Well, I still have not returned to the rat race (what an awful phrase LOL, I am not a rat, but I am running the race, and will faint not). I still have limited computer access on a computer I commandeer for a small period during the day.
I want to say first and foremost, to Bucky Covington -- I am so glad you are enjoying the Christmas period with your family and are taking some well deserved time off the road. I was hoping to seeing you on New Year's Eve, but I am sure that will come sometime in the future. I know you are going full-steam ahead on the next project and will be out on the road again in January. You know you and the family are always in my prayers. HUGS (as soon as Bucky has some official news, I'll let you guys know)
So, since I am still in Christmas mode (and the European/Eastern churches haven't even celebrated their Christmas yet -- that's in January, so I'm still Christmasy season safe), I wanted to post some videos I located of Jason Castro performing at his church at the Christmas service. For those that don't know, Jason is a member of his church in Texas and was involved in it's music ministry. (thanx to my DH's for posting them!)
Please enjoy the videos. The first is Jason's performance, the second is a MUST see (I love churches like that), and the third is Jason's "Date Night" video from today.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Update from Greta about her miracle!
I wanted to post this message from my friend Greta (*Roo) who I blogged about the other day. Greta is here by the grace of God and I praise Him for His hand on her. I have been a receiver of several miracles as well and I can shout that we serve and AWESOME GOD! Thank you Jesus!
This is Greta's email (posted with permission and slightly edited for confidentiality):
December 18, 2008. 4:45 am. I woke up knowing I had bus duty. It was Polar Express Day at school and while I was getting ready I was debating on whether or not to wear my Snoopy pajamas. I had just purchased them the weekend before and they were so cute, but what if no one else wore pajamas and I was the only one? What if I had car trouble and had to get out wearing pajamas? What an embarrassment to be seen in public with my pjs on. Little did I know that those would be the least of my worries on this dreadful day.
6:20 am. I put on my brown leather jacket and went to my beloved 6 month old Honda Accord. I remember thinking how humid the weather was, but wore my coat anyway, knowing I’d have recess duty at 10:30 and it could be a little cool. I loaded my white powdered donuts and jingle bell necklaces for the students into the car, along with my camera, and a change of clothes in my duffel bag. And then for the ride of my life….
It was still dark outside. I turned on my cell and saw two text messages that my friends had sent the night before. I laid the phone on my lap and continued on my way. I did not have the radio on, because I wanted to talk to God as I did every morning.
I began talking out loud to God. I prayed for my family members, one by one, that they would be safe and healthy, also thanking God for saving my niece, Taylor, the week before. I thanked God for saving my brother’s girlfriend’s daughter, and prayed that her brothers would be saved soon.
At that moment, I noticed two small, orange park lights on the left side of the road, on the grass. “What is that?” I thought. Then I realized that it was the big truck that had been parked there on the grass for the past several mornings. Each morning when I passed it, I never realized that it was a log truck and that it was parked across from a logging area. I just thought a truck pulled over every morning. Maybe he lived nearby and parked it there. Maybe he slept in it until daylight. I never gave it a lot of thought. It was just there. So it was there again this particular morning. “Oh, it’s the truck,” I thought, “It’s parked there again.”
So I felt fine and kept going until I saw a strange image in front of me. I figured out that it was the silhouette of the trailer part of the log truck. No logs. Just the trailer with those huge spikey rails sticking up. “He’s across the road,” I remember thinking. I did not see a single light on the truck. The entire trailer was stretched across the road. (They later told me that he was backing into the logging area across the road).I slammed on brakes and turned the steering wheel hard to the right hoping to go in the ditch. I could feel my car as if it was sliding and I knew I was wrecking.
It’s hard to explain because it happened so fast, yet it felt like slow motion at the same time. I never heard a collision sound. All I knew was that I was wrecking and the next thing I knew I saw a sheet of shattered glass hanging in front of my face. It wasn’t the whole windshield. Just the part where I was. I guess the rest had fallen into the seat beside me. I guess God kept that windshield off of me.
I felt like I was in a big dark hole and no one was going to find me. I started yelling, “Somebody please help me! Help me! God, please save me!” I just remember yelling this over and over. I thought of the cell phone that I had on my lap and realized it was at my feet. I felt it with my left foot. My right foot was still on the brake. I wanted to call someone to help me. (I wondered why the truck driver never came. I wondered if he was hurt.) I realized I couldn’t lean down to get my phone because of the shattered glass in front of me and my seatbelt. I don’t know how many minutes it was, but I heard the voice of an angel….
I couldn’t see him, but I heard a man’s voice. He told me his name (which I forgot, but was later told it was JG, a neighbor of ours). He said he lived near the church and said that they had some help coming. I told him to call my husband, but I knew he was at work. He couldn’t get him on the phone. I gave him my in-laws’ number and he called them. Then I remember someone saying the fire truck was there. Then two EMS workers came to me. I remember I could wave my hands back and forth. The EMS workers held each of my hands. I felt more calm knowing that help was there.
Then I heard my father-in-law, Doug, calling my name and he climbed into the car from behind me between where the two front seats were. I told him I was scared and he told me I’d be okay and for us to pray. He held my hand and prayed that the Lord would take care of me. I felt a sense of peace come over me that stayed with me through the entire ordeal….
I remember the workers saying that they had to move the truck. (I had gone up under the truck). Next thing I knew, I heard a cranking noise. I thought it was the truck, but later I was told it was the “jaws of life” they used to cut my door off. When that cranked, my seat belt tightened and it was hard to breathe. I told Doug and he yelled for them to give him something to cut it off of me. When he cut the seat belt, it felt better.
These emergency workers are truly life-savers. They employed the skills that they had been taught. They told me they’d have to slide me out the driver’s side feet first. I had to scoot down as they guided my feet. Doug yelled and told them I couldn’t get through. I guess my face was going to hit the dash or whatever was in front of me. They pulled something back. I remember seeing the speedometer hanging on a torn up dashboard. That’s the last I saw of my car.
I remember my feet touching the ground and I was going to stand, but they stopped me from doing that. They strapped me to a board and took me to the ambulance. The workers told me I was one lucky girl and that if my seat had not leaned back, I would’ve been gone. I told them that it was not luck. I told them it was all God and that He had a plan and purpose for me.
They took my stats and things. I remember one worker telling everyone that my blood pressure was better than his. They talked to me and kept me calm. I watched as they cut off my brown leather jacket and they cut my “new” Snoopy pajamas. I explained to them that it was Polar Express day at school. These EMS workers knew how to keep me calm. I still felt that peace that was with me since Doug prayed. I was thanking God inside for saving my life. I knew it was all Him.
I remember the police officer asking me if I had been drinking alcohol and I told him, “No. I’ve never even tasted alcohol.” I’m not sure if he believed that, but it was the truth. (Just another thing God saved me from in my life. I never had a desire for that.)
My mother-in-law rode in the front of the ambulance. They didn’t have the sirens on. They told me I’d probably go home later that day.
I remember them getting me out of the ambulance and taking me through the hospital halls to a room. Dr. D came and introduced himself. He asked what happened. I told him about saying my morning prayers and then what happened with the wreck. He said, “Oh, you do that too?” (in reference to the prayer). He said, “You know, we’re supposed to do that before we leave home.” He said he had read his Bible and said his prayers before he left home. It was so awesome that I had a Christian doctor.
Shortly after, my husband Clint and my parents came in. Clint was upset and grabbed my hand and I told him that I was okay. Dr. D said, “He must love you a lot.” My daddy came over and kissed my forehead. My mama came in too. I remember my brother, Mark, coming and grabbing my hand. My mother-in- law was there. My brother, Hal, and his wife, Linda, came. Everyone was so wonderful to check on me. Several friends came in or were in the waiting room.
Nurses kept telling me that I was covered in glass. They took me for the C/T Scan to check for internal injuries. They had to run the dye into me. I did well with that. I just felt a little flushed in my face, but didn’t get sick as some people do. After this, they took me to the X-ray room to X-ray my shoulder and knee because that’s where I felt some pain, although not a lot. They wheeled me back to my room in the ER. I was still strapped on the board and the back of my head was throbbing. I guess it was rubbing on the board. (We later found scratches on my head).
I also told the nurse I needed to use the restroom, but she told me that I couldn’t come off the board until they had examined the scans and x-rays. It wasn’t long before they let me off of the board and I was able to get up and walk to the restroom. Then I went back to my room. I sat up on the edge of the bed. My preacher and my in-laws’ preacher came in and talked to me and prayed with me.
I asked them to X-ray my wrist, as it had begun to hurt. Later Dr. D came in and explained to me that they scanned my head, abdomen, and pelvis for injuries and found none. They X-rayed my shoulder, knee, and wrist for breaks and found none. The surgeon came in and put 12 stitches in my face near my lower left jawbone. He said it would leave a scar.
I left the hospital around 12:30 pm on that same day. I had lots of glass in my hair and on my body and lots of aching and bruises, but I also had LOTS of joy and thanksgiving in my heart, for my God had saved my life. He isn’t finished with me yet. He has a plan for me.
I pray that I will always seek His will in everything I do. I should not be alive today, but through God’s never-ending mercy and grace, He saw fit to let me live. I want to share my story with the world. God is more powerful than any old log truck. He cares about us and protects us on a daily basis. We don’t always see it, but He does. He just chose to show me in a little more visible way. We need to thank God every day for saving our lives. If we are Christians, the greater miracle is that he has saved our souls. Nothing can take that away.
This is Greta's email (posted with permission and slightly edited for confidentiality):
December 18, 2008. 4:45 am. I woke up knowing I had bus duty. It was Polar Express Day at school and while I was getting ready I was debating on whether or not to wear my Snoopy pajamas. I had just purchased them the weekend before and they were so cute, but what if no one else wore pajamas and I was the only one? What if I had car trouble and had to get out wearing pajamas? What an embarrassment to be seen in public with my pjs on. Little did I know that those would be the least of my worries on this dreadful day.
6:20 am. I put on my brown leather jacket and went to my beloved 6 month old Honda Accord. I remember thinking how humid the weather was, but wore my coat anyway, knowing I’d have recess duty at 10:30 and it could be a little cool. I loaded my white powdered donuts and jingle bell necklaces for the students into the car, along with my camera, and a change of clothes in my duffel bag. And then for the ride of my life….
It was still dark outside. I turned on my cell and saw two text messages that my friends had sent the night before. I laid the phone on my lap and continued on my way. I did not have the radio on, because I wanted to talk to God as I did every morning.
I began talking out loud to God. I prayed for my family members, one by one, that they would be safe and healthy, also thanking God for saving my niece, Taylor, the week before. I thanked God for saving my brother’s girlfriend’s daughter, and prayed that her brothers would be saved soon.
At that moment, I noticed two small, orange park lights on the left side of the road, on the grass. “What is that?” I thought. Then I realized that it was the big truck that had been parked there on the grass for the past several mornings. Each morning when I passed it, I never realized that it was a log truck and that it was parked across from a logging area. I just thought a truck pulled over every morning. Maybe he lived nearby and parked it there. Maybe he slept in it until daylight. I never gave it a lot of thought. It was just there. So it was there again this particular morning. “Oh, it’s the truck,” I thought, “It’s parked there again.”
So I felt fine and kept going until I saw a strange image in front of me. I figured out that it was the silhouette of the trailer part of the log truck. No logs. Just the trailer with those huge spikey rails sticking up. “He’s across the road,” I remember thinking. I did not see a single light on the truck. The entire trailer was stretched across the road. (They later told me that he was backing into the logging area across the road).I slammed on brakes and turned the steering wheel hard to the right hoping to go in the ditch. I could feel my car as if it was sliding and I knew I was wrecking.
It’s hard to explain because it happened so fast, yet it felt like slow motion at the same time. I never heard a collision sound. All I knew was that I was wrecking and the next thing I knew I saw a sheet of shattered glass hanging in front of my face. It wasn’t the whole windshield. Just the part where I was. I guess the rest had fallen into the seat beside me. I guess God kept that windshield off of me.
I felt like I was in a big dark hole and no one was going to find me. I started yelling, “Somebody please help me! Help me! God, please save me!” I just remember yelling this over and over. I thought of the cell phone that I had on my lap and realized it was at my feet. I felt it with my left foot. My right foot was still on the brake. I wanted to call someone to help me. (I wondered why the truck driver never came. I wondered if he was hurt.) I realized I couldn’t lean down to get my phone because of the shattered glass in front of me and my seatbelt. I don’t know how many minutes it was, but I heard the voice of an angel….
I couldn’t see him, but I heard a man’s voice. He told me his name (which I forgot, but was later told it was JG, a neighbor of ours). He said he lived near the church and said that they had some help coming. I told him to call my husband, but I knew he was at work. He couldn’t get him on the phone. I gave him my in-laws’ number and he called them. Then I remember someone saying the fire truck was there. Then two EMS workers came to me. I remember I could wave my hands back and forth. The EMS workers held each of my hands. I felt more calm knowing that help was there.
Then I heard my father-in-law, Doug, calling my name and he climbed into the car from behind me between where the two front seats were. I told him I was scared and he told me I’d be okay and for us to pray. He held my hand and prayed that the Lord would take care of me. I felt a sense of peace come over me that stayed with me through the entire ordeal….
I remember the workers saying that they had to move the truck. (I had gone up under the truck). Next thing I knew, I heard a cranking noise. I thought it was the truck, but later I was told it was the “jaws of life” they used to cut my door off. When that cranked, my seat belt tightened and it was hard to breathe. I told Doug and he yelled for them to give him something to cut it off of me. When he cut the seat belt, it felt better.
These emergency workers are truly life-savers. They employed the skills that they had been taught. They told me they’d have to slide me out the driver’s side feet first. I had to scoot down as they guided my feet. Doug yelled and told them I couldn’t get through. I guess my face was going to hit the dash or whatever was in front of me. They pulled something back. I remember seeing the speedometer hanging on a torn up dashboard. That’s the last I saw of my car.
I remember my feet touching the ground and I was going to stand, but they stopped me from doing that. They strapped me to a board and took me to the ambulance. The workers told me I was one lucky girl and that if my seat had not leaned back, I would’ve been gone. I told them that it was not luck. I told them it was all God and that He had a plan and purpose for me.
They took my stats and things. I remember one worker telling everyone that my blood pressure was better than his. They talked to me and kept me calm. I watched as they cut off my brown leather jacket and they cut my “new” Snoopy pajamas. I explained to them that it was Polar Express day at school. These EMS workers knew how to keep me calm. I still felt that peace that was with me since Doug prayed. I was thanking God inside for saving my life. I knew it was all Him.
I remember the police officer asking me if I had been drinking alcohol and I told him, “No. I’ve never even tasted alcohol.” I’m not sure if he believed that, but it was the truth. (Just another thing God saved me from in my life. I never had a desire for that.)
My mother-in-law rode in the front of the ambulance. They didn’t have the sirens on. They told me I’d probably go home later that day.
I remember them getting me out of the ambulance and taking me through the hospital halls to a room. Dr. D came and introduced himself. He asked what happened. I told him about saying my morning prayers and then what happened with the wreck. He said, “Oh, you do that too?” (in reference to the prayer). He said, “You know, we’re supposed to do that before we leave home.” He said he had read his Bible and said his prayers before he left home. It was so awesome that I had a Christian doctor.
Shortly after, my husband Clint and my parents came in. Clint was upset and grabbed my hand and I told him that I was okay. Dr. D said, “He must love you a lot.” My daddy came over and kissed my forehead. My mama came in too. I remember my brother, Mark, coming and grabbing my hand. My mother-in- law was there. My brother, Hal, and his wife, Linda, came. Everyone was so wonderful to check on me. Several friends came in or were in the waiting room.
Nurses kept telling me that I was covered in glass. They took me for the C/T Scan to check for internal injuries. They had to run the dye into me. I did well with that. I just felt a little flushed in my face, but didn’t get sick as some people do. After this, they took me to the X-ray room to X-ray my shoulder and knee because that’s where I felt some pain, although not a lot. They wheeled me back to my room in the ER. I was still strapped on the board and the back of my head was throbbing. I guess it was rubbing on the board. (We later found scratches on my head).
I also told the nurse I needed to use the restroom, but she told me that I couldn’t come off the board until they had examined the scans and x-rays. It wasn’t long before they let me off of the board and I was able to get up and walk to the restroom. Then I went back to my room. I sat up on the edge of the bed. My preacher and my in-laws’ preacher came in and talked to me and prayed with me.
I asked them to X-ray my wrist, as it had begun to hurt. Later Dr. D came in and explained to me that they scanned my head, abdomen, and pelvis for injuries and found none. They X-rayed my shoulder, knee, and wrist for breaks and found none. The surgeon came in and put 12 stitches in my face near my lower left jawbone. He said it would leave a scar.
I left the hospital around 12:30 pm on that same day. I had lots of glass in my hair and on my body and lots of aching and bruises, but I also had LOTS of joy and thanksgiving in my heart, for my God had saved my life. He isn’t finished with me yet. He has a plan for me.
I pray that I will always seek His will in everything I do. I should not be alive today, but through God’s never-ending mercy and grace, He saw fit to let me live. I want to share my story with the world. God is more powerful than any old log truck. He cares about us and protects us on a daily basis. We don’t always see it, but He does. He just chose to show me in a little more visible way. We need to thank God every day for saving our lives. If we are Christians, the greater miracle is that he has saved our souls. Nothing can take that away.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Wow Michael Castro you blew me away! (Jason Castro's brother)

