Thanx to Rosequeen for finding this video of Jason Castro from last night where he says hello to his fans and is presented with a gift for reaching another milestone on his myspace music player :)
Thanx to HeartJason for posting Love Uncompromised
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Jason Castro - Opening of Flytrap Music Hall - Tulsa

(photo credit Andrew Shepherd)
Last night I had the opportunity to attend Jason Castro's concert for the opening of Tulsa's new music venue "Flytrap Music Hall". I sat stage left and the view from my seat was perfect (well except for the occasional interference). Actually, my seat was located in front of my computer at home and it was very comfortable -- isn't the internet great?!
The live webcast was broadcast by Flytrap Music Hall and run by a young woman named Bella. (who by default became as she admits " a super fan" after her experience last night). Jason's Dreadhead fan club and also broadcast the audio version of the concert with several guest callers. A party ensued at each site (I was checking out all three).
Jason, who captured the hearts of millions of fans while on American Idol, was met with a venue of screaming fans. He was relaxed, joking with the audience, and appreciative that everyone came out to see him. Jason's stage presence and vocal range has even gotten better--my reception was pretty good so I had experienced an awesome show). A friend of mine who was also viewing commented that her connection was a little muffled at times, but she didn't care because Jason "is still dreamy").
Jason played guitar and was accompanied by a band which was a nice addition behind his beautiful voice. His set consisted of new songs (possibly to be included on his upcoming CD) and a few Jason sang on American Idol which had been requested by fans. Jason's delivery is always heartfelt so you can imagine the response from the audience. The set list below is from my own notes and the new songs may not have the correct titles since the titles weren't announced:
--Someday (well known to Jason fans as his hopeful love song --btw, he got the girl :)
--Love Uncompromised (NEW - His sister gave us the title of this song and it has a great hook -- "Kiss me with your heart, touch me with your eyes, love me with your soul, I will never compromise")
--Hallelujah (full version)
--Sweet Medicine (NEW)
--It's Alright with Me (NEW - that's the hook, so possibly the name, but not sure)
--So Fast (Song he wrote about the loss of a friend)
--I Don't Want to Leave Tonight (not the title, but the hook)
--Shine Your Light (NEW)
--Over the Rainbow
Jason shared some personal face time and gave individual greetings to a number of viewing fans on the webcast after the show. At the repeated requests of the viewers, his family also interacted with the fans. Jason's sister and brother as well as his parents are loved by his fans as well. All the garbage you hear on the internet written by those with negative hearts is just that -- garbage. This family is a "functional", loving, caring, and generous family. They are truly radiate a loving spirit and they care about people. It is a blessing to see that people and families of this calibur still exist.
Reading between the lines, and I am good at that, I believe that Jason is going to handle his career -- his way and God's way -- not the industry's way. He will be wise at the industry choices he makes in order not to compromise his values -- and that is one thing that makes him special (he will not sell his soul for the almighty dollar -- and I am not saying that everyone does -- I am saying that I believe he will make wise and prayerful decisions).
Well, I will be attending Jason's next concert and I can't wait to share the experience on my return. WHOOP!
Well, I've got to run ... catch ya later!
God bless
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Trace Adkins -- Giving Back to Those That Serve

Well, I've been in a military frame of mind today -- thinking about those that serve and have served their country. So, I might as well continue a little bit more in sharing about my thoughts.
There is a special I want to watch on TV which is scheduled to air numerous times over the next few weeks. I hope I can arrange my schedule to catch it. (no I don't have TIVO or DVR -- you'd think I would, but nope -- I don't get to watch much TV).
The special is a ten-day trip taken by country music star Trace Adkins (a genuine guy who you may have seen on Celebrity Apprentice and the Macy's Day Parade). Trace, sponsored by the USO (see post below) visited the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan as a way to thank them for the sacrifices that they make everyday for us and our country.
Trace is extremely patriotic and will be the first to tell you so. Several of his songs are chill provoking if you love your country. (I hope if you are living here that you do -- even though I am not foolish enough to think that some of you just exist without a thought about it.)
The special airs on GAC and if you don't get that channel, you can call your cable company and request it. It definitely is a great channel to add and one that you won't mind your children watching either (gee, that is almost unheard of in these times).
Show times are:
November 29, 2008 10:00 PM ET
November 30, 2008 2:00 AM ET
November 30, 2008 4:00 PM ET
December 11, 2008 8:30 PM ET
December 12, 2008 12:30 AM ET
The link below is a little promo piece I found in my search. Check it out -- it has a video clip of the show as well.
Also, below is fan-video to one of Trace's new Songs "Til The Last Shot's Fired".
I hope you enjoy it -- it gave me goosebumps.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Support our Troops this Christmas (USO)

