter my true teen years ... socially, all the moral norms were in an upheaval. My code of living was if you “believe it”, and “it works for you”, then it is good. If it “feels good or right… DO IT!.” I truly believe you could do what ever you wanted, as long as you didn't hurt people. If there was a God, he was not that intimately involved in our lives. But, like I said, I wasn't so sure there was one...
Bottom line, I was “nice” to people ... and I did what I thought was the right thing to do. I had integrity, I lived what I believed.
As time went on I clearly began to believe in a spirit realm or world, in ghosts, poltergeist and the like. I was one of those people whose Ouija board actually moved without pushing. Yes, it did work, it did spell things and communicate things… NO, my friends did not push it. We could do the “Look Ma, no hands” and it would still work. (Years later when I was just out of my teens it said some heinous things.. frightfully heinous. I then determined THAT spirit was not a blithe spirit. (My friend and I burned that sucker in my tub).
I also liked tarot cards, and even began the steps in becoming a witch. (I would have been a 'good' witch... I was a "good" person.) I loved nature, I loved “magic”, I had interests in all metaphysical things and was very ‘open-minded”.
Eventually some logic/questions began to dawn on me... Why in some of the rituals that I read, did I have to denounce the monotheistic God of the Jews and Jesus? Why not other religious leaders? Why at all? hmmmm... I wasn't comfortable with that ... made me think there might be something to those systems of belief… or at least the Divine. I knew I believed in the spirit realm, I had experiences that convinced me. (In America isn’t it all about personal experience? Don’t we base all “truth” on what WE experience?
Why was it easier to believe in the metaphysical realm, the spiritual dimension? But not a God that had a will, personality and something to say... hmmmm... Well, those thoughts curtailed some of my occult activity. "If in doubt, do without" ... the nasty Ouija board convinced me of the reality of evil.
Soon I laid those thoughts aside and continued to enjoy my life as a free, modern, independent woman... (I began living on my own at the age of 19, and became a free modern woman by the time I was 21.)
During that time, especially with the addition of some nursing school under my belt, I came to the conclusion that there was not really “a God”, well not an all knowing supreme being that religions claim, in fact I often felt convinced that there was no ‘god’ at all. That belief’s that people held were just comforting answers to fill in the blanks. I considered myself an atheist for a long period of time. Time marched on… then… few years later...
My older sister, (Miss goody two shoes; never smoked, never drank, never had sex...sheesh.. what a know the type..) became a 'BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIAN"... OH PLEASE!!!! Every time I was around that “Know it all sister” of mine was telling me I was “going to hell” for this or that. (Perhaps she didn't say it quite like it, but that was the gist.)
My sister kept telling me that God was real, my "SIN" separated me from him, and that meant when I died, I would be eternally separated from Him..." (Yeah right.. uh huh... HELL>>>SIN>> ooh I am scared!--NOT). However, since I did not believe in that primitive, ignorant concept of “hell”, it was pointless.
Being somewhat rebellious and impish, during that period of time, I took my opportunity to mock my sister. My favorite sport was to have my sister come over and tell us (my roommate Gail and I) about "Jesus. Before she would come, we would have some wine, or a joint, lay some seeds around... empty glasses, maybe a tarot card or that infamous Ouija board. When my sister would talk to us about God and we would get the major giggles... What fun we thought it was. (I was a brat huh? Mean even… yes, mean was hidden in my humor and behavior & sarcasm for years – but that is another story).
This continued for a few years. Until one day when I overheard my father and stepmother speaking of my sister in a derogatory manner. I did not like that at all. I could do what ever I wanted, it was my sister and I still loved her... but I didn't like the nasty things they were saying about her; it wounded me. (My sister was/is a highly intelligent, professional woman, and I was insulted at the things that were said about her).
I wanted to HELP my poor sister...So, I set out on a quest to show my sister, that all religions lead to God, and that the bottom line, was that it didn't matter what you believed,. As long as you were sincere, didn’t hurt, judge or infringe on people.
