Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Jason Castro.. again and a Word to Bucky Covington

Well, I still have not returned to the rat race (what an awful phrase LOL, I am not a rat, but I am running the race, and will faint not). I still have limited computer access on a computer I commandeer for a small period during the day.

I want to say first and foremost, to Bucky Covington -- I am so glad you are enjoying the Christmas period with your family and are taking some well deserved time off the road. I was hoping to seeing you on New Year's Eve, but I am sure that will come sometime in the future. I know you are going full-steam ahead on the next project and will be out on the road again in January. You know you and the family are always in my prayers. HUGS (as soon as Bucky has some official news, I'll let you guys know)

So, since I am still in Christmas mode (and the European/Eastern churches haven't even celebrated their Christmas yet -- that's in January, so I'm still Christmasy season safe), I wanted to post some videos I located of Jason Castro performing at his church at the Christmas service. For those that don't know, Jason is a member of his church in Texas and was involved in it's music ministry. (thanx to my DH's for posting them!)

Please enjoy the videos. The first is Jason's performance, the second is a MUST see (I love churches like that), and the third is Jason's "Date Night" video from today.

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