So, if you read my blog you know that I am a Jason Castro fan. When I was in Texas for his recent concert, I had the opportunity to meet Jason's brother Michael. Michael is cut from the same cloth as Jason -- sweet, genuine, respectful, and blessed with talent.
Michael Castro is a contestant on American Idol Season 8 which begins in January 2009 (just around the corner). Nobody knows how far Michael has gone in the process because American Idol issues "gag orders." So make sure you watch to see what the show has in store for Michael.
This week Michael created a Myspace page and uploaded one song he was playing around with. I was blown away because what I heard was so unexpected. Michael presents himself as reserved and a little shy, but his singing is very confident. He has a wonderful and unique quality and texture to his voice which is important when you are trying to stand out in the crowd and become recognizable. I'd say Michael tries to go for unique and different in the hair department too (no, he doesn't have dreads)
Take a listen to his song HERE and tell me what you think. If you are on Myspace, befriend him and help to build up his fanbase. This boy definitely is going places. (who knows if AI is the ticket, but it's not the only ticket in town either).
God bless you Michael.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happy Day After Christmas!
Well, the hustle and bustle of preparing for Christmas is gone, but the spirit remains alive in my heart. And, I get to enjoy a few more days with my family during the Christmas week. I love visiting with my family. (of course, I don't know if the feeling is completely mutual-- but I think it is :)
I only have limited access to the computer right now so I will post more when time allows. Most importantly though, I want to thank God for my family, their health, and allowing me to spend this special time with them. Time passes by so fast -- it really only seems like yesterday (people always say that, but it is oh so true) that my boys were opening up their Star Wars spaceships at Christmas. Those moments remain precious in my heart (spending special time with them) and I will remember them at different ages throughout their years.
Side note...I can remember a year or so ago when I was in excruciating pain sitting in the emergency room trying to deal with it until I was tended to (yeah, ending a sentence with a preposition is a no, no --oh well). I went off by myself in a corner, crouched down and closed my eyes in an attempt to endure the most horrific pain I have ever experienced (yes, right up there with childbirth). Thoughts of my children when they were about 3 and 8 came into my mind and it helped me to keep my mind off the pain. Very strange where our minds take us at unexpected times.
Before I run, I wanted to share this really beautiful card sent to me by Margaret. It was special and I just had to share it. Enjoy it HERE.
Hoping most of you also had this day off as part of your Christmas holiday and wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Catch ya later,
Jesus bless
I only have limited access to the computer right now so I will post more when time allows. Most importantly though, I want to thank God for my family, their health, and allowing me to spend this special time with them. Time passes by so fast -- it really only seems like yesterday (people always say that, but it is oh so true) that my boys were opening up their Star Wars spaceships at Christmas. Those moments remain precious in my heart (spending special time with them) and I will remember them at different ages throughout their years.
Side note...I can remember a year or so ago when I was in excruciating pain sitting in the emergency room trying to deal with it until I was tended to (yeah, ending a sentence with a preposition is a no, no --oh well). I went off by myself in a corner, crouched down and closed my eyes in an attempt to endure the most horrific pain I have ever experienced (yes, right up there with childbirth). Thoughts of my children when they were about 3 and 8 came into my mind and it helped me to keep my mind off the pain. Very strange where our minds take us at unexpected times.
Before I run, I wanted to share this really beautiful card sent to me by Margaret. It was special and I just had to share it. Enjoy it HERE.
Hoping most of you also had this day off as part of your Christmas holiday and wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Catch ya later,
Jesus bless
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Corrected Weather Condition and The Holy Alphabet
I'm just poppping on for a bit on a computer I have commandeered. I was advised by someone in the know that yesterday's temperature in Atlanta was not 55 (as I thought I heard on TV) but it was in the 30's. Well, LOL, I still was wearing a sweater and it was warm to me! So, I had to clear that up because a very wise person gave me the 411.
I am really liking my new INSTINCT (well it really is made by Samsung for Sprint). I have been taking pictures and putting them next to each person's contact info and when they call, their picture pops up. So.. BEWARE.. if I have your phone number, I will be getting a picture of you!
I'm sharing a thought for today sent to me by Beth, a precious sister in the Lord.
Thanx Beth -- I love it.
So, here ya go:
The Holy Alphabet...
Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame.
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know.
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be.
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee.
Move out of 'Camp Complaining'
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone.
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To 'thank' is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high.
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.
I am really liking my new INSTINCT (well it really is made by Samsung for Sprint). I have been taking pictures and putting them next to each person's contact info and when they call, their picture pops up. So.. BEWARE.. if I have your phone number, I will be getting a picture of you!
I'm sharing a thought for today sent to me by Beth, a precious sister in the Lord.
Thanx Beth -- I love it.
So, here ya go:
The Holy Alphabet...
Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame.
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know.
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be.
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee.
Move out of 'Camp Complaining'
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone.
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To 'thank' is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high.
Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!
The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Why Jesus is better than Santa :)
WOOOOHOOOO! I got my new phone this morning! FINALLY!! This was the first chance I got to do so. I got a Sprint Instinct (Sprint's version of the IPhone and the Dare). They were able to salvage my contacts and some of my pictures. My family pictures did not make it, but all my other pictures did. (so, Bucky, Cole, and Bo are still there). I love my new phone already and I have only had it a few hours! (raving to be continued!)
I spoke with a few friends and heard that I made it out of our airport at the perfect time because they had another snowstorm after I left! I also hear that the weather is single digit (with windchill below zero -- OUCH). So, today, the weather here in Atlanta is 55 and everyone is wearing coats and gloves LOL. I am wearing a sweater and loving it!
I am celebrating my first part of Christmas today and I will be visiting several family members and friends during the next week or so.
It's Christmas time and everyone here (as in Dallas) says Merry Christmas! Which I Love!! So, it really shares the Christmas spirit!
I received this in my email and had to share it today :)