For nearly a year, I researched different religions, belief systems, philosophies, etc. I really respected intelligence and mental acuity; therefore, I set out on the intellectual road. Often speaking to the learned professional people I worked with. (I was an assistant social worker at the time. and I had access to a great pool of minds and diverse backgrounds.)
One of the odd things that kept surfacing was that there was no religion, or history like that of the Jews. Even archeology supported some of their outlandish claims. Hmmm... I found that was quite interesting. At the time, one of the things that stood out to me about the Jewish faith was that their God spoke to them and was interested in relationship. Like Moses, Abraham and others. I sort of thought that was neat. (If it were true) I had known that other spirits interacted with humanity through some interesting experiences throughout my life.
I had some neat conversations with a friend's husband who was a brain surgeon studying to be a Rabbi. (From Israel no less.) He gave me some very interesting books... (Eventually those same books would lead me to a belief in Jesus--but he didn't realize that).
During this research, after my curiosity was piqued about the God of the Hebrews, I began "talking to the air." I would say things like "If you exist, then you can hear me... yada yada yada."
It was all logical to me. Let’s face it… IF God really did exist, it would be important to know him. If He did exist, I wanted to know. I wanted to know HIM, not know OF him... I wanted a relationship like the guys in the Old Testament that had conversations with him. That had lives that were profoundly impacted by his guidance. Sounded cool to Me. After all, he would be better to know than a president, king or actor. Sure we can read about celebrities and people in history.. But to KNOW them… THAT IS PRICELESS. So, if that were true, and possible, and if there was “a God” he could hear me and respond, if not… well, I was right!
When I would drive around “talking to the air,” I would say things like.. IF you are really there, then I really want to know. Let me know you are there... if you hear this, then do thus and such... (Real goofy, or difficult stuff, like answer a question, or have a friend I had not seen since 3rd grade call me. Dumb stuff and profound stuff.) I have many stories to insert here, but too many bunny trails and too many words for you to read.
I sort of made a bell hop of God. But I did it not to be a jerk or to test HIM, my heart was totally sincere. I lived in an area that was like the home of the Cults & occult. I didn't want to become religious, or sucked into a cult. By this time my heart was earnest and truly searching for truth. I morphed from trying to calm down my sister and make her more appropriate to wanting to know for myself.
God was incredibly gracious toward me. I could take up pages of text with the stories about those answers. (And perhaps I will blog some of them as time goes on.) Suffice it to say, there were so many, it defied coincidence. They were so perfect, it defies random chance. Eventually, God convinced this cynic that He Was. That He really WAS...Unlike the Easter Bunny, or Santa… HE really did exist!
I was convinced beyond a doubt that God existed and was He was the same God that revealed Himself to and created the Jewish people.
Eventually, using the Old Testament, He showed me where Jesus fit in, as well as where I fit in the grand scheme. That too was a neat twist to the story. While embracing the truth of Judaism, I find the Messiah and ended up a believer in Jesus as the Messiah...go figure.
Once all of that was settled, I read the bible, and for the first time in my life, I could understand it. One thing I did understand was that the things I questioned in St. Ursula's school that got me labeled "Impertinent" were answered in those pages. I found freedom, truth, love and lots of neat things.
I thought that it was all was AWESOME… and decided that when I turned 40, after I had done more living, and was an old boring adult, married with kids, I would become a true follower of Christ. After all, I did not want to be a hypocrite, how I could say I was a Christian and live my own way. I was not yet ready to become religious and give up my fun life so, until then, it was great knowing that God existed and I would use that information later.
Weird thing though...once I had made that conscious decision (to put God on the shelf), all of the "coincidences" and things that I had come to know as evidence of the "presence of God" ceased. It stopped so abruptly that it was noticeable. The silence was loud and it was eerie! After all for nearly a year my life was consumed with the quest for truth and the interaction with it was void again. Suffice it to say, that for about a week or so it remained that way until I had a number of epiphanies; such as, I had no guarantees that I would make it to age 40; that God had gone over and above the norm to reveal Himself to me and maybe it would not be too cool to ignore Him and die without doing business with Him....And other things that pushed me to a decision.