Thanksgiving celebration has come and gone (that doesn’t mean we should stop being thankful and giving thanks, it just means that we don’t have to eat Turkey at the same time!).
Thus, the commercial Christmas season has begun. Everyone looking for gifts to exchange at Christmas time -- I guess it’s good that people think of other people at this time, but the real meaning of the CHRISTMAS season (not HOLIDAY) is to reflect on our Savior --not the Baby Jesus etc etc, but on our Savior and that He was sent as promised in the Scriptures -- to bridge the gap between us and God the Father.
That being said (and I will expound on that in the next coming weeks I am sure), since everyone is thinking Christmas, Chanukkah, etc etc time, I wanted to share something that I feel is important.
I can remember when I was in second grade and everyone in class would bring a shoebox to school filled with items that we would send to the Troops who were overseas. We filled the boxes with toothbrushes, snacks, hand-made items, and messages of support and love. Just being part of that project made me feel as though I was helping to bring a little bit of love to a soldier who was away from his family and without the comforts of home. I still to this day remember how great it was to know I was helping with my little contribution.
Well, we can still do that today. We can still support our troops and bring a smile and warm feeling into the hearts of those who are sacrificing much to protect us. The USO has several different ways that you can support the troops by your donations of items or money.
Please consider helping our service men and women at Christmas time. Let a lonely and homesick soldier know that he or she is not forgotten and is appreciated for the sacrifices made on our behalf.
Visit the USO website at Read, learn, and open your heart. It is a way we, as individuals, can support our troops. Not only will you be blessing someone else, you too will be blessed.
Special USO Programs
Sending Gifts
To Donate
Greetings and Salutations :)
Good morning the day after Thanksgiving. I have a full schedule today so I may or may not be able to post -- but I will try to make a window because I do want to share something important.
So, check back
Hope everyone took some time to thank the Lord for all good things stem from Him.
God bless.
So, check back
Hope everyone took some time to thank the Lord for all good things stem from Him.
God bless.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Remembering Special Memories (Frampton)
I was reminiscing over a lifelong close and special friendship that I hold dear to my heart. Those that know me personally will know why I am posting these videos. I hope you enjoy them.
(Rest in Peace Bobby -- You'll forever be in my heart)
at 51, 148 etc:
at 235:
and at 6:46, 7:55:
(Rest in Peace Bobby -- You'll forever be in my heart)
at 51, 148 etc:
at 235:
and at 6:46, 7:55:
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
THANKSGIVING!! Be Thankful -- For What???
So tomorrow is Thanksgiving. You say be thankful--for what???
With the way things are going in this world right now--the money everyone has lost, the jobs lost, the sickness, the devastation due to fires and hurricanes etc, what do you we have to be thankful for?
My view is thankful FOR ALL THINGS and that things are not worse than they are!
Be thankful for your pulse, that you woke up, that you took a breath, that you can see and hear and walk--thankful that you have a job, family, friends, a computer!! You get my drift -- be thankful for all things. If we did not have the rain, we would not appreciate the sunshine.
As my sister says “Some say the glass is half full, some say half empty, I say be thankful that we have a glass. That glass means there is hope and possibilities.”
You got that right!
I want to take this time to say thank you to the Lord for being my rock, for the things He has done and continues to do on a daily basis. Thank you for my family and our health. Thank you to my friends who make my life even more joyful --especially to those of you that have extended yourself above and beyond (you know you who you are and I love you!)
Whether you spend Thanksgiving with family, friends, or by yourself -- take some time to reflect upon what you have to be thankful for --and the give thanks to the Lord above for making it all possible and to those who have blessed you on earth.
Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day and weekend!
With the way things are going in this world right now--the money everyone has lost, the jobs lost, the sickness, the devastation due to fires and hurricanes etc, what do you we have to be thankful for?
My view is thankful FOR ALL THINGS and that things are not worse than they are!
Be thankful for your pulse, that you woke up, that you took a breath, that you can see and hear and walk--thankful that you have a job, family, friends, a computer!! You get my drift -- be thankful for all things. If we did not have the rain, we would not appreciate the sunshine.
As my sister says “Some say the glass is half full, some say half empty, I say be thankful that we have a glass. That glass means there is hope and possibilities.”
You got that right!
I want to take this time to say thank you to the Lord for being my rock, for the things He has done and continues to do on a daily basis. Thank you for my family and our health. Thank you to my friends who make my life even more joyful --especially to those of you that have extended yourself above and beyond (you know you who you are and I love you!)
Whether you spend Thanksgiving with family, friends, or by yourself -- take some time to reflect upon what you have to be thankful for --and the give thanks to the Lord above for making it all possible and to those who have blessed you on earth.
Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving Day and weekend!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The following information came to me via a bona fide legal organization which I have been involved with for years and it is accurate. I felt I needed to share this with you because it affects OUR freedom and human rights.
Some of the text below is taken from the email to me, but some thoughts I have interjected.
Supreme Court Justice Scalia said in a recent dissent that "America is at war with radical Islamists". You may not be aware of that war, but it ensues at this moment.
Right now, in the United Nations, the huge 57-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference is driving for passage of a so-called "Defamation of Religions" resolution ... with a probable General Assembly vote in early December!
This "Defamation of Religions" resolution masquerades as a "tolerance" law - BUT IN FACT, it would target ANYONE who speaks negatively in any way about Islam! In other words, if you do not believe in Islam and you share YOUR faith, it would become an international crime, punishable by imprisonment or death. READ THAT AGAIN... PUNISHABLE BY IMPRISONMENT OR DEATH.
I am not making this up! THIS IS REAL AND IT IS HAPPENING NOW!
We are used to being a free nation, but that could change very soon.
Both the European and American Government Affairs Legal Teams of the American Center of Law and Justice (ACLJ) have met with ambassadors from a number of nations - explaining the awful truth about this resolution.
The ACLJ is working hard to educate the members of the UN Council to let them know that if resolutions like this are enshrined as international law, it will come at the price of countless Christian lives.
Meanwhile, the ACLJ is fighting on a second front: The U.K. demanded the deportation of a Syrian citizen who had converted from Islam to Christianity and fled to England. There was no question he would be subject to "honor killing" - probably by his own family - if he returned to his home.
The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) counsel argued his case before the U.K. immigration court, and won. The man and his wife were granted asylum, setting a strong precedent for other Christian converts to be granted "religious refugee" status.
But now the opposing counsel for the U.K. is appealing the ruling, brazenly claiming that a Christian organization like the ECLJ should not be allowed to provide a defense in such a case!
This is outrageous! We are seeing worldwide persecution of Christians as part of the radical Muslim mission to "take the world for Islam" by purging Christianity from the face of the earth.
Therefore, the ACLJ and its partners are fighting back with every possible resource. If this case is not won, this young man will certainly die - and many others will follow.
If you believe in the importance of freedom and protecting our human rights and would like to take part in the legal battle to preserve them, please check out the ACLJ and if you could possibly DONATE something to assist the general counsel of the ACLJ fight this egregious situation.
Right now there is an $875,000 LIBERTY NOT TYRANNY Matching Challenge to funds that are donated. Could you possibly donate even $1.00, $10.00, $20.00 or even $100.00?
I know times are tight. Just a thought, you could skip that Latte tomorrow morning.
What is your freedom worth?
p.s. I am Christian, therefore I share Christ, but the tolerance law, if passed, would also affect other religions--Tyranny shows no mercy.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Comment from Robert
I received this comment from one of my readers "Robert". Robert's comment touched me and I wanted to share it with you (it is buried in my first post). Before I share it, I wanted to say to Robert and his fiance that I wish you both a beautiful and wonderful life together. Keep the Lord first in your marriage and He will truly bless it.
You said you and your fiance have recently accepted Christ's free gift of salvation (paraphrased). I am so thrilled that you have -- If you allow Him, He will heal your hurts and you will begin to see His hand in your life more clearly as you grow in your relationship with Him.
God bless you :)
Robert's comment:
"All my life I have grown up away from home. Not knowing what love was or how to show it. Taken from my mother and step father. Raised by the state of mass. I have fallen in love with the woman of my dreams and we are about to start a family together. She is my rock and my world. I hope that everyone understand that things like this in the casting crowns video does really happend everyday and everywhere. Kids see the pain and suffering of the world with out evan understanding it and no one is there to show them or tell them what it means.
My wife to be has also grown up in a home that was not perfect and abused. She turned her heart and soul to God, I have done the same. I am a new christian and we are in it together With our hearts and spirits on fire for God."
You said you and your fiance have recently accepted Christ's free gift of salvation (paraphrased). I am so thrilled that you have -- If you allow Him, He will heal your hurts and you will begin to see His hand in your life more clearly as you grow in your relationship with Him.
God bless you :)
Robert's comment:
"All my life I have grown up away from home. Not knowing what love was or how to show it. Taken from my mother and step father. Raised by the state of mass. I have fallen in love with the woman of my dreams and we are about to start a family together. She is my rock and my world. I hope that everyone understand that things like this in the casting crowns video does really happend everyday and everywhere. Kids see the pain and suffering of the world with out evan understanding it and no one is there to show them or tell them what it means.
My wife to be has also grown up in a home that was not perfect and abused. She turned her heart and soul to God, I have done the same. I am a new christian and we are in it together With our hearts and spirits on fire for God."
Gratitude is Good For Your Health
This post is actually a something that was posted by JASON MRAZ and I wanted to share it because I believe it as well, but even if it didn't have any scientific backing, it just makes the world a better place to express gratitude--something that I don't audibly hear too often these days.
In that vein, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week --remember to give thanks to the Father too (daily) (p.s. satan so hates that!).
Posted by Jason Mraz:
Gratitude is Good For Your Health
Finally, some research reports coming in on the power of Saying Thank You. This is from today's pages of USA Today.
Stepping up the gratitude
Giving thanks year-round can make you healthier
Your Health By Kim Painter
Thursday, in between the cheese ball appetizers and the pumpkin pie desserts, most of us will indulge in something proven to have powerful health benefits.
No, it's not that extra serving of stuffing. It's the expression of gratitude — the simple act of thanking God, thanking others or just counting your blessings. Saying thanks, it turns out, isn't just pious or polite. It's good for you.
But there's a catch: You have to do it even when the calendar does not say "Thanksgiving."
"It doesn't really work if you do it only once a year," says Sonja Lyubomirsky, professor of psychology at the University of California-Riverside.
Practicing gratitude is like exercising, says Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at the University of California-Davis: Use it, and you won't lose it, even when times are tough, as they are for many folks right now.
Lyubomirsky and Emmons are among researchers who have studied the power of gratitude and learned, for example, that:
•People with high blood pressure not only lower their blood pressure, but they feel less hostile and are more likely to quit smoking and lose weight when they practice gratitude. This was demonstrated by calling a research hotline once a week to report on the things that make them grateful.
•People who care for relatives with Alzheimer's disease feel less stress and depression when they keep daily gratitude journals, listing the positive things in their lives.
•Those who maintain a thankful attitude through life appear to have lower risks of several disorders, including depression, phobias, bulimia and alcoholism.
•Most people can lift their mood simply by writing a letter of thanks to someone. Hand-deliver the letter, and the boost in happiness can last weeks or months.
Practicing gratitude in these systematic ways changes people by changing brains that "are wired for negativity, for noticing gaps and omissions," Emmons says. "When you express a feeling, you amplify it. When you express anger, you get angrier; when you express gratitude, you become more grateful."
And grateful people, he says, don't focus so much on pain and problems. They also are quicker to realize they have friends, families and communities to assist them in times of need. They see how they can help others in distress as well, he says.
After 9/11, many people reported increased feelings of gratitude, says Chris Peterson, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan.
It's too soon for studies on the influence of the nation's financial meltdown, but Peterson says he hears a lot of people counting their blessing these days. "There are people who say 'It could be worse, and I'm glad I have my health.' "
Gratitude won't get those people new jobs or replenish their retirement accounts, but it could give them the energy to tackle their challenges, Peterson says:
"It can only help."
Page 6D
In that vein, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this week --remember to give thanks to the Father too (daily) (p.s. satan so hates that!).
Posted by Jason Mraz:
Gratitude is Good For Your Health
Finally, some research reports coming in on the power of Saying Thank You. This is from today's pages of USA Today.
Stepping up the gratitude
Giving thanks year-round can make you healthier
Your Health By Kim Painter
Thursday, in between the cheese ball appetizers and the pumpkin pie desserts, most of us will indulge in something proven to have powerful health benefits.
No, it's not that extra serving of stuffing. It's the expression of gratitude — the simple act of thanking God, thanking others or just counting your blessings. Saying thanks, it turns out, isn't just pious or polite. It's good for you.
But there's a catch: You have to do it even when the calendar does not say "Thanksgiving."
"It doesn't really work if you do it only once a year," says Sonja Lyubomirsky, professor of psychology at the University of California-Riverside.
Practicing gratitude is like exercising, says Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at the University of California-Davis: Use it, and you won't lose it, even when times are tough, as they are for many folks right now.
Lyubomirsky and Emmons are among researchers who have studied the power of gratitude and learned, for example, that:
•People with high blood pressure not only lower their blood pressure, but they feel less hostile and are more likely to quit smoking and lose weight when they practice gratitude. This was demonstrated by calling a research hotline once a week to report on the things that make them grateful.
•People who care for relatives with Alzheimer's disease feel less stress and depression when they keep daily gratitude journals, listing the positive things in their lives.
•Those who maintain a thankful attitude through life appear to have lower risks of several disorders, including depression, phobias, bulimia and alcoholism.
•Most people can lift their mood simply by writing a letter of thanks to someone. Hand-deliver the letter, and the boost in happiness can last weeks or months.
Practicing gratitude in these systematic ways changes people by changing brains that "are wired for negativity, for noticing gaps and omissions," Emmons says. "When you express a feeling, you amplify it. When you express anger, you get angrier; when you express gratitude, you become more grateful."
And grateful people, he says, don't focus so much on pain and problems. They also are quicker to realize they have friends, families and communities to assist them in times of need. They see how they can help others in distress as well, he says.
After 9/11, many people reported increased feelings of gratitude, says Chris Peterson, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan.
It's too soon for studies on the influence of the nation's financial meltdown, but Peterson says he hears a lot of people counting their blessing these days. "There are people who say 'It could be worse, and I'm glad I have my health.' "
Gratitude won't get those people new jobs or replenish their retirement accounts, but it could give them the energy to tackle their challenges, Peterson says:
"It can only help."
Page 6D
Sunday, November 23, 2008
It's a Slow Fade -- Be Careful Little Eyes What You See (Casting Crowns)
After my post about Triple XXX ThrowDown, someone requested that I post the following video as well since it continues the thought. (Thanx Greta)
Please watch and listen to Slow Fade by Casting Crowns. I hope it touches your heart and maybe even wakes you up if you need it.
Please watch and listen to Slow Fade by Casting Crowns. I hope it touches your heart and maybe even wakes you up if you need it.
Triple XXX Throwdown -- PORNOGRAPHY!
I prayed about whether or not to post this blog--I know that people of all ages read it, but the Lord impressed upon me that the it was important. So here ya go.
If it was an isolated incident, I probably would not be posting it here, but it so grieves my spirit that talk of pornography seems to be a topic that crops up in conversation more often than not. The fact that people seem to be desensitized to its offensive nature is a sign that it has become mainstream. Pornography has even become so mainstream that it is an accepted topic among middle school children!! It is also probable that your young child has seen pornographic images or videos. Statistics show the largest age group for viewing online porn is ages 12-17.
How cunning is satan in the way he infiltrates the minds of those who do not guard their hearts? Once he has them hooked, he then uses them to ravage others.
My heart is so saddened by how immoral this world has become over the last 40 years and how it has destroyed people and relationships leaving broken people and families in its wake.
Don't be fooled, pornography is destructive not only to those view it, but also to those who are have relationships with the viewer, and the people who are actually are the "actors" and "actresses".
If you are reading this, the odds are high that you too have seen something pornographic somehow or someway. You may even view porn yourself and feel you are not doing anything wrong or being affected in any way. That is the same mentality of those taking their first hits of Heroin or Cocaine. (I have worked in rehabilitation of addicts).
You know that analogy about the frog that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will never jump out. The change in water temperature is gradual and before he even realized what was happening, the frog would be boiled to death. Well, follow my drift here--porn addiction creeps up on you and overtakes you as well. Not only is it addicting, porn destroys lives and souls. You think porn is normal, you think it is no-biggie, you think it is just reality, you think it is pleasure, you think it is your right. Please don't be deceived, your emotional, physical and spiritual life are all in jeopardy. (This goes for prostitution as well)
On another note, as you are reading this, you are also a target for pornographic addicts who are sexual predators scouring the internet for their next victim.
Without continuing to belabor the issue in the blog, please visit some of the links below if you want more info to safeguard your computer, need help with porn, want to help those recovering, hear testimonies of porn stars and prostitutes who have escaped the industry and tell it like it is, and access valuable resources.
If you are age 18 or under, please get permission from your parents to view the following links.