Jesus is Better than Santa
Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks..
And then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is
"Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name,
He knows our address too.
He knows our history and future and He
even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me
for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts,
repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.
May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and
your loved ones this Christmas 2008
And may He prosper and bless the work
of your hands in the New Year.
I spoke with a few friends and heard that I made it out of our airport at the perfect time because they had another snowstorm after I left! I also hear that the weather is single digit (with windchill below zero -- OUCH). So, today, the weather here in Atlanta is 55 and everyone is wearing coats and gloves LOL. I am wearing a sweater and loving it!
I am celebrating my first part of Christmas today and I will be visiting several family members and friends during the next week or so.
It's Christmas time and everyone here (as in Dallas) says Merry Christmas! Which I Love!! So, it really shares the Christmas spirit!
I received this in my email and had to share it today :)

Jesus is Better than Santa
Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks..
And then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is
"Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did.
Not only does He know our name,
He knows our address too.
He knows our history and future and He
even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me
for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts,
repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.
May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and
your loved ones this Christmas 2008
And may He prosper and bless the work
of your hands in the New Year.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
My airport wait with Joey -- kinda reminded me of Dierks Bentley
So, with all the news reports of the three local airports being crippled and people being stranded due to canceled flights, I wasn't going to be late for the replacement flight I was able to secure. My car remained stuck in the snow, so a car service picked me up at 2pm for my 7pm flight. Mind you, the airport was only about an hour and a half away, but I wasn't taking any chances with the condition of the roads and the crowds at the airport etc.
I am still reading the book recommended by Jason Castro, "Irresistible Revolution", so I got a chance to get in several chapters. I am really enjoying this book. The zeal of the author is coming through in every page and I really like his style of writing. (He writes kinda like me with parenthesis of extra thoughts here and there LOL). The more important message of the book is stepping out of your "churchianity" (that's my word, but it fits here) and actually being more as Jesus calls us to be--like Him--really walking the walk. (Message to Jason Castro -- I can see why you chose this book and I know your heart is in service as well -- thank you for "leading the revolution.")
Since I was at the airport for half a day (and my plane was delayed), I met this really sweet guy who was gracious enough to let me chew his ear off for several hours. He too was there early for the same flight. (Hey Joey, hope you got home safe and have a great Christmas!) So, Joey is in school studying performing arts in NYC and was headed home for the Christmas break. He reminded me a little of Dierks Bentley and had the same length and curly hair kinda like Dierks did before he shaved it off in the video for "A Long Trip Alone" (gotta watch the whole video to see it--below) and in "Every Mile a Memory."
Anyway, it was interesting that Joey and I had a number of things in common and actually could talk about several different topics. (Well, I can talk a lot and he is a good listener LOL -- but I promise, he talked too). (Thank you Joey for making a long wait enjoyable.)
Well, I am off to finish some Christmas shopping -- it makes much more sense to buy here than have to ship or carry everything down with me (yes, I am south of the Mason-Dixon line -- where my heart is).
I have a lot of things planned this week so I will be popping on and off -- my first agenda is to GET A NEW PHONE! Decisions, Decisions -- so many choices.
Have a blessed day,
I am still reading the book recommended by Jason Castro, "Irresistible Revolution", so I got a chance to get in several chapters. I am really enjoying this book. The zeal of the author is coming through in every page and I really like his style of writing. (He writes kinda like me with parenthesis of extra thoughts here and there LOL). The more important message of the book is stepping out of your "churchianity" (that's my word, but it fits here) and actually being more as Jesus calls us to be--like Him--really walking the walk. (Message to Jason Castro -- I can see why you chose this book and I know your heart is in service as well -- thank you for "leading the revolution.")
Since I was at the airport for half a day (and my plane was delayed), I met this really sweet guy who was gracious enough to let me chew his ear off for several hours. He too was there early for the same flight. (Hey Joey, hope you got home safe and have a great Christmas!) So, Joey is in school studying performing arts in NYC and was headed home for the Christmas break. He reminded me a little of Dierks Bentley and had the same length and curly hair kinda like Dierks did before he shaved it off in the video for "A Long Trip Alone" (gotta watch the whole video to see it--below) and in "Every Mile a Memory."
Anyway, it was interesting that Joey and I had a number of things in common and actually could talk about several different topics. (Well, I can talk a lot and he is a good listener LOL -- but I promise, he talked too). (Thank you Joey for making a long wait enjoyable.)
Well, I am off to finish some Christmas shopping -- it makes much more sense to buy here than have to ship or carry everything down with me (yes, I am south of the Mason-Dixon line -- where my heart is).
I have a lot of things planned this week so I will be popping on and off -- my first agenda is to GET A NEW PHONE! Decisions, Decisions -- so many choices.
Have a blessed day,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Enjoy some Bucky Covington and Jason Castro
If you are in the snowstorm area -- enjoy :) It is beautiful and quiet -- unless you are traveling. But, it is still amazing that every snowflake is completely different than another.
Please take time to enjoy some Bucky Covington and Jason Castro while you are having your hot chocolate or hot tea. Go download Bucky's SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO DOWN from iTunes. AND, Don't forget, Jason Castro is gifting you with a FREE download of his version of WHITE CHRISTMAS at Amazon.com (if you are in the US) and Reverberation.com (if outside the States). It is a perfect time to listen to that song!! (and it's a great version)
I'll be traveling, so if you are reading this, I ask that you say a quick prayer for traveling mercies. I appreciate it.
If I HAD your phone number, I don't anymore. Please email it to me.
I'll catch ya on the flip side.
HUGS and blessings,
Please take time to enjoy some Bucky Covington and Jason Castro while you are having your hot chocolate or hot tea. Go download Bucky's SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO DOWN from iTunes. AND, Don't forget, Jason Castro is gifting you with a FREE download of his version of WHITE CHRISTMAS at Amazon.com (if you are in the US) and Reverberation.com (if outside the States). It is a perfect time to listen to that song!! (and it's a great version)
I'll be traveling, so if you are reading this, I ask that you say a quick prayer for traveling mercies. I appreciate it.
If I HAD your phone number, I don't anymore. Please email it to me.
I'll catch ya on the flip side.
HUGS and blessings,
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Issues of the Day ... Snowstorm, Broken Phone etc
Well, snow began pummeling us this afternoon for a double digit snowfall by this evening. I arrived home, pulled into the driveway and the car got stuck. I didn't want to burn the rubber off the tires so I left it where it was --it wasn't bothering anyone there.
Next, I needed to make car arrangements to take me to the airport in the morning and I dropped my cell phone causing it to split into bits. OUCH! Stupid me! I don't think I saved all those phone numbers someplace else and I don't think my phone has a SIM card. I need to get a new phone this weekend!
So, in an effort to make the car arrangements, I tried the home phone, but now my home phone receiver battery was no longer taking a charge! Now what!? This is not fun being "stranded" without communication. But, alas, I have my computer... ah ha!
Well, thanx to wonderful neighbors and family, I did some phone conference calling from the speaker phone which I could access if someone called in and conferenced me.
I made the car arrangements and then found out my flight was cancelled due to the snowstorm. So, I needed to make a lot of phone calls tonight. Thank you to those that helped me out!
I spoke with the airline and they have NO other open bookings until Christmas Day!! Father in heaven, that does not work! Though I trust you Lord, I will go with your plan, but if you see to it, please move heaven and earth to get me another plane.
So, Thank you Jesus! He did just that--move heaven and earth that is! I have a seat on another flight. I don't like that fact that I have to go to another airport an hour and a half away, but beggars can't be chosers and God did move heaven and earth for me afterall--so picky I am not! (also, I live by Romans 8:28 -- so we're good :)
I also wanted to say thank you Jesus for saving my friend Greta's life yesterday. She was in a car accident that totaled her car. Her car went UNDER a log truck and it was "compacted." Everyone that sees the car does understand how anyone was able to survive the crash. Well we know, don't we. Praise God for keeping His hand on his daughter and protecting her. Greta is sore and has several stitches in her jaw, but she is alive and knows God has a plan for her life. Thank you Lord for this miracle. Greta is a very precious sister and I am so thankful she is still with us!
Well, I am going to finish wrapping my Christmas gifts and get some hot chocholate!
Catch ya tomorrow.
Next, I needed to make car arrangements to take me to the airport in the morning and I dropped my cell phone causing it to split into bits. OUCH! Stupid me! I don't think I saved all those phone numbers someplace else and I don't think my phone has a SIM card. I need to get a new phone this weekend!
So, in an effort to make the car arrangements, I tried the home phone, but now my home phone receiver battery was no longer taking a charge! Now what!? This is not fun being "stranded" without communication. But, alas, I have my computer... ah ha!
Well, thanx to wonderful neighbors and family, I did some phone conference calling from the speaker phone which I could access if someone called in and conferenced me.
I made the car arrangements and then found out my flight was cancelled due to the snowstorm. So, I needed to make a lot of phone calls tonight. Thank you to those that helped me out!
I spoke with the airline and they have NO other open bookings until Christmas Day!! Father in heaven, that does not work! Though I trust you Lord, I will go with your plan, but if you see to it, please move heaven and earth to get me another plane.
So, Thank you Jesus! He did just that--move heaven and earth that is! I have a seat on another flight. I don't like that fact that I have to go to another airport an hour and a half away, but beggars can't be chosers and God did move heaven and earth for me afterall--so picky I am not! (also, I live by Romans 8:28 -- so we're good :)
I also wanted to say thank you Jesus for saving my friend Greta's life yesterday. She was in a car accident that totaled her car. Her car went UNDER a log truck and it was "compacted." Everyone that sees the car does understand how anyone was able to survive the crash. Well we know, don't we. Praise God for keeping His hand on his daughter and protecting her. Greta is sore and has several stitches in her jaw, but she is alive and knows God has a plan for her life. Thank you Lord for this miracle. Greta is a very precious sister and I am so thankful she is still with us!
Well, I am going to finish wrapping my Christmas gifts and get some hot chocholate!
Catch ya tomorrow.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Another Christmas Party and Pastor Rick Warren
Ok... sorry about today. Another Christmas party tonight and then home to make some of the other gifts I am making.
Things are tight this year so some people are getting some special homemade gifts.. made with a lot of love and prayer (because I am not talented whatsoever in any way).
I don't know if any of you have seen the news but President-Elect Obama has chosen Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church (author of Purpose Driven Life etc) to give the inaugural prayer. Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP!! God you are so good :)
Pastor Rick is a mighty man of God who is wise and committed to Christ -- he walks the walk.
Well, we are expecting a major snowstorm so I am gonna go to bed since I have to get an early start tomorrow morning.
Jesus bless!
Things are tight this year so some people are getting some special homemade gifts.. made with a lot of love and prayer (because I am not talented whatsoever in any way).
I don't know if any of you have seen the news but President-Elect Obama has chosen Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church (author of Purpose Driven Life etc) to give the inaugural prayer. Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP!! God you are so good :)
Pastor Rick is a mighty man of God who is wise and committed to Christ -- he walks the walk.
Well, we are expecting a major snowstorm so I am gonna go to bed since I have to get an early start tomorrow morning.
Jesus bless!
Get Sarah Palin's book FREE -- just pay shipping
Hey guys, sorry I didn't get to post today. I had a full schedule including an office Christmas party.. well they say Holiday party but to me -- it's Christmas. Anyway, I am exhausted and have to hit the pillow.
I did want to post this info I received in a reputable email today. I told Amber that I wouldn't have political stuff on my page so I am not making any political comments, I am just posting some information for those that may want to get this book:
Get Sarah Palin's Book FREE
A $15.95 Value You Can't Miss . . .

