Thanksgiving celebration has come and gone (that doesn’t mean we should stop being thankful and giving thanks, it just means that we don’t have to eat Turkey at the same time!).
Thus, the commercial Christmas season has begun. Everyone looking for gifts to exchange at Christmas time -- I guess it’s good that people think of other people at this time, but the real meaning of the CHRISTMAS season (not HOLIDAY) is to reflect on our Savior --not the Baby Jesus etc etc, but on our Savior and that He was sent as promised in the Scriptures -- to bridge the gap between us and God the Father.
That being said (and I will expound on that in the next coming weeks I am sure), since everyone is thinking Christmas, Chanukkah, etc etc time, I wanted to share something that I feel is important.
I can remember when I was in second grade and everyone in class would bring a shoebox to school filled with items that we would send to the Troops who were overseas. We filled the boxes with toothbrushes, snacks, hand-made items, and messages of support and love. Just being part of that project made me feel as though I was helping to bring a little bit of love to a soldier who was away from his family and without the comforts of home. I still to this day remember how great it was to know I was helping with my little contribution.
Well, we can still do that today. We can still support our troops and bring a smile and warm feeling into the hearts of those who are sacrificing much to protect us. The USO has several different ways that you can support the troops by your donations of items or money.
Please consider helping our service men and women at Christmas time. Let a lonely and homesick soldier know that he or she is not forgotten and is appreciated for the sacrifices made on our behalf.
Visit the USO website at www.uso.org. Read, learn, and open your heart. It is a way we, as individuals, can support our troops. Not only will you be blessing someone else, you too will be blessed.
Special USO Programs
Sending Gifts
To Donate
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