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace"
--- Ephesians 1:7
If it was an isolated incident, I probably would not be posting it here, but it so grieves my spirit that talk of pornography seems to be a topic that crops up in conversation more often than not. The fact that people seem to be desensitized to its offensive nature is a sign that it has become mainstream. Pornography has even become so mainstream that it is an accepted topic among middle school children!! It is also probable that your young child has seen pornographic images or videos. Statistics show the largest age group for viewing online porn is ages 12-17.
How cunning is satan in the way he infiltrates the minds of those who do not guard their hearts? Once he has them hooked, he then uses them to ravage others.
My heart is so saddened by how immoral this world has become over the last 40 years and how it has destroyed people and relationships leaving broken people and families in its wake.
Don't be fooled, pornography is destructive not only to those view it, but also to those who are have relationships with the viewer, and the people who are actually are the "actors" and "actresses".
If you are reading this, the odds are high that you too have seen something pornographic somehow or someway. You may even view porn yourself and feel you are not doing anything wrong or being affected in any way. That is the same mentality of those taking their first hits of Heroin or Cocaine. (I have worked in rehabilitation of addicts).
You know that analogy about the frog that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will never jump out. The change in water temperature is gradual and before he even realized what was happening, the frog would be boiled to death. Well, follow my drift here--porn addiction creeps up on you and overtakes you as well. Not only is it addicting, porn destroys lives and souls. You think porn is normal, you think it is no-biggie, you think it is just reality, you think it is pleasure, you think it is your right. Please don't be deceived, your emotional, physical and spiritual life are all in jeopardy. (This goes for prostitution as well)
On another note, as you are reading this, you are also a target for pornographic addicts who are sexual predators scouring the internet for their next victim.
Without continuing to belabor the issue in the blog, please visit some of the links below if you want more info to safeguard your computer, need help with porn, want to help those recovering, hear testimonies of porn stars and prostitutes who have escaped the industry and tell it like it is, and access valuable resources.
If you are age 18 or under, please get permission from your parents to view the following links.

"In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace"
--- Ephesians 1:7

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Lunch with the Girlies
Just a little update for today -- Well, it is freezing out there today, but I had to venture out to meet up with and have lunch with one of my groups of girlies. We spent half the day at Applebee's and took up two tables. The waiter was very patient with us since we held his table hostage all afternoon. The conversations ran the gamit from new haircuts to cruises and table decor for the upcoming Thanksgiving celebrations (and it ran amuck somewhere in between). TDaisy, I hope you are feeling better and sorry you had to miss the lunch today--Hugs.
To the cast of characters -- Marg, Bren, Weezy, Denise, Nancy, and Elena -- thank you for a great afternoon of laughter, chat, and good food. Denise, get that calendar out and pencil-in the next girlie afternoon.
Nancy, since you didn't have any dessert, and I know your favorite, enjoy a Cookie :)

On another note, Miss Marple, I am sorry I can't attend your Christmas party this year. Thank you so much for the invitation--though I think it is going to be wonderful--but I am just not able to join you. I will be attending a special concert that day in Texas which was made possible by the generosity of a very special friend. I will be blogging about it so check back here in mid-December.
Well, catch ya later guys..
To the cast of characters -- Marg, Bren, Weezy, Denise, Nancy, and Elena -- thank you for a great afternoon of laughter, chat, and good food. Denise, get that calendar out and pencil-in the next girlie afternoon.
Nancy, since you didn't have any dessert, and I know your favorite, enjoy a Cookie :)

On another note, Miss Marple, I am sorry I can't attend your Christmas party this year. Thank you so much for the invitation--though I think it is going to be wonderful--but I am just not able to join you. I will be attending a special concert that day in Texas which was made possible by the generosity of a very special friend. I will be blogging about it so check back here in mid-December.
Well, catch ya later guys..
What Does November 22 mean to you?

Well, I was just looking at the clock at the bottom of my computer screen just now and it happens to already be past midnight which officially makes it November 22nd.
What does November 22nd mean to you? Well, for me.... it's a day that is seared into my memory forever with lots of tears, yet special family moments as well.
I was in 8th grade in 1963. I can remember exiting school on November 22nd and my father being parked outside in the car waiting for me. My father was a strong, dedicated, and patriotic man. His life focused on service to our country. He was looked up to by many for his service and strength. On this particular day, when he came to pick me up, my father was crying and that is a sight I will never forget. He shared with me that our beloved President John F. Kennedy had been shot.
To set the scene and the atmosphere of the times, we lived in a country that was unified. (with the way things are now, who would ever think that there was a time such as that?) The entire country backed its president unequivocally and America stood proud as a strong and honored country. President Kennedy was one of our most beloved presidents. He was a young man with a beautiful wife and a young family. We adopted them into our own hearts. Being raised with a zeal and love for my country the fact that our president was shot was a devastating blow to me and my family and to all Americans.
The assassination attempt on President Kennedy's life was successful and he succumbed to its evil plot. My father without hesitation scooped us all into the car and off to Washington, DC we drove in our light blue Buick with the white top. We joined millions of Amercians as they were overcome with shock, grief and sorrow and we, as a family, experienced it firsthand in our nations's capital.
My memory of that week brings me back to standing in a line that seemed to stretch for days so we could file past the president's gravesite and see the eternal flame placed there by his widow, Jacqueline Kennedy. The frigid weather was so bitter that my feet, hands,and legs become like icicles. (This was a time when women did not wear long pants, so I wore stockings and a skirt while we waited for more than half the day).
The entire country grieved together because of this horrific event and it is something that I will never forget. The picture of Jackie Kennedy's bloodstained suit is a vivid image in my brain. The image of little John-John (who grew to be the young John F. Kennedy, Jr.) saluting his father's casket as it rolled by on the caison, brings me to tears everytime the memory enters my thoughts.
So, today, November 22nd always "downloads files" from the archive of my brain and puts my heart back to a time filled with great emotion--a country unified, a grief uncontainable, and the memory of a period we will never see again in this country.
When my friend Denise sent me an invitation to have "lunch with the girls" (which I will be attending today .. well actually a little after I wake up in the morning), the date jolted me -- November 22nd. You would think that after all these years--45 years to be exact--that it would be just another day, but it will always in my mind be the day that our beloved president John F. Kennedy was senselessly assassinated and life in the United States was changed forever. The time of "Camelot" was brought to an end.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I Don't Want to Lose My Soul ! TobyMac, Mandisa, Kirk Franklin
Someone sent me this video because they knew I liked TobyMac (thank you NSS for sharing with me). It is a homemade video --the song is sung by TobyMac with Mandisa and Kirk Franklin--I really like them all. I love the song and the message. I hope you enjoy it too. It Rawks!! Tell me whatchathink!
I Don't Want to Lose My Soul (by the way, I DON'T and thank you Jesus for giving me that choice!)
I Don't Want to Lose My Soul (by the way, I DON'T and thank you Jesus for giving me that choice!)
Jason Castro -- Richie Fields
Hey, thanx guys for all your comments to me and thank you for letting me know that you enjoy getting to know a little bit of what is inside this head and heart.
Here it is Friday night and I haven't posted anything since yesterday morning! I promise there is lots of stuff swirling around inside but, Geez... doesn't life just get in the way of our plans sometimes? My work load has been piled above my eyeballs burying me so that I could hardly take a bathroom break--I kid you not! (That being said, thank you Jesus that I still have a job because many people don't right now).
There are so many tidbits I want to post, but I don't know where to begin. I guess right now I will post some important things.
-----I've added a music player in the Right Column. Take a listen to some of Jason Castro's songs from American Idol. These are not songs written by him. You will be in for a treat when you hear those. For now, just listen and hear his heart.
-----Jason Castro has added another concert to his calendar--the Inauguration of FlyTrap Music Hall in Tulsa, Oklahoma on November 29. Click HERE for details.
-----Win Tix to Jason Castro's December 13th Concert in Garland Texas!
Jason was able to get 2 sets of 2 tickets to give away to his loyal fans for the December 13th concert in Garland TX where he will be opening up for Patti LaBelle!! These seats are located in a premium location and Jason wanted to make sure that they were given to 2 lucky fans!!
Enter by clicking HERE
Sign your first name and screen name in the thread. You do not have to be a member of Jason's Fan Club to sign up so tell all your friends and pass the word.
Then be on the look out for Jason's date night video after his November 29th concert in Tulsa,OK, and watch as Jason draws the 2 lucky winners names and announces them on his video himself!!!!! His date night video will be posted on Jason's Myspace
Each winner will be given a pair of tickets for the show! Be the first to hear Jason's new music and come out with the best fans on earth!! The winners will be emailed or Pm'd with further information. You may sign up once per person.
-----On another note, I mentioned the other day that Richie Fields' song "Man Enough To Cry" was getting a lot of plays at Y'allwire. Well Richie has gotten into the Number One spot as most played. I am so happy for him. Congratulations Richie!! Remember to check out Richie's video on
Here it is Friday night and I haven't posted anything since yesterday morning! I promise there is lots of stuff swirling around inside but, Geez... doesn't life just get in the way of our plans sometimes? My work load has been piled above my eyeballs burying me so that I could hardly take a bathroom break--I kid you not! (That being said, thank you Jesus that I still have a job because many people don't right now).
There are so many tidbits I want to post, but I don't know where to begin. I guess right now I will post some important things.
-----I've added a music player in the Right Column. Take a listen to some of Jason Castro's songs from American Idol. These are not songs written by him. You will be in for a treat when you hear those. For now, just listen and hear his heart.
-----Jason Castro has added another concert to his calendar--the Inauguration of FlyTrap Music Hall in Tulsa, Oklahoma on November 29. Click HERE for details.
-----Win Tix to Jason Castro's December 13th Concert in Garland Texas!
Jason was able to get 2 sets of 2 tickets to give away to his loyal fans for the December 13th concert in Garland TX where he will be opening up for Patti LaBelle!! These seats are located in a premium location and Jason wanted to make sure that they were given to 2 lucky fans!!
Enter by clicking HERE
Sign your first name and screen name in the thread. You do not have to be a member of Jason's Fan Club to sign up so tell all your friends and pass the word.
Then be on the look out for Jason's date night video after his November 29th concert in Tulsa,OK, and watch as Jason draws the 2 lucky winners names and announces them on his video himself!!!!! His date night video will be posted on Jason's Myspace
Each winner will be given a pair of tickets for the show! Be the first to hear Jason's new music and come out with the best fans on earth!! The winners will be emailed or Pm'd with further information. You may sign up once per person.
-----On another note, I mentioned the other day that Richie Fields' song "Man Enough To Cry" was getting a lot of plays at Y'allwire. Well Richie has gotten into the Number One spot as most played. I am so happy for him. Congratulations Richie!! Remember to check out Richie's video on