The Authorized Biography of Possibly America's Next President Is Yours Absolutely FREE. Just Pay the Standard Shipping and Handling.
Get "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down"
In Sarah, the first biography of Palin, author Kaylene Johnson draws upon personal interviews with Palin herself, her family, and closely placed sources to explore her private and public life. Sarah also includes 16 pages of Sarah Palin's most personal photos!
In Sarah, you will find out:
--the real role her faith has played in family life.
the surprising event that turned her from hockey mom into a full blown political activist.
--what she did on the Alaska commission overseeing natural resources that stunned everyone — Republicans and Democrats alike
--how she took on the incumbent Republican governor and beat him
--why she decided to make her family so much part of her public life
--why she is hugely popular with approval ratings above 75% among Democrats and Republicans
--how she became known as a "pit bull with lipstick"
and much, much more.
--This is a powerful book about a very ordinary person who has done extraordinary things.
Inspirational? Yes. But a must read for anyone who wants to know the real Sarah Palin, the lady who may someday be President.
The author says: "I had watched Palin's rise to the state's highest office with interest. Jaded as I was about politics in general, the notion that people could take government back into their own hands renewed my faith in the democratic process. It was an opportunity to learn and write about a fascinating woman who made Alaskan history by being the first woman and the youngest governor ever elected."
Find out how you can make a difference — read Sarah Palin's story!
Newsmax magazine's Incredible Offer
Newsmax magazine wants every American family to have a copy of Sarah and we'll send it to you for FREE! Just pay our standard shipping and handling charge of $5.95.
Plus you get a great $20 bonus — Newsmax magazine FREE for four months!
I did want to post this info I received in a reputable email today. I told Amber that I wouldn't have political stuff on my page so I am not making any political comments, I am just posting some information for those that may want to get this book:
Get Sarah Palin's Book FREE
A $15.95 Value You Can't Miss . . .

The Authorized Biography of Possibly America's Next President Is Yours Absolutely FREE. Just Pay the Standard Shipping and Handling.
Get "Sarah: How a Hockey Mom Turned Alaska's Political Establishment Upside Down"
In Sarah, the first biography of Palin, author Kaylene Johnson draws upon personal interviews with Palin herself, her family, and closely placed sources to explore her private and public life. Sarah also includes 16 pages of Sarah Palin's most personal photos!
In Sarah, you will find out:
--the real role her faith has played in family life.
the surprising event that turned her from hockey mom into a full blown political activist.
--what she did on the Alaska commission overseeing natural resources that stunned everyone — Republicans and Democrats alike
--how she took on the incumbent Republican governor and beat him
--why she decided to make her family so much part of her public life
--why she is hugely popular with approval ratings above 75% among Democrats and Republicans
--how she became known as a "pit bull with lipstick"
and much, much more.
--This is a powerful book about a very ordinary person who has done extraordinary things.
Inspirational? Yes. But a must read for anyone who wants to know the real Sarah Palin, the lady who may someday be President.
The author says: "I had watched Palin's rise to the state's highest office with interest. Jaded as I was about politics in general, the notion that people could take government back into their own hands renewed my faith in the democratic process. It was an opportunity to learn and write about a fascinating woman who made Alaskan history by being the first woman and the youngest governor ever elected."
Find out how you can make a difference — read Sarah Palin's story!
Newsmax magazine's Incredible Offer
Newsmax magazine wants every American family to have a copy of Sarah and we'll send it to you for FREE! Just pay our standard shipping and handling charge of $5.95.
Plus you get a great $20 bonus — Newsmax magazine FREE for four months!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mini recap of my Jason Castro concert trip
Ok, so now that I am back, I can post a mini recap of the trip to Texas for Jason Castro's concert with Patti LaBelle. It was a benefit concert (read about it below).
Something I never realized until a few years ago is that every artist has a group of dedicated "supporters/fans" that help to make make that artist known. There is always a volunteer group working in the background. Those supporters also develop friendships along the way (and that is the best part).
I have never been (and still am not) a fangirly type. I do not put anyone on a pedestal because they are in the limelight. I have come to appreciate an artist or two and give some of my time to support them in reaching their dreams. Like I said before, it's about the person for me and I have my criteria.
That being said, here is a mini recap of this weekend in supporting Jason Castro and meeting a multitude of other supporters/fans:
Friday - get together; Saturday - luncheon, cocktail party, concert; Sunday - (missed going to the church building, but my Jesus was praised), Benefit Bookfair, lunch with the girls, Dallas v. Giants (in Dallas). Along the way, I was able to meet and talk to several of the performers and be about my Father's Business.
On the plane home I began reading a book recommended by Jason Castro called "Irresitible Revolution" which is focuses on putting your faith in action by being a servant to help others as Jesus calls us to do. (In a nutshell, "shine your light and lead the way")
Ok, so LOL there you have it .. and that's all you're getting -- other than I had such a great time meeting up with friends (new and old) and getting to meet Jason and family again. (for me, I always am blessed when I meet others that have surrendered to Christ and put Him first in their lives --no matter who they are. I met lots of "Seconds" this weekend).
Attached are just a few pictures (thanx Glo and Sal):

Something I never realized until a few years ago is that every artist has a group of dedicated "supporters/fans" that help to make make that artist known. There is always a volunteer group working in the background. Those supporters also develop friendships along the way (and that is the best part).
I have never been (and still am not) a fangirly type. I do not put anyone on a pedestal because they are in the limelight. I have come to appreciate an artist or two and give some of my time to support them in reaching their dreams. Like I said before, it's about the person for me and I have my criteria.
That being said, here is a mini recap of this weekend in supporting Jason Castro and meeting a multitude of other supporters/fans:
Friday - get together; Saturday - luncheon, cocktail party, concert; Sunday - (missed going to the church building, but my Jesus was praised), Benefit Bookfair, lunch with the girls, Dallas v. Giants (in Dallas). Along the way, I was able to meet and talk to several of the performers and be about my Father's Business.
On the plane home I began reading a book recommended by Jason Castro called "Irresitible Revolution" which is focuses on putting your faith in action by being a servant to help others as Jesus calls us to do. (In a nutshell, "shine your light and lead the way")
Ok, so LOL there you have it .. and that's all you're getting -- other than I had such a great time meeting up with friends (new and old) and getting to meet Jason and family again. (for me, I always am blessed when I meet others that have surrendered to Christ and put Him first in their lives --no matter who they are. I met lots of "Seconds" this weekend).
Attached are just a few pictures (thanx Glo and Sal):

Jason Castro Vlog re Merry Christmas
Jason Castro is in New York with the beautiful Rockerfeller Center Tree behind him and wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (Figureskater...where are you??)
Jason is speaking of his FREE download he has made available on his myspace and on Amazon.com as his gift to you. (check out my post a day or so ago).
I am going to get some sleep in my own bed tonight -- Texas was great, but home is sweet :)
Jason is speaking of his FREE download he has made available on his myspace and on Amazon.com as his gift to you. (check out my post a day or so ago).
I am going to get some sleep in my own bed tonight -- Texas was great, but home is sweet :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Another Jason Castro video from the Garland Concert
I'm am running to catch a plane back to my hometown so to keep you guys happy, here is another videographer's version of Jason Castro performing several songs at the Garland, Texas concert on Saturday night. (Thanx to SisterSusie)
I will look around and post some other things once I get back into the grove.
I will look around and post some other things once I get back into the grove.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Patti LaBelle, Jason Castro - Christmas Concert in Garland, Texas
So, last night, I attended a special benefit concert sponsored by the Best Foundation to support the Garland, Texas Independent School District. Yes, it was in Garland, Texas and I was really there.
The event was great in so many ways. It is different than it would have been in many other places around this country where the name of Jesus has become a politically incorrect dirty word. The name of the Lord was actually lifted up and it actually was for "Christmas!" I also was able to attend it with many of the people I have come to know and love over the last year.
So, about the concert -- First, let me say that when I was growing up (and you know this already if you read my blogs), I listened to a lot of Motown (go google it). So, Soul and R&B are in my blood. Well, last night the Grammy Award-Winning "Soul Sista" herself, Miss Patti Labelle performed at the concert.
Listening to Patti reached back into my memory archives when she was backed by the Bluebells. Miss Patti told me herself last night that the Bluebells were getting back together. I was unable to find out if that meant they would rejoin her or be on their own (I know the Bluebells will be touring). That is great to know for those that are fans.
Check out the video HERE of Patti singing "Over the Rainbow" with the Bluebells. Patti also blessed us with that song last night.
Patti ended her performance by passing the mic to one of her current backup singers Mary Griffin whose singing praise to our God sent chills down my spine. Please check Mary out at MARYGRIFFIN.NET.
We were also blessed with the magnificent, spirit-filled, voices of the Hamilton Park Men's Choir who truly celebrated Christ in Christmas.
Ok, so now to the part of the concert that was my main reason for attendance. Jason Castro (you should know who he is if you read my blog or if you watched American Idol)--he was Patti LaBelle's special guest. Jason, who was a straight-A student, is a graduate of Garland's ISD and since he believes in giving and service, he came to give back to his community and promote education.
The response to Jason's introduction was overwhelming and filled with screaming fans and long applause. The locals that cheered Jason on through his AI experience, were joined by those who traveled from all areas of the U.S., as well as those who journeyed from Canada, Mexico, and as far as England.
The performance was just what we knew it would be--"Jasonnn"--Genuine, heartfelt, and filled with emotions. Jason shared his smiles and laughter with us in between the songs and sometimes during (like when he broke a guitar string mid-song.) Jason gets better and better and better with each performance. Jason also sang "Over the Rainbow"--the Bruddah Iz version we associate with Jason now.
The band joining Jason is known as the Heavy Steadies. They also played with him in Tulsa and will be with him for a while. The personalities of the members are very much like Jason's so no wonder they seem to "gel" so well. I can understand why Jason chose this bunch of musicians.
Enjoy Jason's version of White Christmas below (posted by Dare2Dream)
I am still in Texas and attended another Jason Castro event today as part of the ISD benefit program. He participated in Book Fair at the Garland Barnes and Nobles which proceeds were contributed to the Garland ISD. Jason also handpicked a few of his own recommendations. Two of my favorites were Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. (Thanx Jason -- I am a rebel for Jesus)
I will continue my post tomorrow and share with you some pictures and some of the special moments with special friends. (don't worry, I divulge no secrets :)
That being said, I want to give a very special thank you to Gloria and Sal and thanx for special times to Janine, Amber, and Melaine :)
ok, so I have to run for a bit--the Giants and Cowboys game will be starting soon. I am torn on this one and being in Dallas and watching the game is gonna be a trip.
The event was great in so many ways. It is different than it would have been in many other places around this country where the name of Jesus has become a politically incorrect dirty word. The name of the Lord was actually lifted up and it actually was for "Christmas!" I also was able to attend it with many of the people I have come to know and love over the last year.
So, about the concert -- First, let me say that when I was growing up (and you know this already if you read my blogs), I listened to a lot of Motown (go google it). So, Soul and R&B are in my blood. Well, last night the Grammy Award-Winning "Soul Sista" herself, Miss Patti Labelle performed at the concert.
Listening to Patti reached back into my memory archives when she was backed by the Bluebells. Miss Patti told me herself last night that the Bluebells were getting back together. I was unable to find out if that meant they would rejoin her or be on their own (I know the Bluebells will be touring). That is great to know for those that are fans.
Check out the video HERE of Patti singing "Over the Rainbow" with the Bluebells. Patti also blessed us with that song last night.
Patti ended her performance by passing the mic to one of her current backup singers Mary Griffin whose singing praise to our God sent chills down my spine. Please check Mary out at MARYGRIFFIN.NET.
We were also blessed with the magnificent, spirit-filled, voices of the Hamilton Park Men's Choir who truly celebrated Christ in Christmas.
Ok, so now to the part of the concert that was my main reason for attendance. Jason Castro (you should know who he is if you read my blog or if you watched American Idol)--he was Patti LaBelle's special guest. Jason, who was a straight-A student, is a graduate of Garland's ISD and since he believes in giving and service, he came to give back to his community and promote education.
The response to Jason's introduction was overwhelming and filled with screaming fans and long applause. The locals that cheered Jason on through his AI experience, were joined by those who traveled from all areas of the U.S., as well as those who journeyed from Canada, Mexico, and as far as England.
The performance was just what we knew it would be--"Jasonnn"--Genuine, heartfelt, and filled with emotions. Jason shared his smiles and laughter with us in between the songs and sometimes during (like when he broke a guitar string mid-song.) Jason gets better and better and better with each performance. Jason also sang "Over the Rainbow"--the Bruddah Iz version we associate with Jason now.
The band joining Jason is known as the Heavy Steadies. They also played with him in Tulsa and will be with him for a while. The personalities of the members are very much like Jason's so no wonder they seem to "gel" so well. I can understand why Jason chose this bunch of musicians.
Enjoy Jason's version of White Christmas below (posted by Dare2Dream)
I am still in Texas and attended another Jason Castro event today as part of the ISD benefit program. He participated in Book Fair at the Garland Barnes and Nobles which proceeds were contributed to the Garland ISD. Jason also handpicked a few of his own recommendations. Two of my favorites were Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne. (Thanx Jason -- I am a rebel for Jesus)
I will continue my post tomorrow and share with you some pictures and some of the special moments with special friends. (don't worry, I divulge no secrets :)
That being said, I want to give a very special thank you to Gloria and Sal and thanx for special times to Janine, Amber, and Melaine :)
ok, so I have to run for a bit--the Giants and Cowboys game will be starting soon. I am torn on this one and being in Dallas and watching the game is gonna be a trip.
Jason Castro -- Free Music Download
I am only hopping on for a bit, but will post more when I have the chance.
Jason Castro performed tonight in Garland, Texas as special guest of Patti LaBelle.
SET YOUR SCHEDULERS!! Jason's myspace will have available on Tuesday, December 16, his newly recorded version of White Christmas -- For FREE download on several sites.
Jason's myspace is http://www.jasoncastromusic.com
and also at AMAZON.COM
Jason Castro performed tonight in Garland, Texas as special guest of Patti LaBelle.
SET YOUR SCHEDULERS!! Jason's myspace will have available on Tuesday, December 16, his newly recorded version of White Christmas -- For FREE download on several sites.
Jason's myspace is http://www.jasoncastromusic.com
and also at AMAZON.COM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Selah -- because of Jason Castro
I'm going to spend some time with the Dreadheads and see Jason Castro with Patti Labelle so I will get back to you after that.
Please pray for traveling mercies.
-- Selah
(google it)
Please pray for traveling mercies.
-- Selah
(google it)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Aaron Shust and Chris Sligh - Free Song Downloads
Are you in the Christmas spirit yet? (hopefully, you're in it all year :)
Christmas--you know--the celebration of Christ's birth -- are you getting ready?
Sharing the spirit of Christmas, Dove Award winning artist Aaron Shust and American Idol Alum Chris Sligh have made available FREE Downloads of songs from their Christmas EP. I've heard them and they are good so mozy on over to the download page and receive your Christmas gift.
(Aaron Shust - photo credit/unknown)
Get your songs now HERE
Hit Chris Sligh up with a thank you on his blog HERE

