Hey All --
As you may or may not know already, this past weekend Jimmy Wayne completed his journey from Nashville to Phoenix(even after breaking his ankle he finished the last 5 miles!) I am soooo proud of this guy, my eyes were filled with tears of joy when he reached his destination. (No, I could not make it to Phoenix and I really, really, wanted to be there to share this with him and the other MMHers, but I did listen, watch, and cry.)
Rather than report the finale event, I am blogging about my experience during JW's walk. Please check out Jimmy Wayne’s official Project Meet Me Halfway site to read about the finale events covered by multiple media HERE.
Jimmy's intention is to bring awareness to the situation of teens aging out of the foster care system before they are equipped to be emancipated (something jw experienced himself). Once the kids reach a certain age, that chapter in their lives is ended and they are thrown out into the world-- many unable to support themselves, ending up homeless, in jail, dead, in sex slavery. So, before I start Part 2, please say a prayer for this generation of teens that are searching, that are aging out of foster care, that are without parents, that are homeless.
From the moment Jimmy ("JW") took his first step, I was one of hundreds of people (which eventually grew to thousands!) who was glued to the computer or attached to a cell phone waiting for a tweet, a facebook/myspace post, or a live ustream broadcast. In fact, because JW was continually broadcasting live from his droid (it's a really cool everything but the kitchen sink kinda cell phone--more popular than the iPhone), many fans purchased their own droids --and, yes I did!-- Mind you, I needed a new phone and I was seriously considering the iPhone, but thanx to JW, I went droidy :)
(so now I also broadcast from my droid on the ustream.com channel "cathyanne").
Little did Jimmy know that the winter he decided to walk across the south would be more like surviving in the frozen tundra. Just to clarify, when I say JW walked, he really walked and walked alone for the most part--sleeping outside on the side of the road! No four-star hotel or five-course dining! Jimmy took this approach to simulate the life of a homeless teen for the world. He was blessed by the kindness of strangers leaving him food or inviting him into their home for a meal or a night's sleep.
This blog is about my journey with JW--one of the people at the other end of his droid in Twitterville, but I am only one of many and I can only tell my story and share what has been shared with me by other MMHers (TGF's :)
Jimmy kept us attached to the strap on his chest--right near his heart and we literally kept him company on his journey. His humble, unassuming, genuine heart allowed him to share raw emotions with us--and they ran the gammit from loneliness, tears, happiness, laughter, or fear--and we became more invested everyday. Jimmy became a precious brother or dear friend to his followers.
So when the cell phone rings, you answer it, right? Well, for most of JW's followers, our cell phones notified us as soon as JW posted a message or was broadcasting live. Those alerts could be any time of the day--or night! But, as soon as we heard it,we knew JW would be checking in with us. If there was a lapse of time between JW checkins, there was some concern and we would begin to bombard him with messages so he would reply. (JW, Tweet Tweet Little Birdie :)
One night JW shared that heard gunshots while he was in his tent--I know I prayed extra hard that night. On another night in the midst of gusting winds and a raging storm, JW ustreamed so we could keep him company until he fell asleep...and that he did while we were right there with him. Jimmy wasn't homeless himself, but what he was going through put things into perspective as to what kids on the street have to endure--thank God Jimmy had warm clothing and a tent (courtesy of Marmot)--the reality is that many homeless kids don't even have a coat! Imagine the loneliness a child would feel in this situation because more than likely they would not have a droid and people at the other end keeping them company.
For those of us that believe in the power of prayer, prayers for protection were daily! (thanx to all my prayer partners and a special thanx to NIXACOUNTRY.COM who supported JW, kept his music in heavy rotation, and conducted scheduled prayer time! (Wow.. that really is what it is all about!) We covered Jimmy. Thank you Lord.
During the walk, Jimmy was whisked away to do several shows and dropped back in the same spot. In February, I attended a St. Jude's Benefit in Connecticut, you can read more about that in a previous post. In March, my friend Eva and I drove a total of 19 grueling hours through snow, ice, and hail storms to see Jimmy and let him know we continued to support him on his journey. Is was at this show in Georgia that Jimmy first mentioned the idea of Street Teams... Say What?....
Well, it is after midnight and I missed my daily deadline so I am going to finish this for now ---hope I'm not boring you and I haven't even begun. Here is a video I recorded of Jimmy singing Sara Smile in Hiawasse, Georgia in March HERE.
Consider blessing a teen in need at Family Of Woodstock, Inc.
Wish List for teens in the program: Underwear (male and female teenagers), Towels, Twin size sheet sets, Twin size comforters, Books for teens, Books for small children, Baby bottles, Pacifiers, Toddler bowls, silverware, cups, Toddler toys, Play pens, Gift cards for Lowe's or Home Depot.
Send to:
Family of Woodstock, Inc.
Attn: Adolescent Services/Meet Me Halfway donations
39 John Street
Kingston, NY 12401
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