(photo credit: Rickey.org)

I just watched The O'Reilly Factor concerning the possibility of the Christian Vote electing the next American Idol.
I think the Christian vote has been a factor on every season of American Idol. The southern states (Bible Belt) have had many contestants over the years and those states make up a high percentage of voters for the show.
As far as the Christian vote goes, I say, well, Christians are supposed to be a family according the Bible. We are supposed to discern and view things as God views them with spiritual eyes. Singing contest, sminging contest... you don't only vote for a contest based upon the contestants voice (even Simon knows that and says it at other times). Why do you think they give everyone a makeover!? Because the winner needs to have the "package", the "look", that "appeal".
Kris Allen appeals to some people and Adam Lambert appeals to others, but I would hope that Christians would vote for a brother in Christ so he can go about doing his Father's business.
(BUT, Remember, whether Kris wins or not, Romans 8:28!)
ADAM LAMBERT (photo credit: jabulela.com)(RIGHT)

We are not closed minded in the south. Who says Adam is not a Christian? I know he is an entertainer which is more than anybody can say for sappy Kris. Kris is short and very funny looking. That thing his face does is weird. Oh, yes, and did I mention he cannot sing as well as Adam?
Never said the south was close-minded at all. Adam in fact is Jewish. If you read my blog regularly, you know that I am not prejudiced about anyone so my opinions are my likes and not based on hates. I appreciate your opinion as well. Like I said, some like Kris, some like Adam.. all for different reasons.
You wrote: "I am not prejudiced about anyone..."
"I would hope that Christians would vote for a brother in Christ so he can go about doing his Father's business."
That last comment sounds prejudiced to me. This isn't about Adam vs. Kris. This is about you, Miss California and other so-called evangelicals who come across as righteous and indignant all in the name of Jesus. I intend to vote for Adam because I think he's the most talented. So does that make me a "bad Christian?"
You said it "sounds prejudiced to me" and that is your preception. I am far from righteous and indignant but because you don't know me, you read only into what you interpret on the screen. I think Kris and Adam are both talented, I think people are allowed to have their own opinions and vote for who they prefer. If you are upset my wanting someone to have a platform to do his "Father's business", you have the right to your opinion. I don't debate because I prefer to be a positive person sharing love and kindness. That being said, whoever wins, I believe it is God's plan. Have a Jesusful day.
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