(Chris Sligh -- photo credit/unknown)
The songs from Aaron Shust are:
God Has Come to Earth
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Silent Night
And from Chris Sligh:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Also, if you have iTunes, Barlow Girl is in the top 20 downloads for their version of Carol of the Bells. It is a beautiful rendition. Let's help Barlow Girl reach the top of the charts. If you are unfamiliar with their music, they are a beautiful Christian all girl rock band (youtube them). Carol of the Bells is not "rocky", it is very beautifully done with the harmoniously blending of their voices.
Go, get it on iTunes :)
Christmas--you know--the celebration of Christ's birth -- are you getting ready?
Sharing the spirit of Christmas, Dove Award winning artist Aaron Shust and American Idol Alum Chris Sligh have made available FREE Downloads of songs from their Christmas EP. I've heard them and they are good so mozy on over to the download page and receive your Christmas gift.

Get your songs now HERE
Hit Chris Sligh up with a thank you on his blog HERE

(Chris Sligh -- photo credit/unknown)
The songs from Aaron Shust are:
God Has Come to Earth
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Silent Night
And from Chris Sligh:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Also, if you have iTunes, Barlow Girl is in the top 20 downloads for their version of Carol of the Bells. It is a beautiful rendition. Let's help Barlow Girl reach the top of the charts. If you are unfamiliar with their music, they are a beautiful Christian all girl rock band (youtube them). Carol of the Bells is not "rocky", it is very beautifully done with the harmoniously blending of their voices.
Go, get it on iTunes :)
Jason Castro -- More Videos at I Am Second :)
This morning I found 5 more Jason Castro videos at the I Am Second website. -- Awesome and inspiring :) (thanx Kendra)
So, I am rushing off to work and wanted to share them since they are definitely worth the viewing. The videos are after the original video. They are not to be missed!
Sorry the banner below gets cut off and it's not working as a link :(
So go to www.iamsecond.com or click HERE

Watch the original video again, and at the end, click on "More Jason Castro.
Catch ya later! Jesus bless!
So, I am rushing off to work and wanted to share them since they are definitely worth the viewing. The videos are after the original video. They are not to be missed!
Sorry the banner below gets cut off and it's not working as a link :(
So go to www.iamsecond.com or click HERE

Watch the original video again, and at the end, click on "More Jason Castro.
Catch ya later! Jesus bless!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mary Kay, Inc., Amanda Bynes, Break the Cycle -- join them to help end dating violence
Domestic Violence is not a situation only experienced in the "domicile".
I have worked in a number of different areas where I have witnessed the results of domestic violence experienced on the home front. That in itself is disgraceful. The Cyle continues and the issue is now expanding and increasing outside the home into teen dating relationships.
Today, many teens undergo physical, sexual, verbal or emotional abuse in dating relationships. Statistics say one in three teenagers will have to deal with this behavior. THIS IS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!
I believe that there are many factors causing this type of treatment by the abusers and causing the victims to continue to endure it. (I personally believe the true reason is in accordance with Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.")
That being said, we must deal with this spiritually as well as be proactive in the natural. My friend Mary brought this to my attention. (Thanx Mar) and I feel it is important to get the word out.
I also suggest that if you are a parent of a teen that you "keep your eyes open" and watch for signs of this behavior as well because, more often than not, your child will not make you aware of its occurrence.
So, here ya go -- the press release:
MARY KAY INC. PARTNERS WITH AMANDA BYNES AND BREAK THE CYCLE IN EFFORT TO END TEEN DATING VIOLENCE. Bynes and Mary Kay Inc. kick-off national online petition to put teen dating violence prevention programs in schools. You can read the press release from BREAK THE CYCLE HERE.
Please sign the online petition HERE and pass it on.
Also, let me put in a plug for Mary Kay Cosmetics. I am not affiliated with Mary Kay, but I was an independent director many years ago. It is a truly an amazing company. The products are excellent but, even more noteworthy, the company was built on the "Golden Rule" and putting God first, family second, and career third (in accordance with what God asks.)So, let's support this company as well.

The above photo released by Mary Kay, Inc. shows Actress, Amanda Bynes (right) as she registers for the online campaign, www.enddatingviolence.com, petitioning lawmakers to make domestic violence prevention awareness mandatory in schools, as Rhonda Shasteen, of Mary Kay, looks on, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008,at Oscar De La Hoya Animo Charter High School in Los Angeles. The petition hopes to help educate students on creating healthy relationships and ending teen dating violence. (AP Photo/Mary Kay, Rene Macura)
I have worked in a number of different areas where I have witnessed the results of domestic violence experienced on the home front. That in itself is disgraceful. The Cyle continues and the issue is now expanding and increasing outside the home into teen dating relationships.
Today, many teens undergo physical, sexual, verbal or emotional abuse in dating relationships. Statistics say one in three teenagers will have to deal with this behavior. THIS IS JUST NOT RIGHT!!!
I believe that there are many factors causing this type of treatment by the abusers and causing the victims to continue to endure it. (I personally believe the true reason is in accordance with Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.")
That being said, we must deal with this spiritually as well as be proactive in the natural. My friend Mary brought this to my attention. (Thanx Mar) and I feel it is important to get the word out.
I also suggest that if you are a parent of a teen that you "keep your eyes open" and watch for signs of this behavior as well because, more often than not, your child will not make you aware of its occurrence.
So, here ya go -- the press release:
MARY KAY INC. PARTNERS WITH AMANDA BYNES AND BREAK THE CYCLE IN EFFORT TO END TEEN DATING VIOLENCE. Bynes and Mary Kay Inc. kick-off national online petition to put teen dating violence prevention programs in schools. You can read the press release from BREAK THE CYCLE HERE.
Please sign the online petition HERE and pass it on.
Also, let me put in a plug for Mary Kay Cosmetics. I am not affiliated with Mary Kay, but I was an independent director many years ago. It is a truly an amazing company. The products are excellent but, even more noteworthy, the company was built on the "Golden Rule" and putting God first, family second, and career third (in accordance with what God asks.)So, let's support this company as well.

The above photo released by Mary Kay, Inc. shows Actress, Amanda Bynes (right) as she registers for the online campaign, www.enddatingviolence.com, petitioning lawmakers to make domestic violence prevention awareness mandatory in schools, as Rhonda Shasteen, of Mary Kay, looks on, Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2008,at Oscar De La Hoya Animo Charter High School in Los Angeles. The petition hopes to help educate students on creating healthy relationships and ending teen dating violence. (AP Photo/Mary Kay, Rene Macura)
Monday, December 8, 2008
Questions I Won't Answer
Someone left me a comment without contact information so I am responding here rather than to ignore it.
My response:
Sorry, I won't comment on the personal lives of others unless they themselves have spoken about it and put it out there for the world. You can google the situation yourself and see what's out there. I hope you understand.
Jesus bless!
My response:
Sorry, I won't comment on the personal lives of others unless they themselves have spoken about it and put it out there for the world. You can google the situation yourself and see what's out there. I hope you understand.
Jesus bless!
Jason Castro and Archie (David Archuleta) Weekend Events
Just a quick and light note, no heavy topic here -- no heart-throscopy at this moment. I know the news is old (this past weekend), but it's still interesting to many.
On Friday, December 5, Jason Castro attended the Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies of the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles. This picture is of Jason and Keb Mo. (Way to go Jason--Shine Your Light!)
So, hmmmmmm, did I miss an announcement (I know I've been kinda busy lately)? -- Jason's myspace recently changed from unsigned to LABEL: Major.
(photo credit unknown)
On Saturday, December 6, David Archuleta (Archie to many), this year's first place runner up on American Idol, performed at the Holiday of Hope Tree lighting Ceremony in Hollywood. What a life change this young man has undergone over the last year. We wish him a long and wonderful career, without succumbing to the temptations and pitfalls of the industry, and pray that he stays genuine and connected to his fans.
On Friday, December 5, Jason Castro attended the Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies of the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles. This picture is of Jason and Keb Mo. (Way to go Jason--Shine Your Light!)
So, hmmmmmm, did I miss an announcement (I know I've been kinda busy lately)? -- Jason's myspace recently changed from unsigned to LABEL: Major.