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Shine Your Light!
I woke up to a very cold and overcast day today. I hope to bring some "sonshine" into it. I'm running off and will catch you later.
"Shine Your Light"
-- Jason Castro
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
-- Matthew 5:16
"Shine Your Light"
-- Jason Castro
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."
-- Matthew 5:16
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sugarland Concert in NYC

I wanted to share with you an email I received from a young woman named "Measles" (permission to do so was granted). She won tickets to yesterday's Sugarland Concert in New York City.
If you don't know who Sugarland is, you need to get out more given all the awards they have won over the last few years. And, if you know who Bon Jovi is, Jennifer Nettles (the female half of Sugarland) sang the duet with John in "Who Says You Can't Go Home" (the unofficial NJ theme song).
Well, I'll let Measles tell you in her own words about her experience:
(I love to hear about other's adventures--thank you for sharing with me/us Measles)
On November 18, 2008 I attented Sugarland's concert taping for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. The band sang three songs (Already Gone, All I Want To Do, and Settlin') that will be shown on CBS Thanksgiving Day.
Both Jennifer Nettles and Kristian Bush have such amazing energy and appreciation for their fans. In between the songs, camera adjustments and sound checks, they interacted with the 250 fans who were able to take part in the concert. They both have amazing voices and are so humble and kind. I was able to stand in the third row and get an autograph from Kristian! I'm so grateful that I got to take part in this event, and I wish the band a great amount of luck for their future.
-- Measles
After-thought... oh ummmm by the way, they are both from A-town deep in the heart of Dixie :)
Bucky Covington wants to Give You a Flip Video Camera
I had to share with you this great contest. All you need to do is sign up to enter in order to have the chance to win a Flip Video Camera from Bucky Covington. Now who doesn't want a video camera?
Check, check, checkt it out. Here ya go:
Check, check, checkt it out. Here ya go:

Clear the Formatting, Remove the Codes, Start with a Clean Slate
Ok so this morning when I was spending some time with the Lord and pondering over the issue of forgiveness, the following scenario came into my head. I understand my train of thought so I hope you can follow me and get my drift LOL
Have you ever used the computer to write a paper, letter, newsletter or any of the such? Well, more often than not, someone in my office will be pulling their hair out because the document being worked on is not obeying the user’s instructions. No matter how hard they try to get the text to do what they want it to do, there is some hidden force working against them (i.e., style setup, formatting code, defaults, etc.) Many choose to get angry and upset or cover up the problem area by some work-around instead of fixing the reason for the problem. The document still has offensive code and carries the potential for corruption.
An easy fix to the problem, which most people do not use, is to clear all formatting--remove all codes--and start with a clean slate. Sometimes it is hard to deal with the issue, but in the end it relieves a lot of stress and frustration.
Well, in life, there are hidden forces working against us to bring us down or destroy us in the end. Every twist and turn brings new issues to deal with and new problems to endure. No matter how hard we try to fight them, sometimes they can be overwhelming. Some of life’s problems are brought about by our choice not to deal with a problem head-on or do a work-around and ignore the real issue. We still carry the issue around with us.
That being said, it is often the case when someone offends us, hurts us, or causes us to get angry. Do we ignore the issue, bury it, and let it fester as we build resentment causing us to push that person away, and carry with us the “baggage” that has accumulated.
God has given us an easy fix(because of his grace and mercy and His free gift of salvation to us), but many choose not to use it. God has chosen to forgive us for our behavior and has given us a clean slate. He asks, in turn, that we forgive others for their transgressions against us. Are we really so puffed-up that we think we have not done things to hurt someone else? Are we perfect (I think not--though some people think they are). Do we want to be forgiven when we mess up? (I know I do, and I know I mess up). Why is it that people cannot forgive others easily? I guess it’s because we are human, so we struggle with it and we want to punish the person who has transgressed against us.
If we build up anger and resentment, or hold a grudge, it really doesn’t hurt the person it is aimed at (they may never even know it exists) as much as it hurts us. I truly believe that unforgiveness is the cause of many illnesses--physical and emotional. If we follow God’s outline--search our hearts--and actually forgive others, it truly lifts a burden off our shoulders and that release can give a tremendous peace. (I have personally experienced this in a life changing way.)
When God forgives us, He doesn’t cover up our offensive code. He clears the formatting and gives us a fresh start. We ourselves then should not cover up or bury the offensive code (issue) when someone has transgressed against us. We should clear the formatting and start over. In the end, it relieves a lot of stress and frustration and the potential for corruption (our own demise--physical, emotional, spiritual.)
(little footnote here -- forgiving someone does not mean that you have to again subject yourself to their actions. If you chose not to be in a situation, you can still forgive them for their transgression and move on -- fly like a bird, soar like an eagle).
Anyway, does anyone follow my train of thought?
Have you ever used the computer to write a paper, letter, newsletter or any of the such? Well, more often than not, someone in my office will be pulling their hair out because the document being worked on is not obeying the user’s instructions. No matter how hard they try to get the text to do what they want it to do, there is some hidden force working against them (i.e., style setup, formatting code, defaults, etc.) Many choose to get angry and upset or cover up the problem area by some work-around instead of fixing the reason for the problem. The document still has offensive code and carries the potential for corruption.
An easy fix to the problem, which most people do not use, is to clear all formatting--remove all codes--and start with a clean slate. Sometimes it is hard to deal with the issue, but in the end it relieves a lot of stress and frustration.
Well, in life, there are hidden forces working against us to bring us down or destroy us in the end. Every twist and turn brings new issues to deal with and new problems to endure. No matter how hard we try to fight them, sometimes they can be overwhelming. Some of life’s problems are brought about by our choice not to deal with a problem head-on or do a work-around and ignore the real issue. We still carry the issue around with us.
That being said, it is often the case when someone offends us, hurts us, or causes us to get angry. Do we ignore the issue, bury it, and let it fester as we build resentment causing us to push that person away, and carry with us the “baggage” that has accumulated.
God has given us an easy fix(because of his grace and mercy and His free gift of salvation to us), but many choose not to use it. God has chosen to forgive us for our behavior and has given us a clean slate. He asks, in turn, that we forgive others for their transgressions against us. Are we really so puffed-up that we think we have not done things to hurt someone else? Are we perfect (I think not--though some people think they are). Do we want to be forgiven when we mess up? (I know I do, and I know I mess up). Why is it that people cannot forgive others easily? I guess it’s because we are human, so we struggle with it and we want to punish the person who has transgressed against us.
If we build up anger and resentment, or hold a grudge, it really doesn’t hurt the person it is aimed at (they may never even know it exists) as much as it hurts us. I truly believe that unforgiveness is the cause of many illnesses--physical and emotional. If we follow God’s outline--search our hearts--and actually forgive others, it truly lifts a burden off our shoulders and that release can give a tremendous peace. (I have personally experienced this in a life changing way.)
When God forgives us, He doesn’t cover up our offensive code. He clears the formatting and gives us a fresh start. We ourselves then should not cover up or bury the offensive code (issue) when someone has transgressed against us. We should clear the formatting and start over. In the end, it relieves a lot of stress and frustration and the potential for corruption (our own demise--physical, emotional, spiritual.)
(little footnote here -- forgiving someone does not mean that you have to again subject yourself to their actions. If you chose not to be in a situation, you can still forgive them for their transgression and move on -- fly like a bird, soar like an eagle).
Anyway, does anyone follow my train of thought?
Maria Long Needs a Favor -- Let's Show Her Some Love
Sorry, this just in .... and I had to post it before hitting the pillow for my beauty sleep.
Maria Long, a beautiful and precious sister with a heart for people and the Lord, has requested a favor. (see below after the video for message from Maria)
This message is from Maria herself:

hey so there are only 3 days til voting closes for famecast... and they sent me an e-mail today telling me that i'm in the top 10 in the christian stage.... i suppose the funny part is that i didn't know! one of my good friends nick fry who won the previous time got his fans to vote for me... :)
soooo now that i know i have a special request??? please sign up and vote for me everyday! :) in 3 days i find out if i made the top 5 then the voting will continue for the winner.... if i win this then i move on to compete for $20,000... who could not use that???lol
so yeah please get everyone you know to vote! i appreciate your support!
Check out Maria at her MYSPACE
Maria Long, a beautiful and precious sister with a heart for people and the Lord, has requested a favor. (see below after the video for message from Maria)
This message is from Maria herself:

hey so there are only 3 days til voting closes for famecast... and they sent me an e-mail today telling me that i'm in the top 10 in the christian stage.... i suppose the funny part is that i didn't know! one of my good friends nick fry who won the previous time got his fans to vote for me... :)
soooo now that i know i have a special request??? please sign up and vote for me everyday! :) in 3 days i find out if i made the top 5 then the voting will continue for the winner.... if i win this then i move on to compete for $20,000... who could not use that???lol
so yeah please get everyone you know to vote! i appreciate your support!
Check out Maria at her MYSPACE
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Random Vocab Thoughts
Ok, so I'm sharing some random thoughts here.
Today I was thinking about vocabulary and I realized that within a span of about two weeks, in my coversations with adults and assorted professional people, the following words were actually used when someone referred to the "toilet".
- toilet
- el bano
- potty
- head
- bathroom
- restroom
- powder room
- ladies’ room
- little boy’s room
- throne
- loo
- can
- commode
- office
- latrine
- lavatory
It's funny how everyone has their own little word for the "toilet" and no matter how professional someone is, they seem to come out with the the word you would least expect.
Well, there ya go--random thoughts which make life interesting LOL and well, I guess educational at the same time.
Catch ya all tomorrow :) God bless!
Today I was thinking about vocabulary and I realized that within a span of about two weeks, in my coversations with adults and assorted professional people, the following words were actually used when someone referred to the "toilet".
- toilet
- el bano
- potty
- head
- bathroom
- restroom
- powder room
- ladies’ room
- little boy’s room
- throne
- loo
- can
- commode
- office
- latrine
- lavatory
It's funny how everyone has their own little word for the "toilet" and no matter how professional someone is, they seem to come out with the the word you would least expect.
Well, there ya go--random thoughts which make life interesting LOL and well, I guess educational at the same time.
Catch ya all tomorrow :) God bless!
Richie Fields -- Country Artist/Songwriter
Well, I have some exciting news to share. I had the privilege of “meeting” an up and coming country artist/songwriter earlier this year when I was looking for a new artist to interview for the magazine. I asked the Lord to direct me to the right one. I was directed to two specific artists, one being Richie Fields and the other being Sweetwater Jade (I'll fill you in on those girls later).
During the interview, Richie’s heart and dedication was something I picked up on immediately. His reason for singing and pursing his career was motivated by the loss of a dear friend many years earlier. He is a strong man with a tender and compassionate heart. His voice is mature voice with a great vocal range.
Well, I am thrilled to say that Richie Fields now has two singles off of his CD "Man Enough To Cry" that have grabbed the attention of the industry.
(Photo Credit Amy Jones)
The following is a press release which I am sharing with you:
Nashville, TN (November 17, 2008) -- Richie Fields' swampy country rocker, "Devil In The Mirror," lands on deejays' desks today via CDX Volume 461.
The second single release from Fields' upcoming CD, MAN ENOUGH TO CRY, "Devil In the Mirror" kicks off with a Southern Rock-era guitar that sets the mood for this mid-tempo reflection by a man who's fighting the devil inside.
Music Row's Robert K. Oermann says: "His wide-ranging singing voice is sturdy, the down-and-out lyric is excellent and the doom-y arrangement is appropriately menacing. Richie's 'Man Enough to Cry' debut single won a Disc of the Day award last May. This confirms his promise." Richie rips and roars through the track, and he should make hit songwriters Larry Williams, Kim Williams and Wayd Battle proud in the process.
Fields' "Man Enough To Cry" video was added to last week, and made an impressive 10-point jump to move to the #12 spot on Y'ALLWIRE with over 17,000 views. The popular online destination's current Top 15 includes heavyweights Sugarland, Toby Keith, Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts.
Visit RICHIE'S MYSPACE to hear his new single.
Advance copies of MAN ENOUGH TO CRY are available now from iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon.
OK now, back to me (that's a saying that someone special always says LOL and I thought of it just now, so anyway...) Well, Richie is currently hitting the hot spots on the East Coast and will be at the Rainbow Road, 930 Middleway Pike Inwood West Virginia 25428, the weekend of November 21st & 22nd. Shows start @ 10 PM both nights!
On SATURDAY night only, Richie will be giving away a FREE Music DVD of his CD "Man Enough To Cry", which is doing well on "GACTV. com" & "", to EVERYONE who wears a Richie Fields T-shirt, or buys a T-shirt or CD at Rainbow Road.
Call in and reserve a table - they are filling up fast: 304-725-3540!
During the interview, Richie’s heart and dedication was something I picked up on immediately. His reason for singing and pursing his career was motivated by the loss of a dear friend many years earlier. He is a strong man with a tender and compassionate heart. His voice is mature voice with a great vocal range.
Well, I am thrilled to say that Richie Fields now has two singles off of his CD "Man Enough To Cry" that have grabbed the attention of the industry.

The following is a press release which I am sharing with you:
Nashville, TN (November 17, 2008) -- Richie Fields' swampy country rocker, "Devil In The Mirror," lands on deejays' desks today via CDX Volume 461.
The second single release from Fields' upcoming CD, MAN ENOUGH TO CRY, "Devil In the Mirror" kicks off with a Southern Rock-era guitar that sets the mood for this mid-tempo reflection by a man who's fighting the devil inside.
Music Row's Robert K. Oermann says: "His wide-ranging singing voice is sturdy, the down-and-out lyric is excellent and the doom-y arrangement is appropriately menacing. Richie's 'Man Enough to Cry' debut single won a Disc of the Day award last May. This confirms his promise." Richie rips and roars through the track, and he should make hit songwriters Larry Williams, Kim Williams and Wayd Battle proud in the process.
Fields' "Man Enough To Cry" video was added to last week, and made an impressive 10-point jump to move to the #12 spot on Y'ALLWIRE with over 17,000 views. The popular online destination's current Top 15 includes heavyweights Sugarland, Toby Keith, Taylor Swift and Rascal Flatts.
Visit RICHIE'S MYSPACE to hear his new single.
Advance copies of MAN ENOUGH TO CRY are available now from iTunes, CDBaby and Amazon.
OK now, back to me (that's a saying that someone special always says LOL and I thought of it just now, so anyway...) Well, Richie is currently hitting the hot spots on the East Coast and will be at the Rainbow Road, 930 Middleway Pike Inwood West Virginia 25428, the weekend of November 21st & 22nd. Shows start @ 10 PM both nights!
On SATURDAY night only, Richie will be giving away a FREE Music DVD of his CD "Man Enough To Cry", which is doing well on "GACTV. com" & "", to EVERYONE who wears a Richie Fields T-shirt, or buys a T-shirt or CD at Rainbow Road.
Call in and reserve a table - they are filling up fast: 304-725-3540!
Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee Beans - Which Are You?
Before I post some exciting news of a friend of mine, I wanted to share something sent to me by my friend Catherine. After reading this story and after many trials and adversities in my own life, I can tell you that I am a Coffee Bean! Thank you Jesus for making me a Coffee Bean!! Which are you?
Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee Beans
You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.
A young woman went to her mother and shared things she was dealing with in her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. She was fed up with life.
The mother took her daughter to the kitchen and filled three pots with water, then placed each on a high fire. Soon the water began to boil. In the first pot, the mother placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the third she placed coffee beans. She let the water in each pot boil without saying a word.
In about twenty minutes the mother turned off the burners. She took out the carrots and the eggs and placed them each in separate bowls. Then she ladled out the coffee beans and placed them in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, tell me what you see. The daughter replied, carrots, eggs, and coffee.
Her mother asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked her to take an egg and break it. She cracked the shell and realized that it was hardboiled. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted it and smelled its rich aroma.
The mother went on to tell the daughter that each of these objects had faced the same adversity--boiling water; yet each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.
The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting in the boiling water, its inside became hardened.
The coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water for the better.
The mother asked her daughter, “Which are you? When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?
Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, breakup, financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?
Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water for the better, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, the coffee bean releases its fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level?
How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten or forgiven past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.
James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee Beans
You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again.
A young woman went to her mother and shared things she was dealing with in her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. She was fed up with life.
The mother took her daughter to the kitchen and filled three pots with water, then placed each on a high fire. Soon the water began to boil. In the first pot, the mother placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the third she placed coffee beans. She let the water in each pot boil without saying a word.
In about twenty minutes the mother turned off the burners. She took out the carrots and the eggs and placed them each in separate bowls. Then she ladled out the coffee beans and placed them in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, tell me what you see. The daughter replied, carrots, eggs, and coffee.
Her mother asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked her to take an egg and break it. She cracked the shell and realized that it was hardboiled. Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted it and smelled its rich aroma.
The mother went on to tell the daughter that each of these objects had faced the same adversity--boiling water; yet each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.
The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting in the boiling water, its inside became hardened.
The coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water for the better.
The mother asked her daughter, “Which are you? When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”
Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity, do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?
Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, breakup, financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?
Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water for the better, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, the coffee bean releases its fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, do you elevate yourself to another level?
How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy.
The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes their way. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten or forgiven past; you can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so at the end, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.
James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
Congratulations Jason Michael Carroll (JMC)
Congratulations are in order for the man with "that voice"--Jason Michael Carroll. He has a unique and distinctive quality to his voice that just draws you in and you never expect it coming.
Jason Michael, who was Billboard's 2007 top new male Country Artist, won a 2008 BMI Award for one of the songs with the most airplay for his hit "Living Our Love Song" (a true story of the love of his life). Congratulations "Jason Michael" -- you so deserve it!!
Oh, there are those of you that have not heard the man with "the voice". I have had experience of seeing people react when they listened to his music--though they didn't know who he was, or particularly like his genre, but they were blown away by "that voice" coming from "that man". (plus he, like Bucky, is a southern gentleman)
So, below is a clip of JMC being interviewed at the 2008 BMI Awards by Nashville at Nite (you can see his "Fairy-tale Princess" to the right of him). And, while you are at it, check out his new single which someone had the opportunity to catch him perform acoustically for the first time a while back Where I'm From (I especially love, love, love, the ending lines).
p.s. I am running off, but will be back with more later :)
God bless
Jason Michael, who was Billboard's 2007 top new male Country Artist, won a 2008 BMI Award for one of the songs with the most airplay for his hit "Living Our Love Song" (a true story of the love of his life). Congratulations "Jason Michael" -- you so deserve it!!
Oh, there are those of you that have not heard the man with "the voice". I have had experience of seeing people react when they listened to his music--though they didn't know who he was, or particularly like his genre, but they were blown away by "that voice" coming from "that man". (plus he, like Bucky, is a southern gentleman)
So, below is a clip of JMC being interviewed at the 2008 BMI Awards by Nashville at Nite (you can see his "Fairy-tale Princess" to the right of him). And, while you are at it, check out his new single which someone had the opportunity to catch him perform acoustically for the first time a while back Where I'm From (I especially love, love, love, the ending lines).
p.s. I am running off, but will be back with more later :)
God bless
Monday, November 17, 2008
Bucky Covington at the 2008 BMI Awards
The 2008 BMI Awards were held last week in Nashville and someone sent me this clip of Bucky Covington being interviewed at the Awards which I would like to share. (thanx Danna)
If you haven't heard Bucky's third consecutive top 10 hit "I'll Walk" check out this video made by a fan (Buckymouse) HERE. Request it at your radio station.
The interview from the Awards is after the jump:
(LOL I always wanted to say that, but there is no jump (ad), so just go right to the video below):
If you look closely, on the left you can also see Kristy Lee Cook. I also see someone special in between Bucky and the interviewer. Hey girl, you know who you are--HUGS to you :)
If you haven't heard Bucky's third consecutive top 10 hit "I'll Walk" check out this video made by a fan (Buckymouse) HERE. Request it at your radio station.
The interview from the Awards is after the jump:
(LOL I always wanted to say that, but there is no jump (ad), so just go right to the video below):
If you look closely, on the left you can also see Kristy Lee Cook. I also see someone special in between Bucky and the interviewer. Hey girl, you know who you are--HUGS to you :)
Cole Deggs (is lonesone no more)
Hey all,
Ok, so this evening I logged onto my computer and I was sooooo thrilled to read a message from Cole Deggs!!! Do you know how long I have waited for him to surface? Cole just loves to hunt and fish and it took him a little while to find his way out of the woods and stay long enough to make some new make music. We have been waiting and watching.
This is great news for those of you that have been fans of Cole Deggs and the Lonesome, and if you aren't a fan of Cole's as yet -- check him out. I still play his last CD so much that I swear it has developed groves like my old records did.
Cole is a talented songwriter/musican. He is a romantic at heart though he may not admit it, but I've never asked him--I am just good at reading between the lines. Besides penning his own songs, he has songs recorded by Kenny Chesney, Jason Michael Carroll, Tracy Byrd, and Andy Griggs to his credit.
I am so thrilled to hear that Cole is recording some of his new music (hmmmmmm, I said that already, but I am saying it again, because I am sooooo thrilled -- get my drift?). I can't wait to put more groves into a new CD of his and hopefully attend a few concerts.
This picture is of Cole from his last CD cover:

The following is a message from Cole himself:
footnote: Please note that Cole's last name is now correctly spelled Degges.
Take a listen to Cole HERE
Ok, so this evening I logged onto my computer and I was sooooo thrilled to read a message from Cole Deggs!!! Do you know how long I have waited for him to surface? Cole just loves to hunt and fish and it took him a little while to find his way out of the woods and stay long enough to make some new make music. We have been waiting and watching.
This is great news for those of you that have been fans of Cole Deggs and the Lonesome, and if you aren't a fan of Cole's as yet -- check him out. I still play his last CD so much that I swear it has developed groves like my old records did.
Cole is a talented songwriter/musican. He is a romantic at heart though he may not admit it, but I've never asked him--I am just good at reading between the lines. Besides penning his own songs, he has songs recorded by Kenny Chesney, Jason Michael Carroll, Tracy Byrd, and Andy Griggs to his credit.
I am so thrilled to hear that Cole is recording some of his new music (hmmmmmm, I said that already, but I am saying it again, because I am sooooo thrilled -- get my drift?). I can't wait to put more groves into a new CD of his and hopefully attend a few concerts.
This picture is of Cole from his last CD cover:

The following is a message from Cole himself:
footnote: Please note that Cole's last name is now correctly spelled Degges.
Take a listen to Cole HERE
Do you want to meet Jason Castro?
[photo credit American Idol]
Good morning world. There's special news out from the Jason Castro camp!
In case you have had your head in the sand this past year, Jason Castro was the fourth top runner up in Season 7 American Idol. And even if you don't watch American Idol, he's been on several TV shows, in many magazines, and gracing the Red Carpet events this last year. If you know anything about current music, you may know his name for breaking some industry records. Jason is well recognized for his dreads and also being mischaracterized for them, but they so perfectly fit his laid-back outlook on life as well.
A little about the man -- not only is he actually smarter than your average bear (attended Texas A&M on a Petroleum Engineering Scholarship), he is strong in his faith and in his commitment to service and giving his time to help others. He is motivated by a higher authority to go beyond--and he does. So if you are one of the ones that has not heard of Jason Castro, keep your eyes and ears open and you will. (FYI, there happens to be two Jason Castro's, both from Texas, the other is a ballplayer who is gaining notoriety at the same time).
So, being so Jasonnn, Jason (who is an AVID reader) in support of the BEST Foundation Education Foundation in Garland, Texas will meet fans and sign autographs.
So, here ya go with the 411:
Barnes & Noble Firewheel partners with the BEST Education Foundation to bring Jason Castro, American Idol Finalist, to meet fans.
On Sunday, December 14, 2008, Barnes & Noble will contribute a percentage of every sale made with a special bookfair voucher to the BEST Education Foundation. Vouchers will be available at the benefit concert, “All American Christmas Show” on Saturday, December 13 at the Special Events Center in Garland. Supporters may also mention the BEST Education Foundation at the register to have their purchase included in the fundraiser.
The BEST Education Foundation was established to support the students and staff of the Garland Independent School District, which encompasses the north Texas communities of Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse. The BEST Education Foundation generates and distributes resources to support and enrich education for all students in the Garland ISD. The foundation supports educational excellence by providing funds for enrichment purposes in program areas not otherwise funded by Garland ISD.
Please help support the BEST Education Foundation and Garland ISD by shopping at Barnes & Noble Firewheel, 190 Cedar Sage Dr. Garland, TX 75040, with a bookfair voucher. For more information, contact Joanna Rogers, Community Relations Manager, Barnes & Noble Firewheel 972.496.3896.
Event Details: Jason Castro will meet fans and sign autographs on Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 2:00 pm at Barnes & Noble Firewheel Town Center, 190 Cedar Sage Drive Garland, Texas 75040
Also, this just in from Jason Castro's official site.
An exclusive VIP Lunch with Jason Castro is being auctioned off on Ebay! The GRAMMY Charities Online Auction benefiting the MusiCares Foundation runs from December 1 -11. Be sure to visit You won’t want to miss out on your chance to bid on an exclusive lunch for you and a guest with Jason!

In case you have had your head in the sand this past year, Jason Castro was the fourth top runner up in Season 7 American Idol. And even if you don't watch American Idol, he's been on several TV shows, in many magazines, and gracing the Red Carpet events this last year. If you know anything about current music, you may know his name for breaking some industry records. Jason is well recognized for his dreads and also being mischaracterized for them, but they so perfectly fit his laid-back outlook on life as well.
A little about the man -- not only is he actually smarter than your average bear (attended Texas A&M on a Petroleum Engineering Scholarship), he is strong in his faith and in his commitment to service and giving his time to help others. He is motivated by a higher authority to go beyond--and he does. So if you are one of the ones that has not heard of Jason Castro, keep your eyes and ears open and you will. (FYI, there happens to be two Jason Castro's, both from Texas, the other is a ballplayer who is gaining notoriety at the same time).
So, being so Jasonnn, Jason (who is an AVID reader) in support of the BEST Foundation Education Foundation in Garland, Texas will meet fans and sign autographs.
So, here ya go with the 411:
Barnes & Noble Firewheel partners with the BEST Education Foundation to bring Jason Castro, American Idol Finalist, to meet fans.
On Sunday, December 14, 2008, Barnes & Noble will contribute a percentage of every sale made with a special bookfair voucher to the BEST Education Foundation. Vouchers will be available at the benefit concert, “All American Christmas Show” on Saturday, December 13 at the Special Events Center in Garland. Supporters may also mention the BEST Education Foundation at the register to have their purchase included in the fundraiser.
The BEST Education Foundation was established to support the students and staff of the Garland Independent School District, which encompasses the north Texas communities of Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse. The BEST Education Foundation generates and distributes resources to support and enrich education for all students in the Garland ISD. The foundation supports educational excellence by providing funds for enrichment purposes in program areas not otherwise funded by Garland ISD.
Please help support the BEST Education Foundation and Garland ISD by shopping at Barnes & Noble Firewheel, 190 Cedar Sage Dr. Garland, TX 75040, with a bookfair voucher. For more information, contact Joanna Rogers, Community Relations Manager, Barnes & Noble Firewheel 972.496.3896.
Event Details: Jason Castro will meet fans and sign autographs on Sunday, December 14, 2008 at 2:00 pm at Barnes & Noble Firewheel Town Center, 190 Cedar Sage Drive Garland, Texas 75040
Also, this just in from Jason Castro's official site.
An exclusive VIP Lunch with Jason Castro is being auctioned off on Ebay! The GRAMMY Charities Online Auction benefiting the MusiCares Foundation runs from December 1 -11. Be sure to visit You won’t want to miss out on your chance to bid on an exclusive lunch for you and a guest with Jason!

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Jason Castro -- You're a Stone's Throw Away
So, Jasonnn, you are in NYC this week putting things into motion. If you want a nice meal from a sister in Christ, give me a jingle, shoot me an email, or comment (they are monitored only by me and kept private as necessary). Have a productive blessed week. Jesus bless you bro. (DH, JMS, JCM)
Romans 8:28
Matthew 6:33
Romans 8:28
Matthew 6:33
Brantley Gilbert
Well, it's me again. I was thinking about a song that I heard last weekend and I realized that I never even mentioned the guy that opened up for Bucky Covington at the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach.
I never heard of him before, but I really enjoyed his set. His name is Brantley Gilbert. I noticed the Georgia "G" on the bass guitar player's guitar and, of course, my heart is in Dixie so I my ears perked up. (Yup, I am a born and raised Yankee, but my heart is south of the Mason-Dixon line). So, if I haven't said it yet, GOOOOO DAWGSSSS! LOL
Anyway, take a peek at Brantley Gilbert. This song is Saving Amy -- listen to the words. I love when you can hear someone's faith in their songs of everyday life.
Enjoy, but you might want to get your tissues.
Saving Amy
[photo credit Brantley Gilbert's myspace]

