I was talking to several of my friends over the last few days and I was amazed at how many of them or their friends/family have had cysts, lumps, or tumors in their breasts. Some benign and others were cancerous and needed attention. A handful of the women I know have had breast reconstructions made necessary because they had undergone mastectomies. (Mastectomy seems to be a too popular procedure of late)
If you took a few minutes to think about it, I am sure that you could make a list of women that you know personally that have or have had Breast Cancer. I know in my own circle of friends, family, and acquaintences, the number seems to be increasing each year.
This problem is something that not only women, but men actually can experience (though men are in the minority).
It is recommended that women do their own self beast exam regularly. Please visit The US Health Department's Office of Women's Health for technique and questions related to self breast exam.
The human species tends to think of itself as invincible. How many of us have thought "that will never happen to me?" (point taken)
Many people avoid doctors or dentists or anything related to hospitals if at all possible. That being said, it is the case that a large population of women do not go for physicals regularly and do not do self breast examinations. This is extremely important because mammograms are not routinely performed until a woman reaches age 40. We know that Breast Cancer does not limit itself to one particular age group.
For those that do not know what a mammogram is -- it is the diagnostic procedure which x-rays the soft tissue of the breast for abnormal breast tissue. For more information on mammograms, please visit The National Cancer Institute. Having a mammogram has been the source of jokes that women share with one another, so go get yours and you will have some new material!
When I had my mammogram, I found it very funny that the machine had a sign on it that said "BUCKY." It made me chuckle when I found out that women in other parts of the country also commented on seeing that same sign. (Bucky Covington has been involved with the cause for mammograms so it was a natural thought) But, alas, the machine was not given the name of our precious Bucky LOL. I later learned that the "Bucky" was the metal plate on which a woman's breast is placed during the procedure. (just thought I'd share that)
Since you are reading this blog, I can safely assume that you are on the computer on a regular basis, why not hop over to the The Breast Cancer Site and CLICK THEIR BUTTON to help give a free mammogram to women that cannot afford to get one. You can also support the fund and check out their merchandise. They have some really nice things for sale from apparal to jewelry that make great gifts.
Quoting from The Breast Cancer Site:
The National Breast Cancer Foundation estimates that each year, over 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and over 40,000 die. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Approximately 1,700 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 450 will die each year.
If detected early, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 96%. Mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram.
The National Cancer Institute and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that women in their forties and older have mammograms every one to two years. A complete early detection plan also includes regular clinical breast examinations by a trained medical professional. Monthly breast self-exams are suggested in addition.
If you are an active supporter and want to be involved in a deeper way, there are several organizations that have "Walks" to raise money for Breast Cancer related matters. I like Avon's Walk. You can visit their site HERE.
Whether you are a woman, love a woman, or have compassion, do something -- at least go CLICK THE BUTTON daily. Put it in your favorites and make it part of your routine.
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