On Saturday, December 6, David Archuleta (Archie to many), this year's first place runner up on American Idol, performed at the Holiday of Hope Tree lighting Ceremony in Hollywood. What a life change this young man has undergone over the last year. We wish him a long and wonderful career, without succumbing to the temptations and pitfalls of the industry, and pray that he stays genuine and connected to his fans.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
PORN XXX - Story of a Sex Addict -- Nate Larkin
(photo credit unknown)

A previous heart-throscopy focused on Pornography. I shared several resources for those held in its grasp and for those involved in its production.
I received an email from someone who read my blog and then was touched by Nate Larkin's profession on the I AM SECOND website. Hence, it was shared with me. (thanx for sharing A.)
After viewing Nate's story, it made me realize what a powerful impact even just one experience of being hit with sexual imagery could produce. Men, especially, are very visual and are often movitivated by what they see--good and bad.
Nate Larkin's long road of pornography and sex addiction began after he took a ride through Times Square in NYC (when it was a sex center --it has been re-created and swept clean -- it's a good place to visit now).
I had to share with you Nate's Larkin's story. I hope you will be inspired. There are resources on the site as well. Hiding an issue, like Nate did for years, only buries it until it festers and explodes reaking havoc in its path. Word of life advice, guide your heart and what your eyes see.
Take a look at NATE'S STORY

A previous heart-throscopy focused on Pornography. I shared several resources for those held in its grasp and for those involved in its production.
I received an email from someone who read my blog and then was touched by Nate Larkin's profession on the I AM SECOND website. Hence, it was shared with me. (thanx for sharing A.)
After viewing Nate's story, it made me realize what a powerful impact even just one experience of being hit with sexual imagery could produce. Men, especially, are very visual and are often movitivated by what they see--good and bad.
Nate Larkin's long road of pornography and sex addiction began after he took a ride through Times Square in NYC (when it was a sex center --it has been re-created and swept clean -- it's a good place to visit now).
I had to share with you Nate's Larkin's story. I hope you will be inspired. There are resources on the site as well. Hiding an issue, like Nate did for years, only buries it until it festers and explodes reaking havoc in its path. Word of life advice, guide your heart and what your eyes see.
Take a look at NATE'S STORY
Bucky Covington -- Hold A Woman (reduce the divorce rate)
Bucky Covington's tour is winding down, but he still has a few shows left before year end. He is busy working on his sophomore CD and I am sure it will be a winner if this song is a peek into its content.
Thank you to Danna Marie for posting this video of Hold A Woman from one of Bucky's recent venues in Indiana. Ummmm and btw, Miss Danna -- did you raid the bus? Am I correct in thinking you were wearing the same shirt that Bucky is wearing when you were in Myrtle Beach just a few weeks ago???
The key to a good song is the lyrics, so listen closely to the words -- GUYS TAKE NOTES!! (If you do, maybe we can reduce the divorce rate in this country)
Bucky Covington
I happened to find another video of the song at a benefit for St. Jude's Hospital (one of Bucky's favorite charities). You can hear the words a little better and you can get a little glimpse of Bucky's sense of humor -- love the little cricket noise he makes in the pre-song discussion -- listen for it LOL and I just love Terra :) Hey Girl! HUGS :)
catch ya later :)
Thank you to Danna Marie for posting this video of Hold A Woman from one of Bucky's recent venues in Indiana. Ummmm and btw, Miss Danna -- did you raid the bus? Am I correct in thinking you were wearing the same shirt that Bucky is wearing when you were in Myrtle Beach just a few weeks ago???
The key to a good song is the lyrics, so listen closely to the words -- GUYS TAKE NOTES!! (If you do, maybe we can reduce the divorce rate in this country)
Bucky Covington
I happened to find another video of the song at a benefit for St. Jude's Hospital (one of Bucky's favorite charities). You can hear the words a little better and you can get a little glimpse of Bucky's sense of humor -- love the little cricket noise he makes in the pre-song discussion -- listen for it LOL and I just love Terra :) Hey Girl! HUGS :)
catch ya later :)
Christmas Bell -- Christ Bell
I received an email which enclosed the following BELL (thanx Cath). The creator of the Bell is unknown, but someone did spend a lot of time in doing so. Since it is the CHRISTmas Season, I thought I would share it with you. Feel free to pass it on and keep the CHRISTmas Bell ringing!!
(WELL, forgive me, but the BELL formatting did not retain when I pasted it into the blogger, but the words are worth reading--so I am posting anyway!)
I am God's child (John 1:12)
I am Christ's friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17)
I am bought with a price (1 Cor 6:19-20)
I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt 5:13-14)
I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27)
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil 3:20)
I am free from any! Charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor 5:17-21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18)
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom 8:35-39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor 1:21-22 )
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28 )
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 )
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16). I am complete in Christ (Col.. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God's co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship (Eph. 2:10)
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. (Phil. 1: 5)
I have been redeemed and forgiven ( Col 1:14). I have been adopted as God's child (Eph 1:5)
I belong to God
Do you know
Who you are!?
Keep this bell ringing...pass it on
'The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you!
And be gracious to you;
The LORD turn His face toward you
And give you peace..'
Numbers 6:24-26
(WELL, forgive me, but the BELL formatting did not retain when I pasted it into the blogger, but the words are worth reading--so I am posting anyway!)
I am God's child (John 1:12)
I am Christ's friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17)
I am bought with a price (1 Cor 6:19-20)
I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt 5:13-14)
I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27)
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil 3:20)
I am free from any! Charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor 5:17-21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18)
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom 8:35-39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor 1:21-22 )
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28 )
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 )
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16). I am complete in Christ (Col.. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God's co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship (Eph. 2:10)
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. (Phil. 1: 5)
I have been redeemed and forgiven ( Col 1:14). I have been adopted as God's child (Eph 1:5)
I belong to God
Do you know
Who you are!?
Keep this bell ringing...pass it on
'The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you!
And be gracious to you;
The LORD turn His face toward you
And give you peace..'
Numbers 6:24-26
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Brian Head Welch - KORN
(photo credit Trey Hill/Dallas)

Ok, so if you can't tell that I've been touched by the website I AM SECOND, then you haven't been reading my blog LOL -- Well, I can't force ya, I can only write it :)
I believe this site is going to be instrumental in a "Movement". So, I wanted to share one of the other video stories with you because I have heard about the change in this guy over the past few years and his tale is another one worthy of praise to our Lord.
So, do you know anything about the metal rock group KORN? The are very successful, extremely popular, and Grammy-award winning. More likely than not, your kids know the group and possibly have Korn songs on their IPod. Dare I say it without getting all sorts of hate mail, but Korn is an extremely "dark" band whose lyrics are filled with pain, anger, hate, profanity, revenge, sex etc. Sadly, a lot of kids today can relate to their lyrics because there is so much evil and pain in this generation. Anyway, I digress...
Brian "Head" Welch was a founding member of Korn and was its lead guitar player. Until, that is, he met Christ. Jesus transformed Brian's heart and life and delivered him from drugs. Brian has been saved for a while now and is outspoken about his relationship with the Lord. You can see video interviews and a CNN Report about his conversion on youtube. He has also written a book called "Saved From Myself" and tells his compelling story on the I Am Second website.
I want to address some comments before they come (I've heard them), because so many people are "religious" or put Jesus in a box, or Christians in a box, they do not see behind the "human costume" that we wear and do not look at our heart--which is what God sees. I ask you in advance to look beyond Brian's "human shell" into his heart (a little heart-throscopy) and I think you will be blessed. We are all a "work in progress" and taking that first step is the crucial one. Do you remember taking that step? Or haven't you?
I also ask that if you haven't taken a look at the I Am Second website, check it out and check out the resources it has available.
You can view Brian's story HERE
Catch ya later, gonna get some hot chocolate :)

Ok, so if you can't tell that I've been touched by the website I AM SECOND, then you haven't been reading my blog LOL -- Well, I can't force ya, I can only write it :)
I believe this site is going to be instrumental in a "Movement". So, I wanted to share one of the other video stories with you because I have heard about the change in this guy over the past few years and his tale is another one worthy of praise to our Lord.
So, do you know anything about the metal rock group KORN? The are very successful, extremely popular, and Grammy-award winning. More likely than not, your kids know the group and possibly have Korn songs on their IPod. Dare I say it without getting all sorts of hate mail, but Korn is an extremely "dark" band whose lyrics are filled with pain, anger, hate, profanity, revenge, sex etc. Sadly, a lot of kids today can relate to their lyrics because there is so much evil and pain in this generation. Anyway, I digress...
Brian "Head" Welch was a founding member of Korn and was its lead guitar player. Until, that is, he met Christ. Jesus transformed Brian's heart and life and delivered him from drugs. Brian has been saved for a while now and is outspoken about his relationship with the Lord. You can see video interviews and a CNN Report about his conversion on youtube. He has also written a book called "Saved From Myself" and tells his compelling story on the I Am Second website.
I want to address some comments before they come (I've heard them), because so many people are "religious" or put Jesus in a box, or Christians in a box, they do not see behind the "human costume" that we wear and do not look at our heart--which is what God sees. I ask you in advance to look beyond Brian's "human shell" into his heart (a little heart-throscopy) and I think you will be blessed. We are all a "work in progress" and taking that first step is the crucial one. Do you remember taking that step? Or haven't you?
I also ask that if you haven't taken a look at the I Am Second website, check it out and check out the resources it has available.
You can view Brian's story HERE
Catch ya later, gonna get some hot chocolate :)
Court Reporters -- Opportunity in Kentucky
So much of the country is in a rough spot right now and so many people are looking for work.
A business acquaintance of mine who has a nationwide business is currently recruiting court reporters for the Kentucky area.

If anyone is interested or knows someone with the qualifications who is looking for job opportunity, please have them visit the website
or send an email to frontoffice@lipka.com
A business acquaintance of mine who has a nationwide business is currently recruiting court reporters for the Kentucky area.

If anyone is interested or knows someone with the qualifications who is looking for job opportunity, please have them visit the website
or send an email to frontoffice@lipka.com

Friday, December 5, 2008
The Lesser Light -- poem by Connie Wyatt

Most of my thoughts and posts this week focused on Shining Your Light and being Second (and Jason Castro). In that vein, it reminded me of a poem written by my friend Connie which she dedicated to another woman she had the priviledge of knowing. I felt it was appropriate to share while we are basking in the "Sonshine" (and, I did get permission to share it with the world).
Connie definitely Shines Her Light--it is reflected in her countenance. Imagine a picture of her and Jason Castro together---you’d need sunglasses the Light would be so bright! p.s. and I’ve seen it :)
Be blessed!
The Lesser Light
by Connie Wyatt
His splendor is like the sunshine.
I’m the lesser light.
He is like a glorious morning,
I am as the moonlit night.
The sun in all its glory
calls all of nature to awake.
But even in the nighttime,
another light God did joyfully make.
A light that reflects the glory
of the One who did create,
all things, great and small.
Though not as bright as the sunshine,
Its light is sufficient to lead us home.
So glad I am to be –
The lesser light
for all the world to see.
For to be a reflection of His glory,
is everything I hope to be.
Merry Christmas -- Chris Tomlin
So, I was shopping for Christmas cards tonight (I know, I should have done it after Christmas last year, but I didn't get the chance). I want to keep Christ in Christmas so I try to find cards that do that (It’s getting harder and harder to find even a Christmas card about Christ--the reason for the season! – ugh!)
I needed to find a few special ones as well as several boxes of cards. While perusing the special card section, I found a Christmas card created by Hallmark in their Innovations line which had music when you opened it. I listened to several and found the most perfect card!!
The front of the card asks: HOW DO YOU GIFT WRAP PERFECT LOVE?
The inside was a line drawing of the manger and the song. Listen to the song HERE. (If you can't view videos, google "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin for the MP3)
So, whatchathink? Isn't it perfect for a Christmas card?
When I got home, my email inbox contained a discount coupon for concert tickets to the same person whose song is on the card—Chris Tomlin. Chris is an amazing songwriter and wonderful singer. He is a three-time GMA’s top male vocalist, two-time vocalist of the year, and nominated for a Grammy. So, I thought I would share the coupon with you in case any of you wanted to treat yourself and the family to a great concert.