I never heard of him before, but I really enjoyed his set. His name is Brantley Gilbert. I noticed the Georgia "G" on the bass guitar player's guitar and, of course, my heart is in Dixie so I my ears perked up. (Yup, I am a born and raised Yankee, but my heart is south of the Mason-Dixon line). So, if I haven't said it yet, GOOOOO DAWGSSSS! LOL
Anyway, take a peek at Brantley Gilbert. This song is Saving Amy -- listen to the words. I love when you can hear someone's faith in their songs of everyday life.
Enjoy, but you might want to get your tissues.
Saving Amy
[photo credit Brantley Gilbert's myspace]
Sunny Sunday
Well, Good morning all. Today is supposed to be a sunny Sunday (my friend Deb said the sun is coming my way from her house a little West of me so I am waiting for it to show its face--ahhh and here comes the sun.. do, dun, do, comes the sun). (Oh that reminds me of Brooke White, which transitions to Cookie (David Cook)--he will be on Good Morning America tomorrow morning for those that want to catch a glimpse of him).
Doing a little websurfing before I start my day, so I just wanted to share with you one of my favorite places to visit on the web. I take a virtual trip to Australia to visit Hillsong at I hear from some friends that we have Hillsong here in the U.S., but not near me so I go all the way to Australia with a click of my mouse.
Since it's Sunday and I am off to church, bear with me and take a listen to one of my favorite Hillsong videos (this one is from London). Let me know what you think of it.
If it isn't your kind of music, just humor me and listen to the end anyway. I hope you will enjoy.
Catch ya later :)
Doing a little websurfing before I start my day, so I just wanted to share with you one of my favorite places to visit on the web. I take a virtual trip to Australia to visit Hillsong at I hear from some friends that we have Hillsong here in the U.S., but not near me so I go all the way to Australia with a click of my mouse.
Since it's Sunday and I am off to church, bear with me and take a listen to one of my favorite Hillsong videos (this one is from London). Let me know what you think of it.
If it isn't your kind of music, just humor me and listen to the end anyway. I hope you will enjoy.
Catch ya later :)
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So you asked about my Musical Tastes
A few people have asked me about my tastes in music because they seem to be all over the place. Well, to give you a little idea of where my jumble comes from, I was raised with my parents playing Orchestral Music, Patriotic and Military Music, Frank Sinatra, Julius LaRosa, Johnny Mathis, and Dean Martin, and my live-in uncle playing DooWop, Elvis, the Platters, Chet Atkins, Martin Denny, and the Kingston Trio. As a teenager, our radio station played everything from Elvis, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Johnny Cash, Motown and R&B, Beach Boys, the British invasion (Beatles, Dave Clark Five, etc.), Frampton, and whatever was out there. (Oh, I and was in glee club LOL and did some singing here and there)
As the culture changed and the music evolved with the influence of Les Paul (Do you remember him? I do. google him for some history), came the sound of Southern Rock(today some of you call it Classic Rock, but in actuality much of Classic Rock is Southern Rock. It is a mix of Rock n' Roll, Country, and the Blues. Oh and I do love the Blues). Throw in a mixture of musical creativity and you can add in Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, John Mayall, BB King, Janis Joplin, Skynard, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Credence Clearwater Revival, and all the other groups and musicians of the 60's and 70's. (Don't want to forget Bon Jovi, Foreigner, Journey, Marley etc, but you get the picture and if I wrote a list it would go on for pages).
In 1975, I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and began listening to lyrics first and foremost. Even though I may like the music, if the lyrics are offensive, it bothers me because I know it bothers God. I began listening to Contemporary Christian Music from Keith Green, Phil Keaggy, Honeybee, Second Chapter of Acts, Phil Driscoll, Amy Grant, Carman, DC Talk, Stryper and the Rez Band, etc. I've always kept up on music in general.
When my children began listening to music, I listened to what they were listening to, to make sure it wasn't off the wall. So I began enjoying Hip Hop/Rap (Yes, you can really enjoy it. It is music and it is a talent) BUT, when Hip Hop started veering off into sexuality and gangster violence, I no longer enjoyed listening to it. I still do love listening to what they call Holy Hip Hop or Christian Rap and if you haven't heard of it, you should check, check, check it out :)
Fast forward to today. My heart and spirit are fed and rejuvenated by listening to Christian music because I try to live my life for Christ. If you think "Christian" is one genre, think again. Christian music is the umbrella, but it encompasses everything from Rock, to Rap, to Country, to Worship, to Alternative. If you like a particular genre, you will find Christian music that matches your musical taste. You probably already may like some songs under that umbrella and are not even aware that they fall into the Christian category.
When I'm in different states in the south, I love to change the radio stations and sing along with the DooWop, Country, Rock, or Christian songs. You would be surprised at what the archive of your brain stores LOL. I can still remember lyrics from the 1950's. I also enjoy varieties of Irish, Spanish, and Italian music also.
I keep up with what music is out there, but I try to keep away from the offensive stuff and the mindless garbage. It can seer your heart and your spirit and make you numb to life. (Just look around)
I have interviewed artists and written for a Country Music magazine and have developed a deep enjoyment of that music (of course, it's that Southern Rock too).
I have met and known many famous people in my lifetime, but since I don't put people on pedestals (after all we are just human and not worthy to be exalted) I can't look beyond the humanality of the artist. My gosh, they are just people that took a different career path in life. It is God that gave them the talent and their desire enabled them to work toward perfecting it. If they get a "tude" and think they are better than everyone else because they have money or because they are an artist, my heart saddens for them.
At this time in my life, I listen to a wide variety of music, but Bucky Covington, Jason Castro, Jason Michael Carroll, and Cole Deggs are my favorite artists. (Actually, they are all great guys -- I look at the inside of a person -- a little Heart-throscopy). Some of my favorite groups are Casting Crowns, Hillsong United, MercyMe, Third Day, David Crowder Band, and Barlow Girl. I still enjoy and support so many more but those are my favs above all. LeCrae, TobyMac, Luke Bryan, Josh Turner, Todd Agnew, Matthew West, Trace Adkins, Dierks Bentley, Jason Mraz -- they're up there on the list. (If I hear patriotic music, I better have tissues because my eyes will always react) Eminem, is a really talented guy and I really like when he does postive stuff, but I don't like the nasty stuff. DMX and Kanye, talented, I see the heart, but you need to get soul search and hold tight to the Lord brothers.
I feel I need to say something here because I hear things :) About American Idol, we know it's a machine and that a big part of the music industry looks down on someone having gone through that process because they haven't "paid their dues". I don't necessarily like a lot of things about the alleged AI process or their practices, but in the end, it is a talent show and it finds that diamond in the rough and gives them exposure to start a career. In my book, a career is a pursuit or profession. So does everyone need to be a megastar once they get off the show in order to be successful? I think not. Success is not all about money. I rather be poor and happy, than rich and unhappy. If they can make a living doing what they love (even if it is to just pay the bills), quit ragging on them and let them live their lives.
So, my thought for today -- music feeds your soul and your spirit, either positively or negatively depending on what you are listening to (there goes another sentence ending in a preposition). Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it".
As the culture changed and the music evolved with the influence of Les Paul (Do you remember him? I do. google him for some history), came the sound of Southern Rock(today some of you call it Classic Rock, but in actuality much of Classic Rock is Southern Rock. It is a mix of Rock n' Roll, Country, and the Blues. Oh and I do love the Blues). Throw in a mixture of musical creativity and you can add in Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, John Mayall, BB King, Janis Joplin, Skynard, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Credence Clearwater Revival, and all the other groups and musicians of the 60's and 70's. (Don't want to forget Bon Jovi, Foreigner, Journey, Marley etc, but you get the picture and if I wrote a list it would go on for pages).
In 1975, I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and began listening to lyrics first and foremost. Even though I may like the music, if the lyrics are offensive, it bothers me because I know it bothers God. I began listening to Contemporary Christian Music from Keith Green, Phil Keaggy, Honeybee, Second Chapter of Acts, Phil Driscoll, Amy Grant, Carman, DC Talk, Stryper and the Rez Band, etc. I've always kept up on music in general.
When my children began listening to music, I listened to what they were listening to, to make sure it wasn't off the wall. So I began enjoying Hip Hop/Rap (Yes, you can really enjoy it. It is music and it is a talent) BUT, when Hip Hop started veering off into sexuality and gangster violence, I no longer enjoyed listening to it. I still do love listening to what they call Holy Hip Hop or Christian Rap and if you haven't heard of it, you should check, check, check it out :)
Fast forward to today. My heart and spirit are fed and rejuvenated by listening to Christian music because I try to live my life for Christ. If you think "Christian" is one genre, think again. Christian music is the umbrella, but it encompasses everything from Rock, to Rap, to Country, to Worship, to Alternative. If you like a particular genre, you will find Christian music that matches your musical taste. You probably already may like some songs under that umbrella and are not even aware that they fall into the Christian category.
When I'm in different states in the south, I love to change the radio stations and sing along with the DooWop, Country, Rock, or Christian songs. You would be surprised at what the archive of your brain stores LOL. I can still remember lyrics from the 1950's. I also enjoy varieties of Irish, Spanish, and Italian music also.
I keep up with what music is out there, but I try to keep away from the offensive stuff and the mindless garbage. It can seer your heart and your spirit and make you numb to life. (Just look around)
I have interviewed artists and written for a Country Music magazine and have developed a deep enjoyment of that music (of course, it's that Southern Rock too).
I have met and known many famous people in my lifetime, but since I don't put people on pedestals (after all we are just human and not worthy to be exalted) I can't look beyond the humanality of the artist. My gosh, they are just people that took a different career path in life. It is God that gave them the talent and their desire enabled them to work toward perfecting it. If they get a "tude" and think they are better than everyone else because they have money or because they are an artist, my heart saddens for them.
At this time in my life, I listen to a wide variety of music, but Bucky Covington, Jason Castro, Jason Michael Carroll, and Cole Deggs are my favorite artists. (Actually, they are all great guys -- I look at the inside of a person -- a little Heart-throscopy). Some of my favorite groups are Casting Crowns, Hillsong United, MercyMe, Third Day, David Crowder Band, and Barlow Girl. I still enjoy and support so many more but those are my favs above all. LeCrae, TobyMac, Luke Bryan, Josh Turner, Todd Agnew, Matthew West, Trace Adkins, Dierks Bentley, Jason Mraz -- they're up there on the list. (If I hear patriotic music, I better have tissues because my eyes will always react) Eminem, is a really talented guy and I really like when he does postive stuff, but I don't like the nasty stuff. DMX and Kanye, talented, I see the heart, but you need to get soul search and hold tight to the Lord brothers.
I feel I need to say something here because I hear things :) About American Idol, we know it's a machine and that a big part of the music industry looks down on someone having gone through that process because they haven't "paid their dues". I don't necessarily like a lot of things about the alleged AI process or their practices, but in the end, it is a talent show and it finds that diamond in the rough and gives them exposure to start a career. In my book, a career is a pursuit or profession. So does everyone need to be a megastar once they get off the show in order to be successful? I think not. Success is not all about money. I rather be poor and happy, than rich and unhappy. If they can make a living doing what they love (even if it is to just pay the bills), quit ragging on them and let them live their lives.
So, my thought for today -- music feeds your soul and your spirit, either positively or negatively depending on what you are listening to (there goes another sentence ending in a preposition). Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it".
Friday, November 14, 2008
Brad Paisley has a good idea.. Checking for Ticks
So, a really good friend of mine (let's call her Marie) recently contracted Lyme Disease. Right now, I know several people that have been diagnosed with Lyme disease after being bitten by a deer tick. Your little critters bring them into the house too. I remember finding a deer tick now and then crawling on the carpet near our dog. Occasionally, the ticks were on the dogs and they were engorged with blood and looked like a Raisinette. UGH
Marie has basically been through hell and back -- actually she still is going thru hell on earth and hasn't come back yet. Her experience is so horrific that she is still in treatment for the original symptoms and now battling complications from the antibiotics.
After working in the garden, Marie found a tiny deer tick stuck in her skin which she removed. Several days or weeks later (not sure) she found the classic "bulls-eye" rash resulting from the infected tick and visited the doctor who prescribed antibiotics. Once you get the bulls-eye symptom, you pretty much know the tick was a carrier. The blood tests that the doctor's take can give you a false negative result for Lyme -- that stinks! The doctors gave Marie a course of antibiotics but she immediately reacted and went into anaphalactic shock.
If you don't know what anaphalactic shock is, it is a severe allergic reaction that causes your throat to close up, your tissues to swell, and basically put you on death's doorstop. In fact, if you don't get treatment right away, you most likely will be leaving us to see the Lord (well, that is of course if you have already surrendered your life to him on earth). Marie was was rushed by ambulance to the hospital due to her allergic reaction to the antibiotics. The problem now arose in that they found that all of the antibiotic options that were available caused Marie to go into anaphalatic shock -- that doesn't leave much hope. So, while they are trying to treat the original Lyme symptoms, the spirochete was doing it's thing and attacking Marie's body giving her extreme pain in her joints and assorted locations.
Marie had to spend several weeks in the hospital and part of that time in the ICU. The team of doctors were pulling their hair out trying to find something that could be used to treat the Lyme in Marie's body. They are administering antibiotics which she is still allergic to, but the symptoms are being monitored and so far she has not had an extreme allergic reaction so it is their only hope at this point. Marie is still receiving daily IV treatments in an attempt to irradicate this predator from her body before it ravages it permanently. Everyday right now is a struggle and we pray it doesn't get worse.
I wanted to share this with you as well as the importance of wearing the right clothes when you are outside among trees and tall grasses, checking yourself thoroughly when you get inside, and getting immediate treatment if you have been bitten.
Marie told me (which I have not substantiated but I will still share) that there is controversy in the medical community as to how Lyme should be treated. Allegedly, the Infectious Disease doctors say a course of antibiotics for 10 days should be sufficient. The Lyme specialists feel that it is necessary to have a 21 regimen of antibiotics to kill the spirochete. Gee, I rather go with the 21 days even if a doctor thinks 10 days is sufficent. I understand the whole concept of not taking antibiotics when unnecessary and that germs actually become resistant to antibiotics after a period of time, but in this case, I should think it is better to be safe than sorry. You also may get false negative results for Lyme so have them retest you if you encounter this situation.
I remember about 30 years ago, I took care of a child that was in a coma and for a long while, the doctors could not find out the cause. Finally, they found a tick in the child's scalp. The child developed Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever as well. When the tick was removed, the child came out of the coma. EWWWWWWW Ticks are bad news.
There is a lot of information on the internet about Lyme. Here is two sites which may be helpful:
Mayo Clinic
I also ask your prayers for Marie. That being said, Lord God I ask that you touch Marie's body and give her the strength to deal with this situation and heal her of this monsterous disease. Thank you Lord. Amen.
Marie has basically been through hell and back -- actually she still is going thru hell on earth and hasn't come back yet. Her experience is so horrific that she is still in treatment for the original symptoms and now battling complications from the antibiotics.
After working in the garden, Marie found a tiny deer tick stuck in her skin which she removed. Several days or weeks later (not sure) she found the classic "bulls-eye" rash resulting from the infected tick and visited the doctor who prescribed antibiotics. Once you get the bulls-eye symptom, you pretty much know the tick was a carrier. The blood tests that the doctor's take can give you a false negative result for Lyme -- that stinks! The doctors gave Marie a course of antibiotics but she immediately reacted and went into anaphalactic shock.
If you don't know what anaphalactic shock is, it is a severe allergic reaction that causes your throat to close up, your tissues to swell, and basically put you on death's doorstop. In fact, if you don't get treatment right away, you most likely will be leaving us to see the Lord (well, that is of course if you have already surrendered your life to him on earth). Marie was was rushed by ambulance to the hospital due to her allergic reaction to the antibiotics. The problem now arose in that they found that all of the antibiotic options that were available caused Marie to go into anaphalatic shock -- that doesn't leave much hope. So, while they are trying to treat the original Lyme symptoms, the spirochete was doing it's thing and attacking Marie's body giving her extreme pain in her joints and assorted locations.
Marie had to spend several weeks in the hospital and part of that time in the ICU. The team of doctors were pulling their hair out trying to find something that could be used to treat the Lyme in Marie's body. They are administering antibiotics which she is still allergic to, but the symptoms are being monitored and so far she has not had an extreme allergic reaction so it is their only hope at this point. Marie is still receiving daily IV treatments in an attempt to irradicate this predator from her body before it ravages it permanently. Everyday right now is a struggle and we pray it doesn't get worse.
I wanted to share this with you as well as the importance of wearing the right clothes when you are outside among trees and tall grasses, checking yourself thoroughly when you get inside, and getting immediate treatment if you have been bitten.
Marie told me (which I have not substantiated but I will still share) that there is controversy in the medical community as to how Lyme should be treated. Allegedly, the Infectious Disease doctors say a course of antibiotics for 10 days should be sufficient. The Lyme specialists feel that it is necessary to have a 21 regimen of antibiotics to kill the spirochete. Gee, I rather go with the 21 days even if a doctor thinks 10 days is sufficent. I understand the whole concept of not taking antibiotics when unnecessary and that germs actually become resistant to antibiotics after a period of time, but in this case, I should think it is better to be safe than sorry. You also may get false negative results for Lyme so have them retest you if you encounter this situation.
I remember about 30 years ago, I took care of a child that was in a coma and for a long while, the doctors could not find out the cause. Finally, they found a tick in the child's scalp. The child developed Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever as well. When the tick was removed, the child came out of the coma. EWWWWWWW Ticks are bad news.
There is a lot of information on the internet about Lyme. Here is two sites which may be helpful:
Mayo Clinic
I also ask your prayers for Marie. That being said, Lord God I ask that you touch Marie's body and give her the strength to deal with this situation and heal her of this monsterous disease. Thank you Lord. Amen.
Morning Reflection
Good Morning Lord and Good morning World -- wishing all a beautiful day.
Just sharing my words for ponder this morning before heading off to work.
Proverbs 14
1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.
3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.
4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.
5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.
7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
9 Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.
10 The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
16 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.
17 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.
18 The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
20 The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.
21 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.
22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.
23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.
24 The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.
26 In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.
27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
28 In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.
29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.
30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
31 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.
32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known.
34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
35 The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.
Just sharing my words for ponder this morning before heading off to work.
Proverbs 14
1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
2 He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.
3 In the mouth of the foolish is a rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.
4 Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.
5 A faithful witness will not lie: but a false witness will utter lies.
6 A scorner seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that understandeth.
7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
9 Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.
10 The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
11 The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
14 The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
15 The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.
16 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.
17 He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.
18 The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
19 The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
20 The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.
21 He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth: but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.
22 Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.
23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury.
24 The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly.
25 A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies.
26 In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge.
27 The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.
28 In the multitude of people is the king's honour: but in the want of people is the destruction of the prince.
29 He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.
30 A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones.
31 He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker: but he that honoureth him hath mercy on the poor.
32 The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous hath hope in his death.
33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known.
34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
35 The king's favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Myrtle Beach and Bucky Covington

