Sunday, March 22, 2009

This is really IMPORTANT! Take a Stand - BE HEARD -- TIME IS RUNNING OUT! YOUR Rights are at stake!

I worked in labor and delivery, newborn nursery, and pediatrics for years. I could write a book with all the the things that I have experienced. One thing that stood out above all was the preciousness of life and the grief when it is lost -- even before that life enters the world.

Before I get onto my soapbox, I feel there another equally important message here--that of being forced to do something against your faith. This could lead to someone to lose their career or go to jail. This is a severe threat to anyone who has a conscience--not just in this case. What if you were made to commit an act so totally against your values just because you worked in a particular career? This is major danger to our rights.

So I'm getting on the soapbox now--and it's Red and Gold with purple tassles LOL:
I have seen it with my own eyes, I know a child in the womb is a living child. My belief is what the Bible tells us -- life begins at conception when God breathes a spirit into that child. For those that do not believe in God, they think of the cells as just that -- a lump of cells -- how sad. I hope that they never have to experience a reality proving otherwise.

That being said, as a nurse I always had the right to live by my conscience and NOT take part in an abortion because it was against my core beliefs. Legislation is about to change that and REQUIRE doctors and I believe all medical personnel to assist in abortions against their own convictions. This will be both emotionally and spiritually devastating to someone. Unless you have witnessed it yourself, you cannot understand the depth at which it grips you to see such a procedure. (in its numerous stages)

Please check out and sign the petition at HERE.

Take a stand where it counts!

Be Heard Project -Protect Pro-Life Doctors from beheard on Vimeo.

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