To take advantage of the coupon, click HERE and enter the word "Family".
I needed to find a few special ones as well as several boxes of cards. While perusing the special card section, I found a Christmas card created by Hallmark in their Innovations line which had music when you opened it. I listened to several and found the most perfect card!!
The front of the card asks: HOW DO YOU GIFT WRAP PERFECT LOVE?
The inside was a line drawing of the manger and the song. Listen to the song HERE. (If you can't view videos, google "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin for the MP3)
So, whatchathink? Isn't it perfect for a Christmas card?
When I got home, my email inbox contained a discount coupon for concert tickets to the same person whose song is on the card—Chris Tomlin. Chris is an amazing songwriter and wonderful singer. He is a three-time GMA’s top male vocalist, two-time vocalist of the year, and nominated for a Grammy. So, I thought I would share the coupon with you in case any of you wanted to treat yourself and the family to a great concert.

To take advantage of the coupon, click HERE and enter the word "Family".
I am Second -- website (Are you Second?)
After viewing Jason Castro's video on the I Am Second website, I checked out the other parts of the site. I was moved. Each video clip takes a peek into the heart (a little heart-throscopy) of different individuals from celebrities, athletes, and average people (that sounds awful, the word "average" but you know what I mean -- the rest of us not in the limelight).
The stories are open, honest, and compelling. Each person shares their own weaknesses and struggles and how they came to find peace and joy.
I've heard some of the stories before, but not in this way and not put together with the amazing photography of Trey Hill (not Trey Hill from Nashville, the guitarist -- but, Trey Hill from Texas, the photographer). Brian Head Welch (founding lead guitarist of the rock band KORN), as well as Stephen Baldwin (actor), Joe Gibbs (football), Josh Hamilton (Baseball), Daryl Waltrip (Nascar) also give you a peek into their hearts.
The I am Second site also provides resources for those interested in finding out more information or dealing with struggles and issues in their own life. It is definitely a website worth visiting.
I found a youtube video of Jason Castro's clip, here ya go.
Thank you Trey Hill
The stories are open, honest, and compelling. Each person shares their own weaknesses and struggles and how they came to find peace and joy.
I've heard some of the stories before, but not in this way and not put together with the amazing photography of Trey Hill (not Trey Hill from Nashville, the guitarist -- but, Trey Hill from Texas, the photographer). Brian Head Welch (founding lead guitarist of the rock band KORN), as well as Stephen Baldwin (actor), Joe Gibbs (football), Josh Hamilton (Baseball), Daryl Waltrip (Nascar) also give you a peek into their hearts.
The I am Second site also provides resources for those interested in finding out more information or dealing with struggles and issues in their own life. It is definitely a website worth visiting.
I found a youtube video of Jason Castro's clip, here ya go.
Thank you Trey Hill
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Interpretation / Meaning of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" (recently sung by Jason Castro)
A number of people have been discussing the meaning of the Leonard Cohen song “Hallelujah” (sung by Jason Castro on AI)(and previously sung by Jeff Buckley and Rufus Wainright) and several have asked me what I think this song means.
Someone recently said that this song was not a worship song, but I believe they are very wrong.
According to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “Hallelujah” is defined as being used to give praise, joy, or thanks. It is derived from the Hebrew word hallĕlūyāh which means “praise (ye) the Lord". So, in essence, the word Hallelujah is praising God.
Interpretation as beauty, is always in the “eyes of the beholder.” Some say Leonard Cohen lyrics often contain sexual innuendo. That being said, if you've read the Bible, you will hear Biblical symbolism throughout this song as it tells the story of King David and Bathsheba (and throws in a little bit of Samson details too).
King David had a special relationship with God. He spent much of time praising God with his instruments and song. Even though David’s heart yearned to please the Lord, he was still human and he succumbed to sexual temptation. This displeased the Lord.
The Book of Second Samuels in the Old Testament shows us that as humans we are imperfect -- our spirit is willing to please God but our flesh is weak. Yet, if our heart is right, and we repent [I didn’t say “say sorry”, I said “repent”), will be merciful and forgive us. (made possible by God's grace and gift of salvation throught Christ. David was pre-Christ, but instead of getting into a whole Bible study here, David still needed Christ's sacrifice on the cross to be totally right with God.)
David’s heart joyfully sung to his Lord the Hallelujah with gusto, but after his sinful relationship with Bathsheba (whom he initally saw bathing on the roof), he was no longer whole and no longer enjoyed the favor of the Lord--his relationship with God was no longer the same. I believe the “broken Hallelujah” was sung when a broken and repentant David sang Hallelujah before his Lord.
Who knows what inspired Leonard Cohen when he wrote this song, but as the Bible says “the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” The spirit gives this song life and "those that have ears hear" and are blessed -- it is a song of praising God for his grace, mercy and forgiveness.
So, I say, Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord!
and as the song says:
"And even though
It all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my
tongue but Hallelujah "
Leonard Cohen Hallelujah Lyrics:
I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it
pleased the Lord
But you don't really care
for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
Your faith was strong but
you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the
moonlight overthrew you
She tied you
To a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and
she cut your hair
And from your lips she
drew the Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well really,
what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light
In every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I
didn't come here to fool you
And even though
It all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my
tongue but Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
Someone recently said that this song was not a worship song, but I believe they are very wrong.
According to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary, the word “Hallelujah” is defined as being used to give praise, joy, or thanks. It is derived from the Hebrew word hallĕlūyāh which means “praise (ye) the Lord". So, in essence, the word Hallelujah is praising God.
Interpretation as beauty, is always in the “eyes of the beholder.” Some say Leonard Cohen lyrics often contain sexual innuendo. That being said, if you've read the Bible, you will hear Biblical symbolism throughout this song as it tells the story of King David and Bathsheba (and throws in a little bit of Samson details too).
King David had a special relationship with God. He spent much of time praising God with his instruments and song. Even though David’s heart yearned to please the Lord, he was still human and he succumbed to sexual temptation. This displeased the Lord.
The Book of Second Samuels in the Old Testament shows us that as humans we are imperfect -- our spirit is willing to please God but our flesh is weak. Yet, if our heart is right, and we repent [I didn’t say “say sorry”, I said “repent”), will be merciful and forgive us. (made possible by God's grace and gift of salvation throught Christ. David was pre-Christ, but instead of getting into a whole Bible study here, David still needed Christ's sacrifice on the cross to be totally right with God.)
David’s heart joyfully sung to his Lord the Hallelujah with gusto, but after his sinful relationship with Bathsheba (whom he initally saw bathing on the roof), he was no longer whole and no longer enjoyed the favor of the Lord--his relationship with God was no longer the same. I believe the “broken Hallelujah” was sung when a broken and repentant David sang Hallelujah before his Lord.
Who knows what inspired Leonard Cohen when he wrote this song, but as the Bible says “the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” The spirit gives this song life and "those that have ears hear" and are blessed -- it is a song of praising God for his grace, mercy and forgiveness.
So, I say, Hallelujah! Praise ye the Lord!
and as the song says:
"And even though
It all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my
tongue but Hallelujah "
Leonard Cohen Hallelujah Lyrics:
I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it
pleased the Lord
But you don't really care
for music, do you?
It goes like this
The fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
Your faith was strong but
you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the
moonlight overthrew you
She tied you
To a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and
she cut your hair
And from your lips she
drew the Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well really,
what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light
In every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I
didn't come here to fool you
And even though
It all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my
tongue but Hallelujah
Hallelujah (chorus)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
WOW and OMG and Jason Castro
Ok soooooo everyday has so many things that travel through my mind and that come across my desk -- there’s just so much to say and not enough time, but I’ve got to give it shot.
First -- Can I saw WOW, WOW, WOW -- Jason Castro
I can't view something like this interview and not post it!!
Jasonnn, thank you for sharing the LIGHT in you -- the “sonshine”.
The video and the way it was produced are awesome.
Jasonnn, thank you again.
Please check out Jason’s recent interview at "I Am Second"
Also, pleae take a look at what I Am Second is all about.
I am Second too. Are you second? CHECK HERE TO SEE IF YOU ARE SECOND

(photo credit unknown)
First -- Can I saw WOW, WOW, WOW -- Jason Castro
I can't view something like this interview and not post it!!
Jasonnn, thank you for sharing the LIGHT in you -- the “sonshine”.
The video and the way it was produced are awesome.
Jasonnn, thank you again.
Please check out Jason’s recent interview at "I Am Second"
Also, pleae take a look at what I Am Second is all about.
I am Second too. Are you second? CHECK HERE TO SEE IF YOU ARE SECOND

(photo credit unknown)
Merry Christmas.. as in "Christ"
Well, someone sent me this parody of 'Twas Night Before Christmas and I so enjoyed it and agree with it that I just had to post it. It is cute in itself, but is scary in that the facts are true and I don't think people are realizing that their freedoms are being slowly taken away.
Mind you, I agree with giving due to any holidays in commemoration of certain people such as Martin Luther King, Presidents, Veterans etc etc or to allow the schools to take off for certain religious holidays as Jewish Holidays.
Why has everyone become so PC as to not offend someone at the mention of God. Offend someone because you believe in something and someone else does not? Give me a break! It seems as though God-related issues receive more persecution than anything else. (Check out the cases before the Supreme Court -- disgraceful).
Anyway, here is the newly penned 'Twas the Weeks Before Christmas (author unknown) -- enjoy :)
and tell me what you think.
'Twas the weeks before Christmas When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying, Nor taking a stand.
See the PC Police had taken away,
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.
The children were told by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.
It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
"December 25th is just a 'Holiday'."
Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!
CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod
Something was changing, something quite odd.
As Targets were hanging their trees upside down
At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.
At K-Mart, Staples, Penny's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas, it won't touch your ears.
Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty are
words that are used to intimidate me.
At the top of the agenda, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.
And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace.
The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.
So as you celebrate "Winter Break"
under your "Holiday Tree"
Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me!
Choose your words carefully. Choose what you say!
not Happy Holiday !
By the way, just putting in my two cents since this is my blog ... ummmm and a Happy Jesus' Birthday too :)
Jesus bless you guys
Mind you, I agree with giving due to any holidays in commemoration of certain people such as Martin Luther King, Presidents, Veterans etc etc or to allow the schools to take off for certain religious holidays as Jewish Holidays.
Why has everyone become so PC as to not offend someone at the mention of God. Offend someone because you believe in something and someone else does not? Give me a break! It seems as though God-related issues receive more persecution than anything else. (Check out the cases before the Supreme Court -- disgraceful).
Anyway, here is the newly penned 'Twas the Weeks Before Christmas (author unknown) -- enjoy :)
and tell me what you think.
'Twas the weeks before Christmas When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying, Nor taking a stand.
See the PC Police had taken away,
The reason for Christmas - no one could say.
The children were told by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.
It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say
"December 25th is just a 'Holiday'."
Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!
CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod
Something was changing, something quite odd.
As Targets were hanging their trees upside down
At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.
At K-Mart, Staples, Penny's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas, it won't touch your ears.
Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty are
words that are used to intimidate me.
At the top of the agenda, there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.
And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace.
The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season, stopped before it started.
So as you celebrate "Winter Break"
under your "Holiday Tree"
Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me!
Choose your words carefully. Choose what you say!
not Happy Holiday !
By the way, just putting in my two cents since this is my blog ... ummmm and a Happy Jesus' Birthday too :)
Jesus bless you guys
Music Player
Good morning all,
I removed the MP3 off of the page for now because it played automatically, but you can play the videos or the music player on the right side.
Running off to work,
Catch ya later
p.s. to you know who... do the math ...it's 36! :)
I removed the MP3 off of the page for now because it played automatically, but you can play the videos or the music player on the right side.
Running off to work,
Catch ya later
p.s. to you know who... do the math ...it's 36! :)
Happy Birthday To You and You and You
I just wanted to take a moment to wish a wonderful birthday wish to a special friend of mine ICYFIRE (KS).. I hope you had a blessed birthday. Love ya girl! HUGS
Also special birthday wishes go out to other friends:
and Tom
and 10th Anniversary wishes(yikes, 10th already!) to Rox and Durmot (Jeremiah)
Love you guys.
Jesus bless!
Also special birthday wishes go out to other friends:
and Tom
and 10th Anniversary wishes(yikes, 10th already!) to Rox and Durmot (Jeremiah)
Love you guys.
Jesus bless!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
More Jason Castro -- Date Night etc
Okay so humor me here. I know I have been blogging a lot about Jason Castro over the last few days, but Jason is having a whirlwind of stuff going on right now and he is sharing it with his fans, so here ya go. (BTW, Bucky and JMC have been a little quiet doing other things at the moment, but they will be rocking soon enough.)
I logged on after work and noticed that Jason Castro had posted his "Date Night" video for this week (Jason missed one last week because of his busy schedule and traveling back and forth across the country. Jason had changed the schedule so we no longer are constrained to weekly date nights (even though we still look for them) and he promised that will post spontanously :) This video was done on the FLY ...FLYTRAP actually, after his concert at Flytrap Music Hall in Tulsa the other night thought it was just posted (I can hear Jackie when there is a noise scare so she recorded this one I believe). I have also posted Jackie Castro's own post from the same night.
Rather than clog up the page with more videos this week, I am only posting the links, but you know how to click so .. click away and catch a behind the scenes with Jason Castro. You gotta love him -- such a sweetheart.
(Photo Credit Andrew Shepherd)
I logged on after work and noticed that Jason Castro had posted his "Date Night" video for this week (Jason missed one last week because of his busy schedule and traveling back and forth across the country. Jason had changed the schedule so we no longer are constrained to weekly date nights (even though we still look for them) and he promised that will post spontanously :) This video was done on the FLY ...FLYTRAP actually, after his concert at Flytrap Music Hall in Tulsa the other night thought it was just posted (I can hear Jackie when there is a noise scare so she recorded this one I believe). I have also posted Jackie Castro's own post from the same night.