I remember the decision and the day well. April fool’s day to be exact. I went from being the fool of one master to the fool of THE MASTER. What pushed me over the edge was a combination of the importance of making a decision NOW when I KNEW I was breathing, coupled with a bunch of near death accidents and the explanation of the Gospel from a psychiatric social worker I met. Where "escaping hell" as a motivation did absolutely nothing. (Why should I care to escape a place I didn’t believe in?) A greater understanding of God motivated me. I recognized that God was so ineffable and loving that he chose to create not puppets, but free willed beings that could choose to love Him. That He created us to share His character, His love, and have relationship with him. That He had to pour out His love, as he was just being HIM. I saw the world and myself as constantly “giving him the finger.” Yes, that is exactly what I thought and what I said to him. There he was, beckoning us, desiring us to have relationship with Him and trust him with our lives and we were busy flipping him the bird by doing our own thing and declaring ourselves as gods and lord of our own life. It moved me with great pain...I was struck that He chose to be affected by us and that he so loved… I was very very very sorry indeed. I was way too aware of all the areas that I fell short, but mostly of my pride, arrogance, psuedo intellectualism and hubris. I hurt God… I did not anger Him, I broke His heart and it broke mine. I dropped to my kitchen floor and wept. I would never be the same.
In the beginning I started out a "closet Christian." For one thing, I didn't want my sister to know!!! I did not wish to admit that she was right! Also, at that time I was also quite insecure and a MAJOR people pleaser and did not want rejection. People would think me a nut, my reputation would be ruined!
Eventually, much to my chagrin at the time, I had to come out of the closet. A combination of me growing and healing as a person along with the reality of God and truth versus this virtual world we value.
Within a few years I had turned into a Jesus Freak! (I asked him not to...that day I so graciously offered him my life that was my ONE request! However, He ignored me).
If my life were a book or a movie, I would title it "Adventures with God." And boy has it been! Have I got many very very cool stories. Touching stories... Precious treasure from dark times in my life.. And best of all, a totally different understanding of who God is than I had of the mean offence-counter, finger wagging, angry God of my Catholic upbringing. (I am happy to see that over the last few years, God had moved upon the Catholic Church and has set them free of many of their erroneous judgments of God & weird rules & regs. A recent pope, was filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and encouraged reading of the Bible.. That has to be a good thing!)
Up to date... Knowing that God has a larger perspective on people and situations, I always include him in major decisions and depend on him for wisdom, guidance, etc. My life is not my own.. I traded my life for His life.. (I made out in the deal). I made out BIG TIME!
Oh, and as far as “Hell” is concerned. I came to believe in it. After coming to a place where I believed that Jesus was exactly who he said he was I had to acknowledge that he spoke about hell so many times that it must be real. There were many things like that I had to just “trust” him about when I could not wrap my mind around it or wanted to! But if Jesus said it, then that settles it. Who am I going to trust on he bottom line? Reality based on my perception and knowledge or on what God says? So...Hell is real. Years after coming to that conclusion, I also realized that it was quite logical, that if God is good and life and light and love… and God cannot not dwell with evil and sin, then Hell is a place totally devoid of God--that means it is a hopeless, agonizing place. I am not motivated by fear of it as Jesus restored my relationship with him.
[Update 2010: It has been 33 years since that day I lay on the floor of the kitchen on 27 College Avenue in what is now Sleep Hollow. I have grown so much in so many ways. I have enjoyed a wonderful relationship with God. Jesus referred to him in a term of endearment of the day which would be our equivalent of "Daddy" and that is what I like to refer to him as. But He is much more of course and depending on my interaction with him, what I call him changes. He could care less about the formality or informality of the words; it is the heart that matters.
