People are always sharing with me the names of artists that touch their hearts for one reason or another. Sometimes that artist's name is not a household word, but he or she may be an aspiring musician following their dream or following the Will of God in their lives, as the case may be.
In the past few months, the name "Anna Thomas" has come up in conversation and has been shared with me on several occasions. Several people thought I should check out her music--which I did. I not only enjoyed Anna's music, but became interested in the person--a very mature and driven young lady. (Well, you know me -- I'm a people person and the person behind the music is what makes the music special, or not) This young lady is blessed with voice as well as a talent for songwriting.
I had the opportunity to interview Anna Thomas and would like to share with you what I learned in our chat, but first let me say thank you to Anna for allowing me to pick her brain so that others can get to know a little more about her and her music (and thank you to her parents for raising a grounded and beautiful daughter and special thanx to her dad for making the interview possible).
So world, meet Anna Thomas:

Q – Anna, For those who have never heard of you, can you please describe for me “Who is Anna Thomas?”
A- I am 13 years old and my birthday is in March. I was born in Memphis and now live in the Dallas Texas Metroplex. I am a singer/songwriter and love all kinds of music.
Q- How would you categorize your music for those that have not had the opportunity to hear it as yet?
A- It’s hard to give you one specific genre, but I guess it’s mostly Indie Pop or Indie Rock. I am influenced by rock, jazz, and pop music.
Q- I understand that one of your songs attained the number one spot on several music charts. Can you tell us a little about your song Trace of Light?
A. It has made several top ten charts on It’s a song about hope and holding on through difficult times and trusting that things will be ok. For me my faith in Christ is what gets me through these times. I wrote it as a promise and as a reminder to myself not to lose hope. I was listening to Vanessa Carlton when the idea for the song came to me.
Q- What do you want people to come away with after listening to your music?
A – I want them to enjoy it and to be entertained. If they can relate or connect to the song in some way then that’s great too.
Q –How old were you when you realized that you were blessed with musical talent and how did you come to discover it?
A - In 3rd grade I was in my first church musical. I was afraid to take a solo but the director encouraged me to give it a try. I ended up really enjoying the experience and it boosted my confidence and made me want to try more musical things. I started realizing I could write at age 11 when I began taking music lesson from my teacher, Matt Gaskins. He was helping me with voice and guitar when I started showing him some songs I had written and we began co-writing and performing live over the last year.
Q – Did you have any musical influences in your family?
A – My grandfather is a musician and played on lots of music that came out of Memphis. He is a trombone player and played with the Memphis Horns and recorded at Stax studios. My dad also played in bands over the years and still plays regularly at church. My Aunt Kelly and my music teacher Matt opened a music school where I live called the Neighborhood Arts and Music School (NAMS). My mom is an artist, along with my sister, who writes amazing stories. My family is very creative and has always encouraged me to be creative.
Q – Are there any particular artists who have had an impact on you or inspired your musical style?

A – Switchfoot, Vanessa Carlton, Fiona Apple, Ingrid Michaelson, The Hush Sound, A Fine Frenzy, and all sorts of Japanese music.
Q – What instruments do you play, which is your favorite, and why?
A – Piano and a little guitar. I’m figuring some stuff out on the accordion and that is pretty interesting. I’ve found the keyboard to be most helpful for writing and I think one day it would be fun to get a keytar!
Q – What are the names of 5 artists you have recently played in your iPod or CD player and which one is your favorite in that list?
A- Regina Spektor, The Beatles, Adele, The Kooks, Switchfoot. Switchfoot is my favorite. I have memorized every song on every single CD of theirs.
Q – I can’t forget the standard “duo” question, so if you had the opportunity to record a duo with any artist of any genre, who would that person be?
A – Jon Foreman. No question!
(CathyAnne's sidenote -- for those that do not know who he is.. check out Switchfoot!)
Q – For such a young age, your lyrics are deep. Many of your contain particular symbolisms which seem to reflect a deep faith in God, is that where you get the inspiration for many of your songs?
A – Absolutely! I would say that most of my songs are heavily influenced by my faith.
Q – Is there anything in particular that you believe God has been teaching you lately?
A – I think He is teaching me not to be so hard on myself.
Q – Would you share how you go about writing your songs? Do you write both lyrics and music?
A – Yes I do. I have no particular technique though. I’ll either have something I really want to write about and then add a melody or I will have a melody stuck in my head and I will add words.
Q- Of your own songs, do you have a favorite? Tell us a little about it and why is it your favorite?
A – I have a couple. Right now I think Little Red and Trace of Light might be my favorites. I like Little Red because it’s upbeat and fun. I like Trace of Light because it is sort of my own personal testimony.
Q – Are there any plans to record a CD or to attempt to secure a record deal in the near future?
A - I’m sort of in the middle of working on a full CD right now. I have about 15 originals to sort through. I already have an EP that can be purchased online or at shows. I’m hoping to get the new CD finished so people can buy it before I lose my youthful charm! :)
Q – Are you currently concentrating your performances in Texas or will you be venturing on a tour at any time in the near future?
A – Right now it’s pretty much all in the Texas area. It’s definitely a goal of mine to play in Japan one day. I’ve always wanted to go there. But if you know of any gig opportunities, let me know!
Q – Have you considered trying out for American Idol? If not, why?
A – I have thought about it. But I won’t be old enough for 3 more years, and I am not a patient person. I just want to keep pursing music and doing what I love.
Q – When was the last time you cried and why?
A – Hmm…. Wow, I cry a lot! I cried at my church camp this summer almost every single day.
Q – When was the last time you laughed and why?
A – I laugh even more than I cry. I laughed just now!
Q – Where can people go to hear or buy your music now?
A – I am on myspace and facebook. or
To get to know even more about Anna, I asked her to answer one or the other of each of the following choices:
- Jeans or Dress: Dress – I have a lot of jeans though!
- Boots or high heels: High heels
- Dance or sit it out: Sit it out – I look incredibly awkward when I dance.
- Cooking or microwaving: Cooking – When it’s on my level.
- Coffee or Tea: Tea – I love me some Chai.
- Cheesecake or Fruit: Cheesecake - Depends on the flavor though.
- Waffle House or Cracker Barrel: Craker Barrel – Waffles are just too filling.
- Dog or Cat: I have both! I don’t want to make them jealous.
- Myspace or Facebook: Facebook
- Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:8
(CathyAnne's sidenote: Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.)
You can check out Anna Thomas singing "Trace of Light" here:
Anna credits her music teacher and now partner, Matt Gaskins, for pushing her and inspiring her to grow and perfect her talents. Matt has been an important vessel in Anna's life and she wanted the world to know that she is deeply grateful for all he has done and continues to do to help her achiever her dream.
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