Rather than clog up the page with more videos this week, I am only posting the links, but you know how to click so .. click away and catch a behind the scenes with Jason Castro. You gotta love him -- such a sweetheart.
(Photo Credit Andrew Shepherd)
Goings On -- Bucky Covington, Jason Michael Carroll
December is always a slow month for tours it seems. Artists that spend so much of their time on the road actually get time to spend with family over the holidays. They also seem to spend time working on their next project.
Bucky Covington is working on his next release and we can't wait. He is again being produced by Mark Miller and I am sure they will turn out a quality project. Bucky's debut CD was produced by Mark and each song was worthy of being released as a single. The three songs that were released gave Bucky the honor of have three consecutive singles in the top ten. That's something to be proud of. His single "I'll Walk" is still on the charts. (Google it)
I am looking forward to Bucky's schedule for next year -- his shows are always worth attendance. Will I see you there?
Jason Michael Carroll (JMC)(not to confuse the Jason's) has announced that he will be appearing at Cowboy's in Atlanta for New Years's Eve 2008. I welcomed 2008 at JMC's show last year and it was excellent -- he is a great performer.
Joining JMC for this performance will be his former lead guitarist, Trey Hill. Trey is a founding member of SonicFlood (Grammy winners) and has added his talents to many artists along the way. Currently, Trey is playing with Jessica Simpson. This New Year's Eve will be very special.
Jason's has had a string of hits as well and the most recent "Where I'm From" is working its way up the charts. Talk a listen -- you know how to google :)

Monday, December 1, 2008
Life and Stuff - and more Jason Castro from Tulsa
Doesn't life and work just get in the way of what you plan to get done by end of day?
Sorry I was unable to post today, but I was really swamped. I also love my beauty sleep (I need all the help I can get LOL) so if I can get my 8 hrs, I take them.
I wanted to post this youtube video of several of the songs sung by Jason Castro in Tulsa and a little player someone created from their own recording. The player is Jason Castro singing "Shine Your Light". I've added it to the right sidebar and you can click the button to shut off the player. I can't get that song out of my head, nor do I want to!!
Some of the Lyrics to Shine Your Light:
It's only yours to give away
a spark a flame
Don't be the one to stop and say
It's too hard today
There's a better place you want to go
so many all around who want to stay
It's so hard to face the darkness
when a single spark will lead the way.
So I say, shine your light
shine your light and lead the way...
I am hitting the sack now.
and Shine Your Light :)
Sorry I was unable to post today, but I was really swamped. I also love my beauty sleep (I need all the help I can get LOL) so if I can get my 8 hrs, I take them.
I wanted to post this youtube video of several of the songs sung by Jason Castro in Tulsa and a little player someone created from their own recording. The player is Jason Castro singing "Shine Your Light". I've added it to the right sidebar and you can click the button to shut off the player. I can't get that song out of my head, nor do I want to!!
Some of the Lyrics to Shine Your Light:
It's only yours to give away
a spark a flame
Don't be the one to stop and say
It's too hard today
There's a better place you want to go
so many all around who want to stay
It's so hard to face the darkness
when a single spark will lead the way.
So I say, shine your light
shine your light and lead the way...
I am hitting the sack now.
and Shine Your Light :)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Jason Castro - videos posted from Tulsa last night
Thanx to Rosequeen for finding this video of Jason Castro from last night where he says hello to his fans and is presented with a gift for reaching another milestone on his myspace music player :)
Thanx to HeartJason for posting Love Uncompromised
Thanx to HeartJason for posting Love Uncompromised
Jason Castro - Opening of Flytrap Music Hall - Tulsa

(photo credit Andrew Shepherd)
Last night I had the opportunity to attend Jason Castro's concert for the opening of Tulsa's new music venue "Flytrap Music Hall". I sat stage left and the view from my seat was perfect (well except for the occasional interference). Actually, my seat was located in front of my computer at home and it was very comfortable -- isn't the internet great?!
The live webcast was broadcast by Flytrap Music Hall and run by a young woman named Bella. (who by default became as she admits " a super fan" after her experience last night). Jason's Dreadhead fan club and Rickey.org also broadcast the audio version of the concert with several guest callers. A party ensued at each site (I was checking out all three).
Jason, who captured the hearts of millions of fans while on American Idol, was met with a venue of screaming fans. He was relaxed, joking with the audience, and appreciative that everyone came out to see him. Jason's stage presence and vocal range has even gotten better--my reception was pretty good so I had experienced an awesome show). A friend of mine who was also viewing commented that her connection was a little muffled at times, but she didn't care because Jason "is still dreamy").
Jason played guitar and was accompanied by a band which was a nice addition behind his beautiful voice. His set consisted of new songs (possibly to be included on his upcoming CD) and a few Jason sang on American Idol which had been requested by fans. Jason's delivery is always heartfelt so you can imagine the response from the audience. The set list below is from my own notes and the new songs may not have the correct titles since the titles weren't announced:
--Someday (well known to Jason fans as his hopeful love song --btw, he got the girl :)
--Love Uncompromised (NEW - His sister gave us the title of this song and it has a great hook -- "Kiss me with your heart, touch me with your eyes, love me with your soul, I will never compromise")
--Hallelujah (full version)
--Sweet Medicine (NEW)
--It's Alright with Me (NEW - that's the hook, so possibly the name, but not sure)
--So Fast (Song he wrote about the loss of a friend)
--I Don't Want to Leave Tonight (not the title, but the hook)
--Shine Your Light (NEW)
--Over the Rainbow
Jason shared some personal face time and gave individual greetings to a number of viewing fans on the webcast after the show. At the repeated requests of the viewers, his family also interacted with the fans. Jason's sister and brother as well as his parents are loved by his fans as well. All the garbage you hear on the internet written by those with negative hearts is just that -- garbage. This family is a "functional", loving, caring, and generous family. They are truly radiate a loving spirit and they care about people. It is a blessing to see that people and families of this calibur still exist.
Reading between the lines, and I am good at that, I believe that Jason is going to handle his career -- his way and God's way -- not the industry's way. He will be wise at the industry choices he makes in order not to compromise his values -- and that is one thing that makes him special (he will not sell his soul for the almighty dollar -- and I am not saying that everyone does -- I am saying that I believe he will make wise and prayerful decisions).
Well, I will be attending Jason's next concert and I can't wait to share the experience on my return. WHOOP!
Well, I've got to run ... catch ya later!
God bless
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Trace Adkins -- Giving Back to Those That Serve

Well, I've been in a military frame of mind today -- thinking about those that serve and have served their country. So, I might as well continue a little bit more in sharing about my thoughts.
There is a special I want to watch on TV which is scheduled to air numerous times over the next few weeks. I hope I can arrange my schedule to catch it. (no I don't have TIVO or DVR -- you'd think I would, but nope -- I don't get to watch much TV).
The special is a ten-day trip taken by country music star Trace Adkins (a genuine guy who you may have seen on Celebrity Apprentice and the Macy's Day Parade). Trace, sponsored by the USO (see post below) visited the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan as a way to thank them for the sacrifices that they make everyday for us and our country.
Trace is extremely patriotic and will be the first to tell you so. Several of his songs are chill provoking if you love your country. (I hope if you are living here that you do -- even though I am not foolish enough to think that some of you just exist without a thought about it.)
The special airs on GAC and if you don't get that channel, you can call your cable company and request it. It definitely is a great channel to add and one that you won't mind your children watching either (gee, that is almost unheard of in these times).
Show times are:
November 29, 2008 10:00 PM ET
November 30, 2008 2:00 AM ET
November 30, 2008 4:00 PM ET
December 11, 2008 8:30 PM ET
December 12, 2008 12:30 AM ET
The link below is a little promo piece I found in my search. Check it out -- it has a video clip of the show as well.
Also, below is fan-video to one of Trace's new Songs "Til The Last Shot's Fired".
I hope you enjoy it -- it gave me goosebumps.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Support our Troops this Christmas (USO)

Thanksgiving celebration has come and gone (that doesn’t mean we should stop being thankful and giving thanks, it just means that we don’t have to eat Turkey at the same time!).
Thus, the commercial Christmas season has begun. Everyone looking for gifts to exchange at Christmas time -- I guess it’s good that people think of other people at this time, but the real meaning of the CHRISTMAS season (not HOLIDAY) is to reflect on our Savior --not the Baby Jesus etc etc, but on our Savior and that He was sent as promised in the Scriptures -- to bridge the gap between us and God the Father.
That being said (and I will expound on that in the next coming weeks I am sure), since everyone is thinking Christmas, Chanukkah, etc etc time, I wanted to share something that I feel is important.
I can remember when I was in second grade and everyone in class would bring a shoebox to school filled with items that we would send to the Troops who were overseas. We filled the boxes with toothbrushes, snacks, hand-made items, and messages of support and love. Just being part of that project made me feel as though I was helping to bring a little bit of love to a soldier who was away from his family and without the comforts of home. I still to this day remember how great it was to know I was helping with my little contribution.
Well, we can still do that today. We can still support our troops and bring a smile and warm feeling into the hearts of those who are sacrificing much to protect us. The USO has several different ways that you can support the troops by your donations of items or money.
Please consider helping our service men and women at Christmas time. Let a lonely and homesick soldier know that he or she is not forgotten and is appreciated for the sacrifices made on our behalf.
Visit the USO website at www.uso.org. Read, learn, and open your heart. It is a way we, as individuals, can support our troops. Not only will you be blessing someone else, you too will be blessed.
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