I am humbled that this caustic, impish, prideful girl was pursued and transformed by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob into the person that I am today. Who am I? A human that knows that she knows--that she knows--that God is, and who He is and knows the knowable parts of Him and is growing in that relationship more and more.
I feel humbled at all the incredible ways throughout these 33 years that God has shown be that He is involved in my life. From silly silly little things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of life to tremendously big things. From Heavenly hugs to major life altering experiences.
I want this for everyone. I love my fellow man and hurt when I see people not free to be who they were meant to be, or people being like lemmings and believing things that they themselves have not thought through and sought on their own. Life is so much more when you walk with Him! You truly become alive… and yet, the best is yet to come.
Thanx for reading :)
I would love if you would share your own stories in the comments.
xoxo ME
Friday, March 11, 2022
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Hey guys -- it's been a minute or a decade actually :)
Hey guys,
I recently came across one of my old Heart-Throscopy blog posts and said to myself "Wow, it's been a minute or literally a decade"!
So, I think it's about time I resurrect Heart-Throscopy (the little peek into my heart) for the sake of love and life.
God knows who will even read this, but even if only one does, I hope to touch your heart.
I am hoping to contribute a little space in the cyber expanse that covers the globe.
Here's to tomorrow ...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Scotty McCreery and Lauren Alaina -- You Are On Your Way!

It's been almost a week since Scotty McCreery, the high school baseball pitcher and grocery store bagger from North Carolina, won this season's American Idol crown.
If you follow me on Twitter, you know I was very excited on finale night. I love when artists that a real, humble, and appreciative are noticed. I am very happy for Scotty and for Lauren Alaina who won second place -- what an amazing job!
I believe we are all put on earth equipped with special talents and an individual purpose. If we trust God to guide us, He will reveal them and use us for good. I believe that Scotty and Lauren are doing just that and in doing so can touch a million hearts with the love of God and bring millions of smiles around the world.
I pray that having crazy work schedules and being in a tough industry that these two will be protected and guided on each step of their life's journey. I ask that God continue to minister to them so that they grow deeper in their faith and are able to spend quality time with the Lord.
Scotty chose one of my favorite Josh Turner tunes as his audition song. Take a listen (courtesy of haiyde) and even if you don't like the musical genre, I bet you will enjoy the performance:
'Til my next computer boot--group hug!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Jason Michael Carroll ... Noticing Numbers!

I love technology and social media. It allows you to keep on the pulse of what is happening around the world in real time--and allows you to hear new music as is heads out of the gate.
As you know, I love music, and have interviewed artists and reviewed CDs for a music magazine, so I listen to a lot of it. Everyone has an opinion and opinions are just that--and I have mine ;)
So, recently thanks to social media, I heard the soon-to-be-released single by Jason Michael Carroll entitled "Numbers". I really enjoyed this lighthearted song. Jason with his amazing God-given voice sings about the daily presence of 'numbers all around, flying up and down' before us. The way Jason throws out the significance of certain numbers brought me back to how Billy Joel threw snippets at us in "We Didn't Start the Fire". It made you carefully listen to the lyrics while bopping along to the song. I listen and I bop to 'Numbers'!
Those of you that know me or that read my blog, will surely pick up on my favorite numerical references in the song-- "John 3:16" and "The Second Coming". Don't let those numbers just pass you by because they are two of the most important numbers of our lives!
Jason has partnered with Cracker Barrel and his new CD will be available around July 26. In the meantime, head over to iTunes and follow him on Twitter @JMCOfficial and visit his official site HERE
Jason Michael Carroll is a country cutie, husband, daddy, and former U.S. Marine --using his God-given gift.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Wow.. Has it Really Been That LONG????
I can't believe that I haven't actually sat down to write on the computer since December!!
I am busy tweeting but have not sat down to share all my thoughts in more than a limited amount of characters.
