If it was an isolated incident, I probably would not be posting it here, but it so grieves my spirit that talk of pornography seems to be a topic that crops up in conversation more often than not. The fact that people seem to be desensitized to its offensive nature is a sign that it has become mainstream. Pornography has even become so mainstream that it is an accepted topic among middle school children!! It is also probable that your young child has seen pornographic images or videos. Statistics show the largest age group for viewing online porn is ages 12-17.
How cunning is satan in the way he infiltrates the minds of those who do not guard their hearts? Once he has them hooked, he then uses them to ravage others.
My heart is so saddened by how immoral this world has become over the last 40 years and how it has destroyed people and relationships leaving broken people and families in its wake.
Don't be fooled, pornography is destructive not only to those view it, but also to those who are have relationships with the viewer, and the people who are actually are the "actors" and "actresses".
If you are reading this, the odds are high that you too have seen something pornographic somehow or someway. You may even view porn yourself and feel you are not doing anything wrong or being affected in any way. That is the same mentality of those taking their first hits of Heroin or Cocaine. (I have worked in rehabilitation of addicts).
You know that analogy about the frog that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will never jump out. The change in water temperature is gradual and before he even realized what was happening, the frog would be boiled to death. Well, follow my drift here--porn addiction creeps up on you and overtakes you as well. Not only is it addicting, porn destroys lives and souls. You think porn is normal, you think it is no-biggie, you think it is just reality, you think it is pleasure, you think it is your right. Please don't be deceived, your emotional, physical and spiritual life are all in jeopardy. (This goes for prostitution as well)
On another note, as you are reading this, you are also a target for pornographic addicts who are sexual predators scouring the internet for their next victim.
Without continuing to belabor the issue in the blog, please visit some of the links below if you want more info to safeguard your computer, need help with porn, want to help those recovering, hear testimonies of porn stars and prostitutes who have escaped the industry and tell it like it is, and access valuable resources.
If you are age 18 or under, please get permission from your parents to view the following links.

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace"
--- Ephesians 1:7

Well put! People really need to watch out for Satan, he works without people even knowing it. We need to get the word out there :)
Very good post!! Bell
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