For those of you who do not know who singer/songwriter Jimmy Wayne is, do your heart some good and google this guy. I previously posted a number of entries about him, but there is so much out there that I cannot do him justice.(I especially love the Faith and Fame series on Youtube--I will get the link and put it here maybe tomorrow). No matter what your preference of music, this is not about music, this is about heart and soul. Check Jimmy out please and see if God speaks to your heart.

“JW” (as we call him) is definitely connected to technology—in fact, he single-handedly brought many fans out of the dark ages through his pinging, facebooking, tweeting, and ustreaming. (Now, if you are in the dark ages too, you probably have no idea what I am talking about—there is a whole ‘nother world out there waiting to be explored). Remember google is our friend—if you need to search some words, don’t forget to come back and finish reading :) It is because of JW's using communication technology to the fullest, that we also joined him on his journey halfway across America.
Let’s rewind a bit to January 1, 2010. On this freezing cold winter day, Jimmy Wayne took his first steps out of Nashville leaving from Monroe Harding Children’s Home to commence his Project Meet Me Halfway--he was on a mission to bring awareness to teens who age out of the foster care system and become homeless. Jimmy unknowingly was beginning a lifechanging journey and he was traveling on foot--Destination: HomeBase Youth Services in Phoenix. (January 1st--this is where MY journey across American began as well.)
Not being able to travel to Nashville to share the kickoff event with JW, many of his fans gathered online, talked to people at the venue, viewed pictures and read articles. I honestly don’t remember if there was a specific ustream on that day, but I can vow that many others like myself were there for JW in spirit—cheering him and praying for him and we had NO CLUE what to expect in the months to come.
Being obedient to the call of God in your life leads you places you never thought you would go and brings situations and people into your life that you never expected. To this I am sure Jimmy can attest.
So, in a nutshell, shortly after Jimmy's newly released CD "Sara Smile" hit the market, he basically put his music career on hold to give back for the blessings he has received in his life. (This is not something that record labels like to have happen—but trusting in God’s plan always is more rewarding).
And in the best laid plans of mice and men--what originally was calculated to be a two month trek wound up being seven months ....and the beat goes on...

(I'm hitting the pillow early tonight -- don't forget to come back for Part 2)
1 comment:
Great musician and great blog. It certainly is uplifting. I will certainly check back once in a while. Blessings, George Nevrodis
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