I have been very busy this last year so for those that have followed my blog in the past--I'm sorry and I hope to actually sit down and blog again soon.
Happy belated Resurrection Day! He is Risen!
Much love and hugs,
I am busy tweeting but have not sat down to share all my thoughts in more than a limited amount of characters.
I have been very busy this last year so for those that have followed my blog in the past--I'm sorry and I hope to actually sit down and blog again soon.
Happy belated Resurrection Day! He is Risen!
Much love and hugs,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Thank you Jimmy Wayne -- Meet Me Halfway
First off.... Hello World... I know I have been giving you the same excuse now for the last year it seems, but honestly--it's the truth so I'm sorry I have not had time to blog. I hope to get back online again..I trust that WILL happen.
Have you been keeping up with singer Jimmy Wayne's Project Meet Me Halfway?
If you haven't, please check out MEET ME HALFWAY.
Jimmy will also be on the CBS Christmas Special "Home for the Holidays" on December 22nd along with other artists you may know. Check your listings for your area -- Don't miss it!!
I want to thank Jimmy Wayne because he has brought the plight of kids aging out of foster care and becoming homeless into the light--and into my awarenes.
This week it has been super freezing all along the East Coast-- even Florida! Some states have been crippled with snow and it's only December. I love a white Christmas but it's a little early yet. This morning the weatherman described today as freezing, blustery, and biting .. ouch! I felt it as I was cleaning the snow off of my car and my fingers began to get numb. I hurried into the house to warm up. Thank you Lord that I have that option.
I started to remember last year when I watched Jimmy live on Ustream huddling in his tent on the side of the road in a blustery winter snow storm. It made me think of the kids and people that are homeless and living on the street today. I know for a fact that there are many that take cover in Central Park in NYC at night because I have done some Midnight Runs to that area.
(I also see a few people in my area that I believe live on the street)
I know I am just one person, but one is better than none, so I looked for something that I could find that would be a blessing even if just in a small way. Thank you Lord that I found something in so simple and easy yet wonderful. For only 86cents, I can buy a pair of handwarmers that keep hands warm for 10 hours! (and I am sure they could work in shoes too).
I am really excited to find these and so I am sharing them with you. Yes, they are in our store, but I am more excited to share them because of the blessing they will give to someone this winter. The few pennies we will receive if you purchase any warmers will go right back into my buying more to hand out as well. I'm not twisting anyone's arm so please don't look at it that way. If you do, you do -- If you don't, you don't. I am ...
If you do think this is something that might be helpful for yourself or others, click here for the HAND WARMERS.
You only need register as a preferred customer to be able to purchase from our store (all information is safe).
Be blessed and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Cathy Anne
Have you been keeping up with singer Jimmy Wayne's Project Meet Me Halfway?
If you haven't, please check out MEET ME HALFWAY.
Jimmy will also be on the CBS Christmas Special "Home for the Holidays" on December 22nd along with other artists you may know. Check your listings for your area -- Don't miss it!!
I want to thank Jimmy Wayne because he has brought the plight of kids aging out of foster care and becoming homeless into the light--and into my awarenes.
This week it has been super freezing all along the East Coast-- even Florida! Some states have been crippled with snow and it's only December. I love a white Christmas but it's a little early yet. This morning the weatherman described today as freezing, blustery, and biting .. ouch! I felt it as I was cleaning the snow off of my car and my fingers began to get numb. I hurried into the house to warm up. Thank you Lord that I have that option.
I started to remember last year when I watched Jimmy live on Ustream huddling in his tent on the side of the road in a blustery winter snow storm. It made me think of the kids and people that are homeless and living on the street today. I know for a fact that there are many that take cover in Central Park in NYC at night because I have done some Midnight Runs to that area.
(I also see a few people in my area that I believe live on the street)
I know I am just one person, but one is better than none, so I looked for something that I could find that would be a blessing even if just in a small way. Thank you Lord that I found something in so simple and easy yet wonderful. For only 86cents, I can buy a pair of handwarmers that keep hands warm for 10 hours! (and I am sure they could work in shoes too).
