Along with Ducky Medlock, another bandmate and long time friend, and I believe also with another bandmate Tom Hurst, the boys have a group of their own known as Medrock. (I understand where the name came from... very cute) (I don't know if Jeff Cease or Steve Cook will also be playing in Medrock -- if I find out, I'll let you know. I don't mean any offense in not including them here in this post).
Well, Rocky posted that Medrock will be performing on Monday night, January 19, 2009 at Mickey Roo's (ahhhh ha, I haven't been there, but I have definitely heard of it :) So, to anyone in Tennessee or who is willing to travel to see the Rock, and Duck, and Tom, I am sure it will be a fun time. I know it's a weeknight, but if you can show some support, please do. (Danna? Kimberly? Melanie? Carrie?)
Mickey Roo’s is located 509 Hillsboro Road in Franklin. Tennessee.

Rocky: (photo credit Greta)

Ducky: (sporting his sunglasses on left, photo credit Janie Johnson)
Tom Hurst:
Soooo, blogger is being finicky and not letting me post my picture of Tom. I will let it rest for a while and try a little later. Gotta give Tom his props too.
See ya later!
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