I had an awesome weekend this past week. I went to Myrtle Beach in South Carolina for Bucky Covington's concert at the House of Blues. (It was on his birthday) For those of you that do not know who Bucky Covington is, you should check him out. Bucky was the eighth top finalist on Season 5 of American Idol and parlayed that experience into a successful career in country music/southern rock (and has improved tremendously since his stint on AI). Now, don't let the word "country" turn you off if that isn't your bag -- you will be surprised to learn that country isn't what country was. (Did you know that Bon Jovi, Kid Rock, The Eagles, and Sebastian Bach of Skid Row are all now in that genre? Hey, even Snoop Dog and Bobby Brown have made country music in the last few years.)
Check, Check, Check it out :)
So, Bucky Covington has broken records and received awards already since his debut as a recording artist in 2007. Check out Bucky's myspace or search him on youtube. You should even check out his official site or his myspace for more info.
If Bucky is appearing in your area, you should get out of your comfort zone and actually take the opportunity to experience his show, you will leave the concert having the time of your life. Not only is he energetic and puts his heart and soul into each performance (and his band is awesome as well!), but Bucky will make sure to get you laughing and totally enjoying yourself. He may be a performer, but he is no put-on. Bucky is a genuine guy with no airs about him. What you see is what you get--someone you can relate to. (Ok, so I know you aren't supposed to end a sentence with a preposition, but this my blog, so there ya go)
Bucky and his band mates, which include his twin Rocky, blew the roof off the Myrtle Beach House of Blues on Saturday, November 8, 2008. This was the best performance of his that I have seen to date (trust me, I have seen MANY). Bucky was firing on all cylinders and the band was right there with him every inch of the way. The house was packed and, even though many people had never seen Bucky perform before or even knew who he was, he greatly impressed the crowd.

Keep your eyes and ears open for Bucky Covington. Besides his self-titled CD, he has a featured song on EA Sports' video game "NASCAR 08" and on the "Country Does Disney" CD. Take note, Bucky is also in the new Hannah Montana movie soon to be released. Do a little google search and you will be reading and watching for hours -- he is ALL over the internet.
Well, I hear my pillow calling my name so it's time to hit the sack.
So, g'night all.
Sharing the Experiences
I decided that it was about time that I put my thoughts and writings in one place. The internet, as in life, contains opinions from all points of view -- so why not mine? I have something to say as well, so why not? These are my views and opinions, my life, my words to the wise, ramblings, sharing of valuable info, and occasionally just words on the screen :)
So, there ya go.
I have a vast knowledge on many topics which is the result of many years of osmosis and absorbtion. I would love for my blog to be a place where people could come to read it to find comfort and encouragement, learn something new, experience new music, and share their own opinions as well. I am sure that from time to time, someone may comment (feel free to do so), but I will not debate your opinions because we still have the freedom to speak our minds, but I also will not accept any comments incorporating profanity. Free country, but my blog :)
(Lord, thank you for who you are and what you do and have done!)
So, there ya go.
I have a vast knowledge on many topics which is the result of many years of osmosis and absorbtion. I would love for my blog to be a place where people could come to read it to find comfort and encouragement, learn something new, experience new music, and share their own opinions as well. I am sure that from time to time, someone may comment (feel free to do so), but I will not debate your opinions because we still have the freedom to speak our minds, but I also will not accept any comments incorporating profanity. Free country, but my blog :)
(Lord, thank you for who you are and what you do and have done!)
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