Last night I watched American Idol, but the audition city was not the one in which Michael Castro performed his audition (at least to my recollection). I did though see two superfast camera shots of Michael -- One in the crowd in the front row of seats and the other in a speeded up clip of heads.
I think that Michael and his brother Jason will be in tonight's show. I believe I heard the promo mention "a surprise visit from a former finalist". I hope they were referring to when Jason was with Michael at the audition. (If tonight isn't the night, I will still be watching next week for the other audition cities.)
Last night, the person that stood out for me was Deanna Brown, the blonde with the soulful voice, who sang a really good rendition of Otis Redding's "Sittin' On the Dock of the Bay". This girl is truly talented, but I don't know if her voice will be able to do all the twists and turns of the AI genre shuffles. Someone does need to offer her a contract at some point.
The story that touched my heart was a different Michael -- Michael Sarver. He is blind and is gifted vocally as well as musically. His perserverance and overcoming attitude is what makes his story worth repeating. In addition, I can see him having a career no matter what the AI adventure brings.
I always love watching the show. I look more for a very special person that has a heart for the Lord and usually root for them :) (because they are usually filled with love and are beautiful inside) (MCas -- can't wait to see your clip. We already know you are beautiful inside)
On another note, please, please, please -- pray for what is going on over in the middle east. Biblical prophecy is unfolding before our eyes as well. Keep your eyes on the Lord and in His Word...and Pray.
Gotta run for now. STAY WARM!
Sorry, I don't know the photo credits of these pictures, there were posted by another that I know did not take them.
Michael Castro (short hair); Jason Castro (dreads):

Jesus bless
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