God works in such wonderful ways and mysterious ways. Even though we can't always understand or even see His hand upon the events in our lives, He is always continually working for His purpose and His glory.
I have been reading and watching items about the American Idol contestant Danny Gokey all over the news, in magazines, and online. The media is always hot to jump on a story and blow it out of proportion or for people to immediately grasp onto something and create drama over it.
That being said, put yourself in this boy Danny's shoes -- His wife, who he was deeply in love with, died only just this past year. (Mind you only a few months before he was interviewed at the audition.) Have you experienced the death of someone you loved deeply? Does that person continually stay in your daily thoughts for a long time? Do you cry? Are you in pain over your loss? The answer is absolutely YES! I think that grieving can take a year to three or more and some people never are able to deal with the loss.
Danny surely is going through his grieving process in the public arena and the story has been focused on (oh I hate those sentences ending in prepositions, but .. oh well). When Danny was first interviewed, I am sure he was consummed in the feelings of loss and pain. It is typical of people to pick apart and try to destroy someone that they do not like for one reason or another. Hence, all the negative stuff circulating around.
Danny is not the one playing the "sob story" card, but we also know American Idol loves a good back story to pull at your heart strings beginning with the tough lives of Kellie Clarkson and continuing every year focusing on someone such as Fantasia or Kellie Pickler. Many people pull for the underdog to win because they have well wishes for something better. Others, well...not everyone cares about the people, they just watch TV.
Also, speaking to those that have "ears to hear", we know persecution is satan's modus operandi. But, to God be the glory because no matter what, why, or how -- Danny Gokey's name is out there and is bringing attention to him.
I believe that those without a negative attitude in their own lives will see the light Danny shines and be drawn to it. God allows much for His purpose.
and again, Romans 8:28: "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
There are others that serve Christ on this years show and I am praying for them as well -- join me.