Monday, May 4, 2009

On behalf of himself and his family, American Idol David Cook, shares about his brother's passing and thanks his fans

First, I want to say, in case in some way David Cook ever sees my blog:

There are many of us that have been and are praying for you and your family. We pray for God's peace and his comfort at such a painful time as this. People do care. Their care for you extends to your family as well -- and especially to Adam who they know you love deeply.

Thank you for speaking for yourself and maintaining the connection with your fans directly. God bless you and I pray that you draw close to Him during this time and he becomes truly real to you.
With His love and blessings,
Cathy Anne

That being said,
David Cook's Official Site posted this letter from David to his fans regarding Adam's passing:

I wanted to write everyone and say a few things, in light of recent events, to dispel any misinformation that may be circulating and to say thank you on behalf of my family and myself to everyone who has shown even the slightest bit of support to us and our efforts as a family to help eradicate this terrible affliction.

My brother, Adam, passed away at 11:52pm Eastern, May 2nd. He was 37 years old and leaves behind his wife and two children. We had played Sunfest in West Palm Beach that night, walking off stage at approximately 11:00pm Eastern, and I rushed to get on a plane to fly to Washington D.C., to be a part of the Race For Hope-D.C., a fundraiser for research and development of a cure for brain cancer. I learned of Adam’s passing upon getting to my hotel around 3:00am Eastern. I decided to run in the race, despite all of this, for two reasons. First, my brother never wanted his illness to affect others. That was evident in the fact that he wanted his illness to have no part in my experience on Idol, a point he was quite adamant about. So, with that wish in mind, I ran and was involved with the event as an homage to him. Secondly, there are many people who are still battling, and by running and sharing my brother’s story, I hope that it offers those still fighting that much more resolve to not succumb to this wretched disease.

I want to again thank everyone who donated to the race and continues to donate, sent a kind email, posted thoughts and prayers, called, etc. I take it as affirmation that my brother was the great man that I knew, and whose ideals I constantly try to uphold in myself. It is with those ideals in tow that I vow to continue to speak out in hopes of raising whatever necessary to help eliminate cancer entirely.

Also, I mentioned earlier that Adam never wanted his illness to affect anyone. So, with the exception of our Toledo, OH, show on May 6th, which we will do everything possible to reschedule, all other shows will go on as scheduled.

Lastly, thank you to everyone for allowing us, as a family, to grieve and come to terms privately. This event has shown me, beyond doubt, that I have the greatest people in my life, family, friends, and fans alike, and for that, I can never offer enough thanks.

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