I am really excited to find these and so I am sharing them with you. Yes, they are in our store, but I am more excited to share them because of the blessing they will give to someone this winter. The few pennies we will receive if you purchase any warmers will go right back into my buying more to hand out as well. I'm not twisting anyone's arm so please don't look at it that way. If you do, you do -- If you don't, you don't. I am ...
If you do think this is something that might be helpful for yourself or others, click here for the HAND WARMERS.
You only need register as a preferred customer to be able to purchase from our store (all information is safe).
Be blessed and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Cathy Anne
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Congratulations to Bucky Covington -- He is engaged!

[Photo credit -- FLorida Cathy]
I'm not going to make any excuses for not blogging lately and I know I was mid-way through my story.... but I am so busy that I haven't even turned on my computer. I guess I could blog from my droid, but it is easier to tweet and read my emails on the run than sit down at the desk.
I promise I will get back soon (in case you missed me) -- I just need to be stationary for a minute and sit down at the computer.
For those of you that read my blog, you already know who Bucky Covington is --so no need to tell you that .. well, I haven't seen Bucky Covington or the beautiful lady in his life since last month, but word has it from the street that the couple is wearing big smiles and that Miss Katherine is wearing a beautiful engagement ring! Sooooo someone got engaged for their birthday? Wooohooo!
To Bucky and Katherine... not sure when I will see you at this moment, but I just wanted to say that you guys know I love you and pray for your wonderful life together. I am soooo thrilled at the news! Anyone that has seen the two of you together knows how much love you have for one another. CONGRATS AND HUGS
Saturday, August 21, 2010
short pause
Been a busy week. Just taking a short pause to catch my breath.
Be back in a day or so.
Be back in a day or so.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My Journey Halfway Across America with Jimmy Wayne (Project Meet Me Halfway)

Hey All --
As you may or may not know already, this past weekend Jimmy Wayne completed his journey from Nashville to Phoenix(even after breaking his ankle he finished the last 5 miles!) I am soooo proud of this guy, my eyes were filled with tears of joy when he reached his destination. (No, I could not make it to Phoenix and I really, really, wanted to be there to share this with him and the other MMHers, but I did listen, watch, and cry.)
Rather than report the finale event, I am blogging about my experience during JW's walk. Please check out Jimmy Wayne’s official Project Meet Me Halfway site to read about the finale events covered by multiple media HERE.
Jimmy's intention is to bring awareness to the situation of teens aging out of the foster care system before they are equipped to be emancipated (something jw experienced himself). Once the kids reach a certain age, that chapter in their lives is ended and they are thrown out into the world-- many unable to support themselves, ending up homeless, in jail, dead, in sex slavery. So, before I start Part 2, please say a prayer for this generation of teens that are searching, that are aging out of foster care, that are without parents, that are homeless.
From the moment Jimmy ("JW") took his first step, I was one of hundreds of people (which eventually grew to thousands!) who was glued to the computer or attached to a cell phone waiting for a tweet, a facebook/myspace post, or a live ustream broadcast. In fact, because JW was continually broadcasting live from his droid (it's a really cool everything but the kitchen sink kinda cell phone--more popular than the iPhone), many fans purchased their own droids --and, yes I did!-- Mind you, I needed a new phone and I was seriously considering the iPhone, but thanx to JW, I went droidy :)
(so now I also broadcast from my droid on the channel "cathyanne").
Little did Jimmy know that the winter he decided to walk across the south would be more like surviving in the frozen tundra. Just to clarify, when I say JW walked, he really walked and walked alone for the most part--sleeping outside on the side of the road! No four-star hotel or five-course dining! Jimmy took this approach to simulate the life of a homeless teen for the world. He was blessed by the kindness of strangers leaving him food or inviting him into their home for a meal or a night's sleep.
