(photo credit: gardenaction)
Well, today is Easter Sunday, so Happy Easter to everyone! WOOOHOO!
As I previously mentioned, I prefer to say Happy Resurrection Day because this day is so NOT about a bunny rabbit and candy. I don't mind that people enjoy that fun on Easter, but just like with Santa Claus -- satan has made a counterfeit to distract us from the true meaning of these days set aside to celebrate Christ. So, we just need to remember the real reason for these days as well.
I think everyday should be a celebration of Christ and what he has done for us, but not everyone is at that place, and so holidays always are a great time to celebrate and reflect upon our Lord, and enjoy them with our families.
HE IS RISEN! I am so thankful that I am washed in the blood. (I know that sounds gory, but it really isn't if you understand its awesomeness).
Who's risen? Risen from what?
Jesus, Christ -- is risen from the dead
After being beaten, crucified, and killed, he came back to physical life after three days of death! FOR YOU! (How is that even possible? -- it isn't unless...)
So, WHO IS JESUS ANYWAY??? And why do I care?
I think many people think Jesus is just another guy who started a religion or that a religion was started by a zealous group of his followers based on his man-made philosophies, as has been the case for many of the religions of the world.
No matter what faith or non-faith you may be--whether you are a Christian, Jew, Mormon, Buddhist, Muslim, Agnostic, Atheist, or whatever, have you ever wondered who is this Jesus guy? Have you ever really researched anything about him? (or did you just take someone's word for it and run with that concept?)
It tends to be that many people take a position on something or someone because it is the popular choice and never research the facts for themselves (such is the case for evolution, political affiliations, abortion etc.. you get my drift)(It is actually a trend to protest all things Jesus right now -- how very sad)
Jesus was a rebel (probably like many of you reading this blog right now) He has been depicted as loving and kind (which he was), but he was not a whimp, he was strong and also forceful when he felt it was necessary (have you heard how he took a whip and destroyed the place when he got angry?) Jesus lead a spiritual revolution and stood his ground for unpopular principles during his time. No matter how society tried to kill him and still tries to kill him -- it just won't happen. He has shaped the world from its foundation and continues to do so. I'd say that is something pretty amazing.
If you research Jesus of Nazareth there is undeniable proof of his life -- both historical and spiritual, which will cause you to think and make a decision. (A decision that will affect your life now and after your spirit leaves your body for good)
Just a little FYI (and I don't mean to be presumptive, but I actually used to think that Jesus' last name was Christ -- oops.. NOT). Christ is not Jesus' last name -- it is derived from the Greek "Christos" for "anointed one". In Hebrew, Ha'Machiach means "Messiah" so the Hebrew name for Jesus (who is Jewish) is Yeshua Ha'Machiah -- Jesus is the Jewish Messiah according to the Scriptures.
One of the most prolific authors of our time, C.S. Lewis asks us in his most famous book
Mere Christianity * is Jesus
After researching the proofs of the claims of Christ, Lewis makes this provoking statement:
"A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us."
Who is Jesus of Nazareth to you? Your life on this earth and for all of eternity is affected by your answer to this question.
True Christianity is not being religious (some people think I am religious -- I am SO NOT RELIGIOUS -- but to those that do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, they view me as such --it's all good). True Christianity is also not a philosophy of life or obedience to a set of rules and performing rituals. True Christianity is based on a personal relationship with a Risen God who is Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. (I'm not saying you can't call belong to or call yourself by the name of a denomination, but are you in a "personal relationship" with Christ? -- that's the key!)
There is so much to share and reflect upon and to learn, and I'm only trying to cause you to think a little deeper than usual today. If you are skeptical or you want to know more, there are many insightful resources.
The evidence that jolted a former Atheist Josh McDowell (who set out to disprove Jesus' claims) can be found on his website
JOSH.ORG. If you are a skeptic or have questions, I am sure Josh has the info for you.
Josh McDowell is also the author of
More Than a Carpenter. Check it out.
Josh also shares proofs of the
Thank God that we have the right to make our own choices in life. Everyone chooses, whether they specifically decide or not. Everything boils down to faith, even if you are an atheist or any other religion -- it is YOUR FAITH in something that causes you to believe what you believe. Where do you put your faith?
For just a bit of insight, the Hebrew Passover is a celebration of how God spared the lives of the Jews who trusted God to spare them. They covered their door posts with blood of a lamb and the angel of death passed over them. Jesus himself celebrated Passover and he became the Lamb of God who was slain so that those who trust God will be passed over and will receive life everlasting.
Watch this
clip to see Mel Gibson's view of what Jesus experienced
* This book is on Jason Castro's suggested reading list
Amen, my beautiful sister in Christ! I love this perspective! You're so right...it's not a religion, it's a relationship. You can be as religious as you please, but never know Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God that he has taught me the difference...I can be pretty thick-headed, so it can't have been an easy task!
To me, Jesus Christ is God...http://www.remnantradio.org/Archives/articles/PH/Newsletters/Jezebel%20%20Spirit%20Takes%20Territories%20for%20Satan%20%2005-28-2011.pdf
Matt 1:21-23
21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
I cannot understand Christians receiving C.S. Lewis' words as being a Christian Authority... He was not born again... he was a pagan that fellowshipped with Toilkin on a bar stool... who lead him into the Catholic church... Together they perverted children with the witchcraft pagan books.
Pat Holliday
Pat, thank you for commenting. I too believe that Jesus is part of the trinity and God in the flesh.
As to CS Lewis, my view according to what I have read is that he was an unbeliever who made a commitment to Christ and changed his life. (From having done that myself, I can understand the profound change Christ makes in someone's life when they commit to Him.)
I don't think that someone who has not had an experience with Christ would be able to convey such love and share devotion and proofs for Christ being our Savior and Lord.
As far as Lewis being an authority, my only authority is the Word of God. Man is man and opinion is opinion. We are fallible and the only authority we should reply upon is God's word -- all else is iffy.
I'm just sharing my view :)
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