Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl XLIII Today -- NBC rejects commercial

Good morning -- after I posted yesterday's pictures, I kept feeling a little guilty that I did not post so many of the other pictures of the "special people" that I have meet and known over the last few years. I kinda felt a little guilty for not putting up pictures of Rocky Covington, Ducky Medlock, Jeff Cease, Steve Cook, Tom Hurst, Timmy Galloway, Trey Hill, Luke Bryan etc.-- because each one of them are really good people as well. So, I hope just giving them a shoutout will be okay :)
(and I just have to mention some special sweetheart ladies: Kat, Denise, Terra -- who have beautiful hearts and are so kind and giving). (Also, this mention is in no way meant to be a slight against any of the precious, awesome, wonderful sisters I have met over the last few years--especially those with whom I have been on road trips--you know who you are!).

So, today is the day --Superbowl XLIII will be making history in Tampa Bay (where it's warm!). Perfectly fitting for today, I was reading the most famous of all SIGNS that you see held up all over sports arenas everywhere: JOHN 3:16

It reminded me of a conversation I had with a gentleman on a plane recently who was on his way to the Giants/Cowboys' game in Dallas. He had been to an uncountable number of sporting events and always had seen that ever-present sign being held up by fans, but never knew what it meant. I shared JOHN 3:16 with him -- it is one of the single most important powerful verses if you stop and ponder it's significance. In case you too have seen the signs, but didn't know what they meant, here is the message:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." JOHN 3:16

That verse is truly life changing if you grasp hold of it and apply it!

So, on to the events of the day. I actually prefer NCAA (SEC) than NFL football, but everyone loves the Superbowl, even if it is only for the commercials. I have my favorite teams for my own reasons and when they aren't playing in the game, I check out who on that team is my brother in Christ, or who went to University of Georgia (being I'm a mom of an Alum). Sometimes it's hard because both teams have someone special that you would like to see win.

It would be a momentous and historical moment for both teams to win, but especially for the Cardinals since the franchise hasn't celebrated since the 1940's, but I still have to root for the Steelers. I love when a person is outspoken about how Christ is their reason and their purpose in life. I don't really know too much about the players on the Cardinals (other than Kurt Warner who also loves the Lord), but I do know about the Steelers because they are in my geographical area.

A man of faith is definitely someone with dedication and conviction.

These are some of Steelers that I am aware of that are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:

-Mike Tomlin - Coach, mentored by Tony Dunghy (former Steeler and coach Indianapolis Colts -- wonderful man of God) is outspoken on his faith and dedication to our Lord.

-Troy Polamalu, Safety
-Daniel Sepulveda, Punter
-Aaron Smith, Defensive End
-Nick Eason, Defensive End
-Mewelde Moore, Running Back
-Heath Miller, Tight End
-Anthony Madison, Cornerback
-Travis Kirschke, Defensive End
-Arnold Harrison, Iinebacker (former UGA Bulldawg)
-Max Starks, Left Tackle

and can't forget (even though I don't know about his faith), Hines Ward (former UGA Bulldawg). Who is supposed to play I believe, but who is probably still not 100% after his recent injury.

(By the way, I do watch and I do know about football, but my reasons for liking a team are my own, just as yours are yours :)

Tonight's game should be intense!

On to the commercials, or actually to a commercial that you WON'T see tonight. This commercial was rejected by NBC for a spot during the game. (SHEESH!) I am posting it for its message because it is great (not for its affiliation to any particular group). (It also reminds me of that story about Beethoven--you know the one).

Enjoy "Life--Imagine the Potential" and let me know what you think about it:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow! Cathy Anne, i can't believe no one has commented on the rejected commercial. That is AWESOME. EVERYONE Needs to see that... including the "sub-subject" of it.

btw, i love your writing and your posts. I am a fellow Jason Castro fan -- read a lot (lurk?) but rarely post. It seems i always appreciate / agree with what you have to say!