This blog is about my journey with JW--one of the people at the other end of his droid in Twitterville, but I am only one of many and I can only tell my story and share what has been shared with me by other MMHers (TGF's :)
Jimmy kept us attached to the strap on his chest--right near his heart and we literally kept him company on his journey. His humble, unassuming, genuine heart allowed him to share raw emotions with us--and they ran the gammit from loneliness, tears, happiness, laughter, or fear--and we became more invested everyday. Jimmy became a precious brother or dear friend to his followers.
So when the cell phone rings, you answer it, right? Well, for most of JW's followers, our cell phones notified us as soon as JW posted a message or was broadcasting live. Those alerts could be any time of the day--or night! But, as soon as we heard it,we knew JW would be checking in with us. If there was a lapse of time between JW checkins, there was some concern and we would begin to bombard him with messages so he would reply. (JW, Tweet Tweet Little Birdie :)
One night JW shared that heard gunshots while he was in his tent--I know I prayed extra hard that night. On another night in the midst of gusting winds and a raging storm, JW ustreamed so we could keep him company until he fell asleep...and that he did while we were right there with him. Jimmy wasn't homeless himself, but what he was going through put things into perspective as to what kids on the street have to endure--thank God Jimmy had warm clothing and a tent (courtesy of Marmot)--the reality is that many homeless kids don't even have a coat! Imagine the loneliness a child would feel in this situation because more than likely they would not have a droid and people at the other end keeping them company.
For those of us that believe in the power of prayer, prayers for protection were daily! (thanx to all my prayer partners and a special thanx to NIXACOUNTRY.COM who supported JW, kept his music in heavy rotation, and conducted scheduled prayer time! (Wow.. that really is what it is all about!) We covered Jimmy. Thank you Lord.
During the walk, Jimmy was whisked away to do several shows and dropped back in the same spot. In February, I attended a St. Jude's Benefit in Connecticut, you can read more about that in a previous post. In March, my friend Eva and I drove a total of 19 grueling hours through snow, ice, and hail storms to see Jimmy and let him know we continued to support him on his journey. Is was at this show in Georgia that Jimmy first mentioned the idea of Street Teams... Say What?....
Well, it is after midnight and I missed my daily deadline so I am going to finish this for now ---hope I'm not boring you and I haven't even begun. Here is a video I recorded of Jimmy singing Sara Smile in Hiawasse, Georgia in March HERE.
Consider blessing a teen in need at Family Of Woodstock, Inc.
Wish List for teens in the program: Underwear (male and female teenagers), Towels, Twin size sheet sets, Twin size comforters, Books for teens, Books for small children, Baby bottles, Pacifiers, Toddler bowls, silverware, cups, Toddler toys, Play pens, Gift cards for Lowe's or Home Depot.
Send to:
Family of Woodstock, Inc.
Attn: Adolescent Services/Meet Me Halfway donations
39 John Street
Kingston, NY 12401
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
My Walk Halfway Across America with Jimmy Wayne (Part 1) -- Project Meet Me Halfway
So this is day two and I am back in the saddle :) – so let’s try this thing again (I still don’t have my desktop functional—I have been bouncing back and forth between my droid and my laptop and the ease is just not the same as sitting at my desk). Therefore, I am going to post this blog in several parts. So here goes…
For those of you who do not know who singer/songwriter Jimmy Wayne is, do your heart some good and google this guy. I previously posted a number of entries about him, but there is so much out there that I cannot do him justice.(I especially love the Faith and Fame series on Youtube--I will get the link and put it here maybe tomorrow). No matter what your preference of music, this is not about music, this is about heart and soul. Check Jimmy out please and see if God speaks to your heart.
