Friday, February 20, 2009

Stuff.. American Idol .. God...Science .. Microsoft

I was just reading through some of my recent posts and boy.. you'd think that the only thing I had going on is American Idol LOL... NOT.. but honestly, it is really a great show so I like to watch and post about it. And.. I have gotten to kinda know some of the people I write about and that makes it more special.

If you haven't guessed it by now, JESUS IS the most important thing in my life .. My Lord and Savior .. the core of my being. I AM SECOND! (Check out that website by the way HERE. (Did you know that Jesus -- Yeshua in Hebrew -- is the Jewish Messiah? You should check that out for yourself if you are Jewish and you would be surprised what you found out. One place to go for info is to the site of a True Jew as he calls himself -- AVIAD COHEN)

I was talking to someone the other day who asked why I bring God into everything and why I talk so much about Jesus. It reminded me of when I was in my ummmm let's just say... earlier young adult years.. and a friend of mine (Jeanne) always talked about Jesus. I remember telling her "you always talk about Jesus this and Jesus that. I love Jesus, but I will never talk about him like you do." Boy, God has such a wonderful sense of humor.

At that time, I THOUGHT I loved God, or I guess maybe I kinda had some notion that "loving" him was just saying I believed in him and prayed some prayer I learned in church. I didn't realize what it really meant to LOVE God or surrender my life to Christ the way He wanted me to, until I actually did it and He changed me from the inside!

I mean, let's face it.. Either Jesus was a liar, a lunatic, or Lord. Evidence surely shows that he was neither a liar or a lunatic so to me HE HAS to be who He says He was--LORD. (plus I have experienced some things that solidify that for me without a shadow of a doubt over the years)

So, if God says to put Him FIRST ---hmmmm does that mean that I go to church on Sunday and give him and hour? Gee, that leaves me 167 hours in the week that I devote to other things without including him??? Hmmmmm, that does not seem as though He is first then, does it? Either He's Lord of all, or not Lord at all (is something a pastor once said to me)

I recently read a discussion among friends.. (internet lets you do that) and people just don't get it, that including GOD in your daily life, or living by Scripture or sharing it .. IS NOT RELIGION. It surely might be religion to the person hearing it, because many tend to put Jesus in a box. "OK, Jesus .. you belong HERE.. in a box, and only in church or hidden .. or I need to keep you only personal and not tell anybody about you". That's not the Jesus I know.

Religion is actually manmade -- the rules and regulations, but surrendered to Christ, that is a totally immersed relationship with your creator, your savior, your Lord, your Father. It cannot be separated and left at the door or put under a bushel or hidden in the closet. It is the motivating force at your core. It is what your life revolves around and where your life begins and ends.

So, if you are like I was or like many I knew and know still, that say that they believe in God (and trust me, that was a motivating factor for me.. satan and the devils BELIEVE too and know without doubt that God is who He says He is, yet they tremble because they don't believe and surrender).. and God is not bursting out of your being causing joy and love, then you may want to ask Him what it is that you can do to get to the place He wants you to be in or make you into the person He created you to be. (It can't hurt :)

Recently I watched something where people were surveyed about Hell and what they thought happened to them when they died. A lot of people thought as I had, that if you were good, you went to heaven. (oh satan what a deceiver you are). No matter if we were Mother Theresa, goodness does not get you into heaven without God's mercy and forgiveness though Christ's death. (I know a lot of people do not believe that, and they definitely have the right to choose, but believing something that isn't truth, doesn't mean it's so). Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father, but through Him. (His words, not mine)

A while back I found this awesome website that was created for college kids so they could ask questions and find out about the things of God on their own time. Check it out if you get time :) It's called

There is also a site for all those with those burning questions that NEED Evidence. Well, here ya go -- check out the site of a former atheist Josh McDowell.

Or check out Scientific Evidence regarding creation/evolution.

Well... it's Friday night and I'm going to get something to eat..
thank you for letting me Shine My Light :)
(Matthew 5:16)

p.s. I don't have anything to say about Microsoft LOL, but it will make my blog a little more search friendly so they're worth putting in the title LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow morning I'm going to print this out so I can keep it forever...beautiful words...thanking God for Jason, else how would I ever have met you? Love to you my friend.