I did want to post this info I received in a reputable email today. I told Amber that I wouldn't have political stuff on my page so I am not making any political comments, I am just posting some information for those that may want to get this book:
Get Sarah Palin's Book FREE
A $15.95 Value You Can't Miss . . .

The Authorized Biography of Possibly America's Next President Is Yours Absolutely FREE. Just Pay the Standard Shipping and Handling.
Get "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down"
In Sarah, the first biography of Palin, author Kaylene Johnson draws upon personal interviews with Palin herself, her family, and closely placed sources to explore her private and public life. Sarah also includes 16 pages of Sarah Palin's most personal photos!
In Sarah, you will find out:
--the real role her faith has played in family life.
the surprising event that turned her from hockey mom into a full blown political activist.
--what she did on the Alaska commission overseeing natural resources that stunned everyone — Republicans and Democrats alike
--how she took on the incumbent Republican governor and beat him
--why she decided to make her family so much part of her public life
--why she is hugely popular with approval ratings above 75% among Democrats and Republicans
--how she became known as a "pit bull with lipstick"
and much, much more.
--This is a powerful book about a very ordinary person who has done extraordinary things.
Inspirational? Yes. But a must read for anyone who wants to know the real Sarah Palin, the lady who may someday be President.
The author says: "I had watched Palin's rise to the state's highest office with interest. Jaded as I was about politics in general, the notion that people could take government back into their own hands renewed my faith in the democratic process. It was an opportunity to learn and write about a fascinating woman who made Alaskan history by being the first woman and the youngest governor ever elected."
Find out how you can make a difference — read Sarah Palin's story!
Newsmax magazine's Incredible Offer
Newsmax magazine wants every American family to have a copy of Sarah and we'll send it to you for FREE! Just pay our standard shipping and handling charge of $5.95.
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