(Photo courtesy: The Tennessean)
“JW” (as we call him) is definitely connected to technology—in fact, he single-handedly brought many fans out of the dark ages through his pinging, facebooking, tweeting, and ustreaming. (Now, if you are in the dark ages too, you probably have no idea what I am talking about—there is a whole ‘nother world out there waiting to be explored). Remember google is our friend—if you need to search some words, don’t forget to come back and finish reading :) It is because of JW's using communication technology to the fullest, that we also joined him on his journey halfway across America.
Let’s rewind a bit to January 1, 2010. On this freezing cold winter day, Jimmy Wayne took his first steps out of Nashville leaving from Monroe Harding Children’s Home to commence his Project Meet Me Halfway--he was on a mission to bring awareness to teens who age out of the foster care system and become homeless. Jimmy unknowingly was beginning a lifechanging journey and he was traveling on foot--Destination: HomeBase Youth Services in Phoenix. (January 1st--this is where MY journey across American began as well.)
Not being able to travel to Nashville to share the kickoff event with JW, many of his fans gathered online, talked to people at the venue, viewed pictures and read articles. I honestly don’t remember if there was a specific ustream on that day, but I can vow that many others like myself were there for JW in spirit—cheering him and praying for him and we had NO CLUE what to expect in the months to come.
Being obedient to the call of God in your life leads you places you never thought you would go and brings situations and people into your life that you never expected. To this I am sure Jimmy can attest.
So, in a nutshell, shortly after Jimmy's newly released CD "Sara Smile" hit the market, he basically put his music career on hold to give back for the blessings he has received in his life. (This is not something that record labels like to have happen—but trusting in God’s plan always is more rewarding).
And in the best laid plans of mice and men--what originally was calculated to be a two month trek wound up being seven months ....and the beat goes on...
(Photo courtesy: Valory Music)
(I'm hitting the pillow early tonight -- don't forget to come back for Part 2)
For those of you who do not know who singer/songwriter Jimmy Wayne is, do your heart some good and google this guy. I previously posted a number of entries about him, but there is so much out there that I cannot do him justice.(I especially love the Faith and Fame series on Youtube--I will get the link and put it here maybe tomorrow). No matter what your preference of music, this is not about music, this is about heart and soul. Check Jimmy out please and see if God speaks to your heart.

“JW” (as we call him) is definitely connected to technology—in fact, he single-handedly brought many fans out of the dark ages through his pinging, facebooking, tweeting, and ustreaming. (Now, if you are in the dark ages too, you probably have no idea what I am talking about—there is a whole ‘nother world out there waiting to be explored). Remember google is our friend—if you need to search some words, don’t forget to come back and finish reading :) It is because of JW's using communication technology to the fullest, that we also joined him on his journey halfway across America.
Let’s rewind a bit to January 1, 2010. On this freezing cold winter day, Jimmy Wayne took his first steps out of Nashville leaving from Monroe Harding Children’s Home to commence his Project Meet Me Halfway--he was on a mission to bring awareness to teens who age out of the foster care system and become homeless. Jimmy unknowingly was beginning a lifechanging journey and he was traveling on foot--Destination: HomeBase Youth Services in Phoenix. (January 1st--this is where MY journey across American began as well.)
Not being able to travel to Nashville to share the kickoff event with JW, many of his fans gathered online, talked to people at the venue, viewed pictures and read articles. I honestly don’t remember if there was a specific ustream on that day, but I can vow that many others like myself were there for JW in spirit—cheering him and praying for him and we had NO CLUE what to expect in the months to come.
Being obedient to the call of God in your life leads you places you never thought you would go and brings situations and people into your life that you never expected. To this I am sure Jimmy can attest.
So, in a nutshell, shortly after Jimmy's newly released CD "Sara Smile" hit the market, he basically put his music career on hold to give back for the blessings he has received in his life. (This is not something that record labels like to have happen—but trusting in God’s plan always is more rewarding).
And in the best laid plans of mice and men--what originally was calculated to be a two month trek wound up being seven months ....and the beat goes on...

(I'm hitting the pillow early tonight -- don't forget to come back for Part 2)
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